Final Exam Notes Flashcards
Wealth Distribution
Total wealth - including pension funds, housing, assets, and cash
Income Distribution
Income - wages, investments, etc.
Any system of ranking people in society
Could include political, gendered, economic, etc.
Ranks society by one principle (wealth for example) then compares them in these groups
Describes certain shared economic features or situations in a group.
Groups are self defined. They exist because members have a unity of interests
Statistical units of indentical sized chunks of population
One tenth of the population
One fifth of the population
Working Class
Blue Collar
Hourly wage
Few Prospects for Promotion
Middle Class
White collar
monthly/annual salary
Career with long term prospects
Productive Class
Groups defined by position within structure of production (Marx)
Distributive Class
Classes defined by share of the rewards of society (Weber)
Caste System
Position in hierarchy determined at birth
Classes defined by laws. Life feudal aristocracy
Davis-Moore Hypothesis
Society rewards those who do difficult but necessary positions highly. This attracts most talented to do them
Social Mobility
Ability to change social class position
Open System
It is possible for someone to improve social position
Creese, Guppy & Meisner (1991)
Greatest opportunities exist for the rich. Not true that poor are just lazy
Life Chances
opportunities to climb social hierarchy
Absolute Poverty
Universal Standard - ability to get food and shelter
Relative Poverty
Poverty compared to other members of society - how far behind are you?
Poverty Trap
Mechanism that make it hard for people to escape poverty
Food Desert
Area without easy access to healthy foods
Richard Sennet & Jonathan Cobb
Strong correlation between poverty and stress-related illness, shorter lifespan
Oscar Lewis
Culture of Poverty:
term for values, norms & behaviour patters of some urban poor.
Edwin Sutherland
undermines idea that poor are inherently criminal by looking at crimes committed by the wealthy
Michel Foucault
ill-disciplined individual, petty criminal
Erik Olin Wright
leading Marxist
class is defined by ownership of means of production
Class is central - all other forms of inequality stem from class
John Goldthorpe
leading Weberian
Class is defined by what resources you own
economic class is one form of many forms of inequality
Materialist conception of history
Marx’s basic assumption
In order to have society, there needs to be humans. In order to understand society, we need to understand how that society produces food, shelter, etc.
Means of Production
Marx’s term for the tools, technologies, resources, etc. that are available to a society at a particular moment in time in order to meet those material needs
Mode of Production
Overall structure of social relations in a society at a specific point.
For example - the development of agriculture made landowners powerful
Ralf Dahrendorf
traces significant changes in economic organization that transform classes
Rise in shareholding creates new class of managers and CEO’s
Petty Bourgeoisie
self employed, independent, not powerful enough to employ others
Gerhard Lenski
Status Inconsistency - rank in one class system may differ in another
Monopolization of physical force
Taylorism or Scientific Management
Aims at absolute efficiency in the workplace, especially factories
Introducing technology to make a job easier
Harry Braverman
Monopoly capital - increasing homogenization and polarization of work in two groups:
small number of high skilled, high paid
Large mass of unskilled workers
Monopoly Capital
Giant corporation dominate economy, forcing you to work for them
Feeling distant from life, work , other people. Sense of no control
Caused by selling my labor
Melvin Seeman
Alienation leads to:
Karasek & Theorell
workers who had control of tasks had significantly lower rates of stress-related illness
Profiting at expense of another
Labor Union
Organization of workers for collective bargaining of pay, etc.
Class Conflict
Marx - classes inherently clash head
Weber - interclass conflict more likely
Terry Clark & Seymour Lipset
people’s vote is based on identity and ascribed status instead of class agenda
Distinguished by biological features
Social & Cultural ideas of masculine or feminine behaviour
Gender Inequality
Women suck at:
Job wage
poverty after divorce
Domestic work
Victims of violence
Vertical Differentiation
Related to place in a hierarchy
Men are more likely to be managers
Horizontal differentiation
Related to differences in careers of comparable prestige & pay
Police = man
HR = woman
Glass Ceiling
Unofficial barrier to female promotion
Rosabeth Kanter
Women weren’t promoted because they aren’t assertive enough - not true
women had little autonomy, their opportunities were tied to men they relied on
Ann Oakley
Many women hated housework, found it demeaning
Arlie Hochschild
Women are responsible for 70% of domestic labor.
Male jobs were more free and less tightly scheduled (gardening vs cooking)
Women are disproportionately employed in jobs requiring emotional labor (tips)
Second Shift
women expected to work a job and do domestic labor
Emotional Labor
Predominantly in jobs where you bave to be positive towards customer
Suzanne Bianchi
women typically bear the burden of emotional care for family
Armstrong & Armstrong
Double ghetto - women are exploited both at work and at home
Linearity of Kinship
whose name does family take?
Matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral
which parent is authoritative?
matriarchy, patriarchy, egalitarian
Legal Personality
Recognition that I have rights and obligations.
Women used to not have this, it was tied to husband
First Wave Feminism
19th - early 20th century
de iure - legal exclusion of women
Second-Wave Feminism
de facto - women in workplace, family
violence against women
Third-Wave Feminism
Some gay shi
Liberal Feminism
inequality based on legal rights and political freedom
Marxist Feminism
Inequality based on class, male ownership of society
Radical Feminism
men always and inevitably benefit from exploitation of women
Socialist Feminism
Criticizes both class and sex
Kimberle Crenshaw
Intersectionality - getting hate for being black AND woman AND midget AND a bunch of other stuff
Sex Role Rigidity
Male and female roles are natural and unchangeable
Gender Regimes
Gender arrangements within smaller systems, not society as a whole
-wife must cook
Gender Socialization
The way children are taught socially approved gender roles
Carol Gilligan
gender socialization teaches boys to be autonomous and girls to be dependent
Belief in unchangeable ‘human nature’
Gender Identity
Gender Expression
Gender Roles
XX or XY Chromosome
Who you fuck
internal sense of male or female
External presentation male/female
Social roles associated with gender
Judith Butler
Questions if biological sex is binary
There is no single idea of masculine/feminine
Gender Binarism
Male and Female. No others
doesn’t do that he/she shit. Pick one lane and stay in it
genders are just roles that we play
Appearance Norms
Ideal standards of beauty
Spitzer et al.
ideal women have become thinner, while in reality women have become bigger.
Ideal man has become more muscular
Male Gaze
imaginary male onlooker who judges women by masculine standards.
Women often value themselves on how men see them
The Other
De Beauvoir
Men treat women as a means to their own self-realisation
The woman is the Muse, to inspire the man to do great deeds
Sexual Scripts
The ‘accepted’ way to behave when fucking
Eve Kosowsky Sedgwick
People often socialize with only their own gender
Sexual Double Standard
If lock opened by many key, shitty lock
If key opens many locks, great key
Weird sex kinks
Gay used to be on this list
Kinsey Report
Alfred Kinsey
Americans are much more sexually varied than previously believed
The Social Organisation of Sexuality Report
Americans are less sexually varied than in the Kinsey Report
Modern society’s use of science to control our lives and reproduction
Scientific Racism
using science to prove white is right
describes a group of people assumed to share common ancestry, features, characteristics, etc.
Comte Arthur de Gobineau
Wrote en essay on the inequality of Human Races
Murray & Herrnstein
used IQ tests to say blacks r dumb
Hannah Arendt
‘race’ emerged as Europeans sought an ideology to justify treating those they colonized as unworthy of equal rights
Race, Racial group
Ethicity, ethnic group
Caucasian, African (visible features)
German, Nigerian (ancestry, culture)
Attemps to impose racial interpretations when unnecessary
William Julius Wilson
provides concrete ways to explore the impact of racism by looking at effect on social stratification
Negative opinions or beliefs
Exclusive practises
Marianne Bertrand & Senhil Mullainathan
Are Emily & Greg more employable than Lakisha & Jamal?
Social Distance
How far people are willing to mix with members of others groups. and how far groups are excluded from majority of society
Emory S Bogardus
measured prejudice using Social Distance
Tolerance grows over time
Institutional Racism
Expressed Racism
outcome of certain social institutions
Expressed by individuals
Karl Gunnar Myrdal
Racial Segregation book
suggests serious government intervention
Underclass - long-term poor
John Howard Griffin
became black for a day in the Deep South and was affected by racism
Peggy McIntosh
describes advantages of white people
-able to use credit cards without suspicion
WEB Dubois
Double Consciousness
African American -> both black and American
Frantz Fanon
black dude in a French colony, didn’t like racism
Claude Steel & Joshua Aronson
Stereotype threat - blacks did worse on test when told it was testing if blacks r dumb
Edward Said
How Westerners portray the entire East as one image
Benedict Anderson
Imagined Community
Social, ethinc or racial grouping that is treated as a distinct thing, like a nation
Robert Bellah
major sporting events are like a civil religion
Will Kymlicka
National Minority
distinct group with own rights
First Nations
global dispersion of immigrants of particular origin
‘the Chinese are taking over’
Ethnic Enclave
alot of one particular group in a spot
Lots of brown people in Forest Lawn
William Thomas & Floria Znaniecki
Marginality - being between two cultures, especially after imigrating
This study was for Polish to North America
Extension of European economic hegemony into direct political control from Europe
Rule by a conqueror
World Systems Theory
Extension of social theory to cover globe
Rich Countries take cheap labor and materials from poor countries, and give them high value goods
Immanuel Wallerstein
Modern World System - book
There is no one empire - but many systems controlled by one entity - unstable
Neo Colonialism
Continued exploitation and domination of poor nations by former imperial powers, even after the empire
Thomas Sankara
black guy from Burkina Faso, basically made alot of money in agriculture.
French business interests paid his friend to overthrow him