Final Exam - Chapter 2 Flashcards
Strategic Marketing Management
The process of planning, implementing, and evaluating the performance of marketing activities and strategies, both effectively and efficiently
the degree to which long-term customer relationships help achieve an organization’s objectives
minimizing the resources an organization uses to achieve a specific level of desired customer relationships
Strategic Planning
the process of establishing an organizational mission and formulating goals, corporate strategy, marketing objectives, and marketing strategy (waterfall effect)
Mission Statement
a long-term view, or vision, of what the organization wants to become; goals derived from m.s.; who are our customers? What is our core competency?
Waterfall Effect
Mission Statement Corporate Strategy Business-Unit Strategy Marketing Strategy Marketing Mix Elements (4Ps)
Corporate Strategy
determines the means for utilizing resources in the functional areas of marketing, production, finance, research and development, and human resources to reach the organization’s goals
Broad Issues Corporate Strategy Planners are Concerned With
corporate culture competition differentiation diversification interrelationships among business units environmental/social issues
Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
a division, product line, or other profit center within the parent company
is a group of individuals and/or organizations that have needs for products in a product class and have the ability, willingness, and authority to purchase those products
Market Share
The percentage of a market that actually buys a specific product from a particular company is referred to as that product’s (or business unit’s)
Market Growth/Market Share Matrix
business tool based on the philosophy that a product’s market growth rate and its market share are important consideration in determining its market strategy (developed by the Boston Consulting Group)
high product-market growth/high market share
Chash Cows
low product-market growth/high market share
low product-market growth/low market share