Final Exam Flashcards
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Motor behavior of anxiety
A: stimulus that elicits fear
B: move away from stimulus
C: bad feelings of anxiety go away (negative reinforcement)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Compulsive behavior of a child with OCD?
A: bad feelings/anxiety
B: compulsive behavior
C: bad feelings of anxiety go away (negative reinforcement)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Non-suicidal self-injury reinforcements
- resolve interpersonal conflict
- obtain relief from negative feeling or cognitive state
- induce a positive feeling state (positive reinforcement)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Defiant response of oppositional defiant disorder
A: parent presents demand
B: defiant response
C: get out of doing demand (neg reinforcement)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Parent response of giving in when ODD children are defiant and rude
A: child defiant
B: parent gives in
C: tantrum/defiance stops
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Disinhibited social engagement reinforcer
- attention (positive reinf)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Dissociative behavior of a child who is sexually abused
A: bad emotions, feelings, thoughts
B: dissociate
C: escape bad feelings (neg reinfor)
Functional Analysis & what are the reinforcements:
Self-injurious behavior (SIB) of a child with autism
A: change in routine, alone, schoolwork
C: attention, dont have to do work, internal sensory feedback
What is the difference between functional analysis and the nominal fallacy?
- Functional analysis: answers the “why” of behavior; asks about a child’s behavior in context/setting
- nominal fallacy: labels that are used to describe behavior are stated as causes (ex. she’s sad bc she’s depressed)
Criteria for Anxiety:
Specific phobia
- extreme dsiabling fear about object or situation that poses little to no threat
- avoid the object/situation going to great lengths to do so
Criteria for Anxiety:
Selective mutism
- failure to speak in specific social situations where there is an expectation to do so
- may speak in other settings
Criteria for Anxiety:
School refusal
- refusal to attend school specifically
- may have similar behaviors to separation anxiety but must figure out reinforcer
Criteria for Anxiety:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- obsess; persistent - at least 1 hr/day on the same thought
- “intrusive” thoughts - feels like they cant control it
- ex. contamination, hypermorality/perfection, need for order/balance/symmetry, do thing wrong way
- compulsion: voluntary, adaptive bc anxiety/bad thoughts go away after performing (neg. rein)
Criteria for Anxiety:
Social anxiety disorder/ social phobia
- fear of social or performance requirements that expose them to scrutiny and possible embarrassment
- often don’t want to be focus of attnetnion
- anticipate awkwardenss and poor performance
Criteria for Anxiety:
Separation anxiety disorder
- separation from parents/ primary caregiver
- excessive age-inappropriate distress
- fantasize about reunion