final exam Flashcards
strategic communications
-aim to persuade an audience
two step flow model
mass media- opinion leaders- people in contact with opinion leaders
two way symmetry model
understands public relations as a system of managing relationships between organizations or individuals and their many publics
a branch of philosophy that examines moral questions
what we believe to be right or wrong
golden rule
do unto others as you’d have them do to you
golden mean
find balance between two extremes is the most ethical way
categorical imperative
universal law that applies to all without exception
practical imperative
no person can be used as a means to someone’s end
the most ethical action does the greatest good for the greatest number
ethics in journalism
ethucs in advertising
deceptive ads
ethics in PR
conflicts of interest
ethics in entertainment
written defamations
suppression of speech
spoken defamation
fairness doctrine
- required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest
- air contrasting views
mechanical solidarity
- based on resemblances
- low volume of population
- highly religious
- attach supreme value to society/ interests of society
organic solidarity
- based on division of labor
- high volume of population
- attach supreme value to individual dignity, equality of opportunity, work ethic, social justice
mass society
- avg ppl vulnerable to media
- media is able to directly influence minds of avg ppl
- bad long term consequences are a likely result
- mass media debases hgiher forms of culture bringing a genreal declin in civilization
- social chaos initiated by media will likely be resolved with totalitarian social order
- to deal with this threat media must be brought under elite control
magic bullet theory
info injected into a passive audience having a uniform impact on people
dominant reading
hegemonic response…/?
negotiated reading
audience accepts the content and adapt it according to their social background
oppositional reading
audience understands content but rejects its message
what happens when we activate an idea in people’s mind
political communication
pure discussion about the allocation of public resources, official authority, and official sanctions
-content and purpose makes it political
responsibilites of media
must inform citizens must explain meaning and significance provide platform for political discourse watchdog role channel for advocacy of political viewpoints
overton window
describes range of ideas tolerated in public discourse
trial balloon
intentional news leak that politicians use to assess public opinion
opinion polls
politicians that lead in the polls tend to recieve more positive coverage
-politicians that trail get negative coverage
negative advertising
creates avoidance among views
-depress voting among less involved voters and polarizes voters that are involved
consequences of globalization
- economic convergence- intro western content through regional channels
- freedom of info
global media in authoritarian states
- control flow of radio/TV content
- restrictive journalism and news broadcast
- firewall to block access to foreign companies
- strong regulations over foreign companies
- online access owned by govt
cultural imperialism
- practice of promoting/imposing a culture of powerful nation over less powerful nation
- loss of native identity
cultural hybridity
blending of elements from different cultures
-tailor content to sell in foreign markets
disadvantages of cultural hybridity
- influences foreign media
- lack of diversity
- corporate racial and gender bias