Final exam Flashcards
What is added to the blue top tube?
Sodium citrate
Horse hasn’t eaten in 4 days. Bilirubin is very high. What is the cause of the high bilirubin?
Horse hasn’t eaten in 4 days. CK is very high. What is the cause of increased CK?
Diffuse acute muscle necrosis
Diabetic cat with electrolyte abnormalities. Why?
Abdominal effusion: TP too low to measure, NCC = 1,000. What is the cause?
Hypoalbuminemia (pure transudate)
Abdominal effusion: TP =6, NCC = 6,000. What is the cause?
Chronic Heart failure
modified transudate
You are monitoring a patient that has Warfarin toxicosis using the PT test. Which factor is being monitored?
Factor VII
Dog has a markedly prolonged aPTT and PT. What is your concern?
In a physical exam, you notice petechial hemorrhage on the mucosal membranes. What is the cause?
The cause of the increase in BMBT in an animal with Von Willebrand’s Dz is due to dysfunction of
Platelet adhesion (buccal mucosal bleeding time (BMBT) in a dog to test for von Willebrands factor (vWF) disease)
How does ADH cause an increase in water and sodium absorption?
by increasing expression of aquaporins in the renal tubules
What is the differential cell count of eos?
TNCC= 25,000
Eos are 10%
Increase TT4, normal FT4 and TSH. What is the cause?
Primary Hyperthyroidism
Decreased TT4, normal FT4 and TSH. What is the cause?
Euthryoid Sick Syndrome
Hypothyroid dog.
What is the cause?
What electrolyte abnormalities would you expect?
What is the cause of the leukocyte abnormalities in this dog? (no stress leukogram)
Hyperkalemia and Hyponatremia
Adrenal gland insufficiency