Final Exam Flashcards
isotype switching
antigen binding stays same
effector cell changes
ALWAYS starts w/IgM
occurs by class switch recombination in heavy chain (Constant region)
constant regions loop out and switch regions recombine
During maturation (after activation), B cell cuts off IgM constant region and pastes on another
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
NFkB- DEpendent transcription
IL-1, TNFa, IL-6
IL-8, IL-11, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18
Anti-inflammatory cytokines
NFkB- INdependent transcription
IL-10, TGFb
Th1 cytokines
differentiated by macrophages (IFNg) and IL-12
secrete IFNg, IL-2, TNFb
Th2 cytokines
differentiated by IL-4
secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-10
neutrophils come B4 macrophages
Th1 isotype switch
Th2 isotype switch
NEUTRALIZATION: IgE (allergies, parasites)
Th1 transcription factor
IFNg receptor
T-bet (IFNg)
You BET IFNg is gonna be on the test
Th2 transcription factor
GATA 3 (IL 4, 5, 13)
Th17 transcription factor
RORgT (IL 17, 22)
My husband Rory is 17, but he wants to be 22.
Innate imbalance towards inflammatory cytokines
local cytokines spill over into systemic-> systemic inflammation-> septic shock
Sepsis caused by cytokines in circulation (not necessarily the pathogen)
Severe sepsis-> cardiovascular collapse (intravasc coag) and multiple organ failure -> death
Systemic Inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
due to overwhelming inflammation by innate imm sys cytokines (TNFa, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12)
leads to early death
Compensatory Anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS)
strong inflammatory response (cytokine storm) can inc susceptibility to future infections persistent immunosuppression (IL-10, IL-4, TGFb) and recurrent infections lead to late deaths
Pro-inflammatory cytokine TIMELINE
0 hr: TNF
2 hr: IL-1
4 hr: IL-6
Lack of TNF allows pathogen to proliferate before other cytokines attack
TNF/IL-1 local effects
Vascular endothelium: leukocyte adhesion molecules, IL-1/chemokines, procoag (INFLAM)
Leukocytes: activation, cytokines (INFLAM)
Fibroblasts: proliferation, collagen synth (REPAIR)
TNF/IL-1 systemic effects
Fever Leukocytosis Acute phase proteins Sleep decreased appetite (INFLAM, "sickness syndrome")
IL-12/18/IFNg synergy
activate macrophages and NK cells
IL-12/18: macrophage binds to NK
IFNg: NK kills phagocytosed microbes in macrophage
Classically activated macrophage (M1)
TLR ligands/IFNg: Monocyte-> Macrophage ->
1. ROS, NO, lysosomal enzymes: phagocytosis/killing of microbes
2. IL-1, IL-12, IL-23, chemokines: inflam (inh by IL-10, TGFb)
Inh by IL-4, IL-13
Alternatively activated macrophage (M2)
IL-4, IL-13: Monocyte-> Macrophage -> 1. IL-10, TGFb: anti-inflam 2. Proline, polyamines, TGFb: wound repair Inh by TLR ligands, IFNg granulomas
Th1 phenotypes
Cytokines: IFNg Immune rxn: M1 activ, IgG prod Against: INTRAcellular microbes Disease: autoimmune diseases, tissue damage (from chronic infections) TF: T-bet
Th2 phenotypes
Cytokines: IL-4, 5, 13
Immune rxn: mast cell/eosinophil activ, IgE prod, M2 activ
Against: helminthic parasites (EXTRAcellular digestion)
Disease: allergic diseases
Th17 phenotypes
Cytokines: IL-17, 22 Immune rxn: neutrophilic/monocytic inflam Against: EXTRAcell bacteria, fungi Disease: autoimmune/inflam diseases TF: RORgT
default B cell product
complement activ
FIRST antibody that appears when an antigen is encountered for the first time (usually the one to activate B cells)
important for encapsulated bacteria
low affinity interaction enhanced by 5 adhesion sites
B cell + Th (CD40L, cytokines) + IFNg
Fc-dependent phagocytosis, complement activ, placental transfer of immunity
Neutralizes bacterial toxins and opsonizes bacteria
Neonatal immunity
B cell + Th (CD40L, cytokines) + IL-4
immunity against helminthic parasites
mast cell degranulation (immediate hypersensitivity)
B cell + Th (CD40L, cytokines) + mucosal cytokines (TGFb, BAFF)
dimer (or monomer)
proteolysis-resistant (GI tract)
mucosal immunity
Th1-mediated immunity
- APC + microbes -> Naive CD4+ T cell
- T cell prolif/diff -> Th1
- IFNg: M1 activation, B cell complement binding/opsonizing abs
- Abs + Fc receptor -> Opsonization and phagocytosis
Th2-mediated immunity
- APC + microbes/protein antigens -> naive CD4+ T cell
- Prolif/diff -> Th2 cells
- IL-4: B cells -> IgE
IL-5: eosinophils activation - IgE -> mast cell degranulation
CD8+ T cells
- CD8+ Tc cells recognize Ag + costim on APC -> CTL diff (w/o Th cells)
- CD4+ Th cells -> cytokines -> CTL diff
- CD4+ Th cells (CD40/CD40L) inc APC stimulation of CTL diff
CD8+ Tc cell killing mechanisms
Apoptosis caused by…
- Exocytosis: Granzyme and Perforin released on target cell after binding
- Fas-L-Fas (Fas-L on activated CTL, CD95 on target cell) binding (w/MHC-CD8/TCR binding)-> activates caspases (induces apoptosis)
gamma/delta T cells
DEFENSE against infection/sterile stress 1. cytokine/chemokine production 2. lyse infected/stressed cells 3. regulate stromal cell fxn w/growth factors 4. DC maturation 5. ab T cell priming w/Ag presentation 6. B cell help, IgE production FOR MY MEMORY: CK Lykes Strong, able, DC BoyEs
NKT cell antigen recognition
semi-invariant Va14-Ja18 TCR binds glycolipid on CD1d (on APC)
Cellular immunity (effector cells, pathogen location, Ag presentation, action)
Effector cells: CD8+ CTLs
Pathogen location: cytoplasm
Ag presentation: MHC I
Action: induced apoptosis
Effector cells: Type 1 CD4+ T lymphocytes
Pathogen location: MP phagolysosome
Ag presentation: MP MHC II
Action: activated pathogen killing
Humoral immunity (effector cells, pathogen location, Ag presentation, action)
Effector cells: Type 2 CD4+ T lymphocytes
Pathogen location: extracellular
Ag presentation: Pro-APC MHC II
Action: Abs prod by plasma cells
Arachidonic Acid
CycloOXygenase enzyme
rich in fibroblasts, smooth muscle, epithelial, endothelial, and hematopoietic cells
reduced glutathione
H1 and H2
Histamine receptors
Immunoglobulin E
LeukoTriene (LTA4, LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, LTE4)
made by leukocytes
have conjugated triene in structure
5-LipOxygenase (enzyme)
Substrate: AA (and related PUFA)
Fxn: convert AA + O2 -> LTA4
rich in myeloid cells (macrophages, mast cells, basophils, neutrophils; inducible in monocytes)
Self-reliant chemotaxis: made by neutrophils to attract more neutrophils
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
ProstaGlandin (PGE2, PGF2, PGI2)
ProstaGlandin I2 (prostacyclin)
PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acid
Tumor Necrosis Factor
ThromboXane A2
PhosphoLipase A2 (enzyme)
Substrate: cell membrane phospholipids
Fxn: liberates AA
5-LO activating protein (enzyme)
Substrate: 5-LO accessory protein
Fxn: converts AA + O2 -> LTA4
LTA4 hydrolase
Enzyme that converts LTA4 -> LTB4
LTC4 synthase
Enzyme that converts LTA4 -> LTC4
Enzymes that convert LTC4 -> LTD4 -> LTE4
Fxn: biosynthetic intermediate
involved w/asthma
Receptor: BLT1,2
Fxn: augments neutrophil EC adhesion, POTENT neutrophil chemotaxis and degranulation, eosinophil chemotaxis
involved w/asthma
main LT made by neutrophils
Receptor: CysLT2
Fxn: bronchoconstriction, mucus secretion
involved w/asthma
Receptor: CysLT1
Fxn: bronchoconstriction, mucus secretion
involved w/asthma
Receptor: CysLT
Fxn: less active metabolite
involved w/asthma
Synthesized and stored pre-formed (latent) in granules of mast cells and basophils
Substances in granules (ex- heparin) form complexes w/histamine to keep inactive until released
Increases capillary permeability to leukocytes/plasma proteins to attack pathogens in tissue
Histamine synthesis/inactivation for storage
Dietary histidine -(decarboxylase) -> CO2 + Histamine
- Diamine oxidase: imidazole aldehyde (inactive)
- Histamine N-methyl transferase: N-methyl histamine (inactive)
Histamine v Prostaglandins/Thromboxane/Leukotrienes
Synth/Storage: Histamine made all the time, RELEASED on demand; P/T/L precursors stored, MADE on demand
Lifespan: both short, Histamine inactivated enzymatically, P/T/L inactivated enzymatically OR spontaneously
Physiology: both local (not systemic)
Pathology: both due to unwarranted SYSTEMIC exposure
H1 receptor
tissue-specific GPCR for histamine
Nasal/bronchial- mucus secretion
Bronchial/intestinal smooth muscle- constriction
Sensory nerves- pain
H2 receptor
tissue-specific GPCR for histamine
Stomach- gastric acid secretion
H1 and H2 receptors
tissue-specific GPCRs for histamine
Heart- HR
Vessels- peripheral resistance
Skin capillary blood vessels- dilation, permeability, pain sensitization
helps maintain normal cell fxn
constitutive in platelets, ECs, fibroblasts, smooth muscle, monocytes, macrophages, mast cells, basophils, neutrophils (less)
inducible in ECs, fibroblasts, smooth muscle, monocytes, macrophages, mast cells, basophils, neutrophils (less)
Leukotriene synthesis
5-LO arm of AA cascade, lipid/peptide hybrid
1. PLA2: AA released from membrane
2. 5-LO, Ca2+ + FLAP: O2 inserted into AA -> LTA4
3. 2 pathways
LTA4 hydrolase: adds H2O -> LTB4
LTC4 synthase: adds GSH -> LTC4
peptidases: LTC4 -> LTD4 and LTE4
Leukotriene breakdown
spontaneous hydrolysis into inactive products
helps prevent LT excess
Self-reliant chemotaxis (neutrophils)
neutrophils encounter threat -> inflammation favors eicosanoid synth in neutrophils -> 5-LO makes lipid mediators (LTs) -> LTB4 (augments EC neutrophil adhesion, potent chemotactic agent for neutrophils)
pyogenic infection
characterized by neutrophil-rich pus
Mediators of inflammation
Made by phagocytes and granulocytes after they engulf the threat and release ROS and proteases
Send autocrine and paracrine signals telling leukocytes to engage/neutralize threat
Tells epithelial and mesenchymal cells to adapt/migrate/perish
Limit damage to host due to infammation
Asthma elements
- airway inflmamation (Th2 lymphocytic response-> secrete IL-4/5/13, eotaxin (chemokine), TNFa, LTB4, tryptase (mast cell))
- airway hyper-responsiveness (coughing triggered more easily than normal person
Asthmatic airway
bronchiolar smooth muscle constriction
mucus discharge
pulmonary edema
- Sensitization: allergen exposure-> IgE abs
- IgE abs bind mast cell receptors
- Re-exposure: allergen binds IgE-> CROSS LINKS RECEPTORS
- Cross-linking triggers DEGRANULATION-> histamine release-> activate eicosanoid synth (LTC4/D4, PGD2)
- Mediators + histamine -> redness, local edema, pain, itching (symptoms of allergic immediate hypersensitivity)
Histamine hypersensitivity
Originates from H1 receptors on vessel wall (esp. venous side)
Causes vasodilation and inc permeability
Causes pain (mechanical pressure on peripheral nerves due to tissue swelling)
Mast cell/histamine location
Concentrated in areas of the body most vulnerable to antigen/pathogen exposure Nasal passage Trachea, bronchi, lungs Stomach, intestines Skin
allergy treatment
inhibit RECEPTORS specific to area w/symptoms
inhibiting synthesizing enzyme risks having a shortage of histamine in other important areas of the body
Circulating inflammatory cells
Neutrophils: 40-60% lymphocytes: 20-40% Monocytes: 2-8% Eosinophils: 1-4% Basophils: .5-1%
Failure to excrete uric acid at an appropriate rate
Treat inflammation AND metabolism (synth) of uric acid
Gout mechanism
- urate crystals in joint -> sterile inflammation
- MP/monocyte engulfs crystals -> releases IL-1b (inflam) and IL-8 (chemotactic)
- IL-1b -> EC adhesion molecules and MP/monocyte/conn tissue/EC COX-2
- IL-1b + IL-8 -> neutrophil recruitment
- MP/monocytes/neutrophils/conn tissue -(COX-2)-> local inc lipid inflam mediators (dil/perm) -> redness/swelling/heat/pain
IL-1 beta (gout)
Binds membrane receptor
Releases substrate (AA) and activates enzyme (COX-2)
Induces adhesion molecules in EC (inc neutrophil margination)
PGE2 and PGI2 (gout)
PGI2: vasodilation
PGE2: permeability
Leaky vessels-> plasma extravasion-> local edema
(redness, heat, swelling, pain)
IL-8 (gout)
Chemotactic factor initiating movement of neutrophils from blood -> leaky vessels -> tissue w/activated MP/monocyte
Neutrophil adaptability
Normal: reside in blood
Pathology: EXIT blood, enter tissue site, 2 fxns
1. granulocyte: discharge degradation mediators
2. phagocyte: engulf and digest
Inflammation (gout)
fails to eliminate uric acid crystals
ineffective proteases and lysosomal enzymes (phagocyte)
ineffective oxidative bursts (granulocyte)
May aggravate: uric acid ppts at acidic pH
Bacteria vs gout
Stimulus: LPS/bact/fungus v Uric acid crystals
Cytokines: TNFa/IL-1/IFNg v IL-1b/IL-8
Involvement: Systemic v Local
Inflammation (bacteria)
- Bact/LPS -> inflam
- MPs/monocytes -> inflam (TNFa/IL-1/IFNg) and chemotactic cytokines
- LPS/TNFa/IL-1 induce EC adhesion molecules and MP/mono/conn tiss/EC COX-2
- Neutrophil recruitment by cytokines/inflam med.s
mimics hypochlorous acid in our phagocytic cells (bacteriocidal oxidative burst)
Systemic inflammation due to circulating cytokines
Damage caused by COX-2, adhesion molecules, and myeloid activation
Systemic vasodilation and plasma extravasion -> BP drop
Can occur if microbe enters bloodstream (body mounts immune response towards entire bloodstream)
Can lead to septic shock (low BP), multi-organ failure, and death
- Exposure (resp tract to allergen)
- Activation: mast cells (bound IgE receptor)
- Degranulation: mast cells-> histamine
- Respiratory excess: airway constr, impaired breathing
- Vasculature excess: hypotension (10 min: histamine inc, 30-60 min: normal)
- Urine: histamine and N-methylhistamine
BONUS: mast cells make LTC4, LTD4, PGD2 -> inc perm, dec vasc periph resist, hypotension, mucus, bronchoconstr
TREAT: epinephrine (vasoconstr/bronchodil) and agents to counter histamine/LTs/eicosanoids
Self-Nonself Model
Each lymphocyte expresses a single surface receptor specific for a foreign Ag
Receptor signaling initiates imm resp
Self-reactive lymphocytes deleted EARLY in life
Danger Signals
Stimulate DC maturation in lymph node
- microbe infection
- necrosis/stress products
- immunostimulators (heparan sulfate)
- inflam cytokines
- vessel rupture/chemotaxis
Dendritic cells vs macrophages
DCs have much higher expression of costimulatory molecules
Macrophages don’t have enough costim expression to activate naive T cells
ONLY DCs can activate naive T cells
M. tuberculosis T cells
prevents fusion of phagosome and lysosome, grows slowly, more common in crowded/hot/humid conditions b/c transmitted by droplets
Asthma T cells
Chemokine receptor and example
most potent inducer of TNFa/IL-1
keloid scar
TGFb -> myofibroblasts -> fibrosis -> keloid scar
fibroblasts vs myofibroblasts
myofibroblasts have more actin, make more conn tissue