Final Exam Flashcards
Somatic Symptom Disorder
A. 1+ somatic sx that disrupt fx
B. excessive thoughts/feelings/behaviors with 1+
1. Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about the seriousness of one’s symptoms.
2. Persistently high level of anxiety about health or symptoms.
3. Excessive time and energy
C. Any one somatic symptom may not be continuously present, the state of being symptomatic is persistent (typically more than 6 months).
● Specify:
With predominant pain
Persistent (more than 6 months).
Illness Anxiety Disorder
A. Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness.
B. Somatic symptoms are not present or, if present, are only mild in intensity.
C. There is a high level of anxiety about health
D. performs excessive health-related behaviors or avoids
E. 6 months, specific illness may change
F. NBE Medical/Mental
● Specify:
Conversion Disorder
A.1(+) sx of altered voluntary motor or sensory function.
B. sx incompatible with clinical test results
C. NBE Medical/Mental
D. ClinSig
● Specify:
Acute episode/Persistent
With psychological stressor (specify stressor)
Without psychoiogical stressor
Factitious Disorder
On Self/Other:
A. Falsification of physical or psychological signs
B. presents self/Other to others as ill, impaired, or injured.
C. evident in the absence of obvious external rewards.
D. NBE Mental
● Specify:
Single/Recurrent Episodes
Voyeuristic Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from observing unsuspecting person who is naked/sexual, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges/ClinSig
C. At least 18yo
● Specify
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Exhibitionistic Disorder
A. A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from exposure of genitals to an unsuspecting person, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges/ClinSig
● Specify:
Prepubertal children/adults/both
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Frotteuristic Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from touching
or rubbing against a nonconsenting person, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges/ClinSig
● Specify:
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Sexual Masochism Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from being humiliated, beaten, bound, or othenwise made to suffer, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges/ClinSig
● Specify:
With asphyxiophilia
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Sexual Sadism Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from the phys-
ical or psychological suffering of another person, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges with non-consenting person/ClinSig
● Specify:
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Pedophilic Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. Has acted on urges with non-consenting person/ClinSig
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
C. at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child
● Specify whether:
Exclusive/Nonexclusive type (attracted only to children)
Attracted to males/females/both
Limited to incest
Fetishistic Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from use of nonliving objects or a highly specific focus on nongenital body part(s), manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. ClinSig
C. Fetish objects not clothing or sexual devices
● Specify:
Body Parts
Non living objects
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Transvestic Disorder
A. 6(+) months, recurrent intense arousal from cross-dressing, manifested by fantasies/urges/behaviors
B. ClinSig
● Specify:
With Fetishism
With autogynephilia (aroused by thoughts of self as female)
In a controlled environment
In full remission (5yrs, uncontrolled env)
Delusional Disorder
A. 1(+) delusions for 1(+) months
B. Criterion A for schizophrenia never met
(Hallucinations if present are only related to delusion)
C. Functioning not drastically impaired
D. Manic/Depressive episodes if present are secondary to delusions
E. NBE Medical
● Spec:
Types- Erotomanic, Grandiose, Jealous, Persecutory, Somatic, Mixed, Unspecified, Bizarre
Duration (Used only after 1 yr of delusions)- First/Multiple episodes, currently in acute, partial/full remission; Continuous
Brief Psychotic Disorder
A. 1 (+) sx, must be 1, 2 or 3 1. Delusions. 2. Hallucinations. 3. Disorganized speech 4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior. B. at least 1 day, less than 1 month, eventually returns to full function C. NBE Mental ● Specify if: With/Without marked stressor(s). Postpartum Onset Catatonia Severity
Schizophreniform Disorder
A. 2 (+) sx, significant portion of time for 1 month, must be 1, 2 or 3 1. Delusions. 2. Hallucinations. 3. Disorganized speech 4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior. 5. Negative symptoms B. An episode of the disorder lasts at least 1 month but less than 6 months. C. NBE Mental D. NBE Medical ● Specify if: Good/Without Prognostic Features With Catatonia Severity
A. 2 (+), sig time, 1 month, must be 1, 2, or 3
1. Delusions.
2. Hallucinations.
3. Disorganized speech
4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
5. Negative symptoms
B. Sig Impairment in Functioning
C. Continuous Signs of Disturbance for at least 6 mos
D. NBE Mental
E. NBE Medical
F. If ASD, at least 1 month of hallucinations
● Specify if: (after 1 year)
First/Multiple episodes/- acute/partial remission/full remission. Continuous
With Catatonia
Schizoaffective Disorder
A. Uninterrupted illness, mood episode + A of schizophrenia
B. Delusions or hallucinations for 2 or more weeks w/out mood episode
C. SX of Mood episode present most of the time
D. NBE Medical/Substance
● Specify whether:
Bipolar/Depressive type
With catatonia
First/Multiple episodes- acute/partial/full remission
Catatonia Specifier
A. 3(+) Sx
- Stupor
- Catalepsy
- Waxy flexibility
- Mutism
- Negativism
- Posturing
- Mannerism
- Stereotypy
- Agitation, not influenced by external stimuli.
- Grimacing.
- Echolalia (i.e., mimicking another’s speech).
- Echopraxia (i.e., mimicking another’s movements).
A. 1 month (+) Persistent eating of nonnutritive, nonfood substances B. developmentally inappropriate C. NBE Culture D. NBE Medical/Mental ● Specify: In remission
Rumination Disorder
A. 1 month(+) Repeated regurgitation of food B. NBE Medical C. NBE eating disorder D. NBE mental ● Specify if: In remission
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
A. An eating or feeding disturbance- 1 or more of following
1. Significant weight loss (or failure to achieve expected weight gain)
2. Significant nutritional deficiency.
3. Dependence on enteral feeding or oral nutritional supplements.
4. Marked interference with psychosocial functioning.
B. NBE culture/lack of food
C. NBE eating disorder
D. NBE Medical
● Specify if:
In remission
Anorexia Nervosa
A. Restriction of energy intalke relative to requirements, leading to a significantly low body weight
B. Intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat
C. Disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape is experienced, low self-evaluation, no insight
● Specify whether:
Restricting type
Binge-eating/purging type
In partial/full remission
Bulimia Nervosa
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:
1. Eating, in a 2-hour period, a large amount of food
2. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode
B. inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent gain
C. 1(+) per week, at least 3 months
D. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced
E. NBE Anorexia
● Specify if:
In partial remission
In full remission
Binge Eating Disorder
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating by both of the following:
1. Eating, within any 2-hour period, a lot of food
2. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode
B. The binge-eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following:
1. Eating much more rapidly than normal.
2. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
3. Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry.
4. Eating alone because of feeling embarrassed by how much one is eating.
5. Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty afterward.
C. Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.
D. The binge eating occurs, on average, at least once a week for 3 months.
E. Not associated with compensatory behaviors
● Specify if:
In partial/full remission
A. Repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes B. ClinSig C. 5yo + D. NBE Medical ● Specify whether: Nocturnal/Diurnal/Both
A. Repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places
B. Once a month for 3 months
C. 4yo
D. NBE Medical
● Specify whether:
With/without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence
General Personality Disorder
A. Enduring pattern or inner experience and behavior, deviates from cultural expectations. 2+ sx 1. Cognition 2. Affectivity 3. Interpersonal functioning. 4. Impulse control. B. pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. C. ClinSig D. Stable, long duration. E. NBE Mental F. NBE Substance/Medical
Paranoid Personality Disorder
A. A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others, 4+ sx
1. Suspects others are harming, etc.
2. unjustified doubts about loyalty of family/friends
3. Is reluctant to confide in others
4. Reads hidden meanings into benign remarks
5. Persistently bears grudges
6. sees attacks that are not evident, may counterattack
7. suspects infidelity of partner
B. NBE Medical/Mental
Schizoid PD
A. pervasive pattern of detachment, 4+ Sx
1. Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships
2. Almost always chooses solitary activities.
3. Has little, if any, interest in having sex w/other
4. Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities.
5. Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.
6. Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others.
7. Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity.
B. NBE Mental/Medical
● Note: add “premorbid” if criteria met pre-schizophrenia
Schizotypal PD
A. A pervasive pattern of social defecits and cognitive/perceptual eccentricities, 5+ Sx
1. Ideas of reference
2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior (NBE culture/religion)
3. Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions.
4. Odd thinking and speech
5. Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation.
6. Inappropriate or constricted affect.
7. Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar.
8. Lack of close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.
9. Excessive social anxiety
B. NBE Medical/Mental
● Note: Premorbid if applies
Antisocial PD
A. A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, since 15yo, 3+ Sx
1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors
2. Deceitfulness
3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
4. Irritability and aggressiveness
5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
6. Consistent irresponsibility
7. Lack of remorse
B. The individual is at least age 18 years.
C. There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
D. NBE Mental
Borderline PD
A Instability in relationships, self image, affect. Lasting impulsivity across contexts, 5+ Sx
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
2. unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
3. Identity disturbance
4. Impulsivity in at least two areas (e.g., spending, sex,
substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior.
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
Histrionic PD
A excessive emotionality and attention seeking, pervasive pattern, 5+
- uncomfortable if not the center of attention.
- inappropriate sexually seductive behavior.
- rapidly shifting shallow emotions.
- Uses physical appearance to get attention
- speech is impressionistic and lacking in detail.
- emotionally overdramatic
- Is suggestible
- Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.
Narcisisstic PD
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, lack of empathy, 5+
- high self-importance
- Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success,
- Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, other special people
- Requires excessive admiration.
- Has a sense of entitlement
- Is interpersonally exploitative
- Lacks empathy
- Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
- Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
Avoidant PD
A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, 4+
- Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fears of criticism,
- Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked.
- Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed.
- Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations.
- Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy.
- Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others.
- Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing.
Dependent PD
A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging, 5+
- Has difficulty making everyday decisions
- Needs others to assume responsibility
- Has difficulty expressing disagreement
- Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on own
- will volunteer to do unpleasant things to get nurturance
- Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone
- Urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care
- unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself.
Obsessive Compulsive PD
A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, 4+
- Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order
- Shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion
- Is excessively devoted to work and productivity
- Is overconscientious and inflexible about morality, ethics,
- Is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value.
- Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others
- Adopts a miserly spending style
- Shows rigidity and stubbornness.
Insomnia D/O
A. Dissatisfaction with sleep quality/quantity- 1 sx
1. Difficulty initiating sleep
2. Difficulty maintaining sleep
3. Early-morning awakening with inability to return to sleep.
B. ClinSig
C. 3x/wk
D. 3mos+
E. difficulty occurs despite adequate opportunity for sleep
F. NBE Medical
G. NBE Substance
H. NBE Mental
Hypersomnolence D/O
A. hypersomnolence despite a main sleep period, at least 7hrs, 1+sx
1. Recurrent periods of sleep or lapses into sleep within the same day.
2. A prolonged main sleep episode of more than 9 hours per day that is nonrestorative
3. Difficulty being fully awake after abrupt awakening.
B. 3x/wk, 3mo+
C. clinsig
D. NBE sleep D/O
E. NBE substance
F. NBE mental/medical
● Specify if:
with mental/medical/sleep D/O
A. Recurrent periods of an irrepressible need to sleep, 3x/wk, 3mo
B. The presence of at least one of the following:
1. Episodes of cataplexy, defined as either (a) or (b), occurring at least a few times per month:
a. brief loss of muscle tone precipitated by laughter/joking
b. jaw-opening episodes with tongue thrusting or a global hypotonia, without emotional triggers.
2. Hypocretin deficiency
3. Nocturnal sleep polysomnography showing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency less than or equal to 15 minutes
● Specify whether:
Circadian Sleep/Wake D/O
A. persistent/recurrent sleep disruption due to alteration of circadian rhythm disruption, misalignment with physical env
B. leads to excessive sleepiness or insomnia, or both.
C. ClinSig
● Specify:
Delayed Sleep: Can’t fall asleep at normal hour
Non24: later each day (25-26hr cycle)
Advanced sleep D/O- less than 24 hr cycle
Irregular: Sporadic
Nightmare D/O
A. Repeated intense nightmare B. oriented and alert upon waking C. ClinSig D. NBE Substance E. NBE Mental/Medical ● Specify if: During sleep onset Substance/Medical/Sleep Acute/Subacute/Persistent Mild/Moderate/Severe
A disturbance in attention and awareness
B. Quick Onset, change from baseline, fluctuates in course of day
C. An additional disturbance in cognition
D. NBE another d/o or coma
E. evidence that this is a physiological consequence of something else
● Specify whether:
A. The criteria are met for major or mild neurocognitive disorder.
B. insidious onset/gradual progression of impairment in one or more cognitive domains (for major neurocognitive disorder, at least two domains must be impaired).
C. Criteria are met for either probable or possible Alzheimer’s disease as follows:
For major neurocognitive disorder (1sx):
1. family hx/genetic testing for alzheimer’s mutation
2. all 3 sx
a. decline in memory and learning and at least one other cognitive domain
b. Steadily progressive, gradual decline in cognition, without extended plateaus.
c. nbe medical/mental/substance
Frontotemporal Neurocognitive D/O
A. Criteria are met for major/mild neurocognitive disorder.
B. insidious onset and gradual progression.
C. Either (1) or (2);
1. Behavioral variant;
a. 3+sx
i. Behavioral disinhibition.
ii. Apathy or inertia.
iii. Loss of sympathy or empathy.
iv. Perseverative, stereotyped or compulsive/ritualistic behavior.
v. dietary changes.
b. Prominent decline in social cognition and/or executive abilities.
2. Language variant:
a. Decline in language ability
D. Relative sparing of learning and memory and perceptual-motor function.
E. NBE Medical
Neurocognitive D/O with Lewy Bodies
A. Criteria are met for major or mild neurocognitive disorder.
B. Insidious onset and gradual progression.
C. Meets criteria- Probable (2sx), Possible (1sx)
1. Core diagnostic features:
a. Fluctuating cognition
b. Recurrent visual hallucinations that are well formed
c. Spontaneous features of parkinsonism
2. Suggestive diagnostic features;
a. Meets criteria for rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder.
b. Severe neuroleptic sensitivity- antipsychotic drugs
D. NBE Medical/Mental
Vascular Neurocognitive D/O
A. Criteria are met for major or mild neurocognitive disorder.
B. The clinical features are consistent with a vascular etiology
1. Onset of the cognitive deficits is temporally related to one or more cerebrovascular events.
2. Evidence for decline is prominent in complex attention and frontal-executive function.
C. Evidence of cerebrovascular disease
D. The symptoms are not better explained by another brain disease or systemic disorder.
Probable (1+)
1. Criteria are supported by neuroimaging evidence of cerebrovascular injury
2. Sx are temporally related to vascular event
3. evidence of cerebrovascular disease is present.
Possible is diagnosed if the clinical criteria are met but neuroimaging is not available and the temporal relationship is not established.
V/Z Codes to know (Family)
● Noncompliance With Treatment
● Parent/Child Relational Problem
● Sibling Relational Problem
● Child Affected by Parental Relational Distress
● Upbringing Away from Parents
● Disruption of Family by Separation/Divorce
V/Z Codes to know (Abuse)
● Child Physical Abuse
● Child Sexual Abuse
● Child Psychological Abuse
● Child Neglect
V/Z Codes to know (Relationships)
● Relationship Distress with Partner
● Spouse or Partner Violence (Specify: Physical, Sexual, Psychological)
● Relational Problem Related to Mental Disorders or General
V/Z Codes to know (Internal/External Factors)
● Medical Condition ● Occupational Problem ● Academic Problem ● Acculturation Problem ● Phase of Life Problem ● Religious/Spiritual Problem