Final Exam Flashcards
Screening Test for Brucellosis that has 95% Sensitivity, but not Specific becuse False Positives can Occur
Rapid Slide Agglutination Test (RSAT)
Infectious Disease, where on CBC shows very High White Blood Cell (WBC) Counts
Hepatozoonosis (Hepatozoon Americanum)
_____% of Cushings Cases are Pituitary Dependent and ____% of cases are Adrenal Dependent
Drug used for Long Term Managment of Insulinoma
Three Serologic Tests that are best for Diagnosing Lyme Disease
C6 Antibody Test (Best Choice)
Western Blot
Whole Cell ELISA
Infectious Disease that is Vectored by Sand Flies
Coccidia- Protozoal Parasite
Coccidia can potentially cause the Diarrhea, but not the other Clinical Signs. Coccidia do not cause severe signs unless there is something else present leading to the overgrowth of Coccidia
*Other Considerations for Bloody Diarrhea with Fever and Neutropenia in a Cat?? Panleukopenia
Next Diagnosic step- Use a Parvo snap test to test for Panleukopenia off Label. If you get a positive result then the Cat has Panleukopenia
Drug of choice for Treatment of Mycoplasma in Felines
Doxycycline + Steroids (Ex. Prednisolone)
*Steroids are used to Correct the Immune Mediated Component that leads to Hemolytic Anemia- KNOW THIS
Dog Breed that has the Lowest Measured NORMAL T4 Values
Grey Hound
*Do no diagnose Hypothyroidism in this Greyhound, it is normal for this breed to have low T4
*Excellent Sensitivity- LDDS- Gold Standard in Practice
True/False: Cats with Bartonella Henselae may not show Clinical Signs, and are Asymptomatic
*Over 40% of Cats with Bartonella Henselae are Asymptomatic
True/False: A Positive Salmonella Isolation from the Feces does not mean that Salmonella is the cause of disease, because it can be isolated from Healthy Animals
*Salmonella is Ubiquitous and Resides in the Intestine of Most Healthy Animals without causing Clinical Signs- Healthy Cats and Dogs can shed Organism
Most Sensitive Stand alone Test for Hypothyroidism
Protein Binding-Equilibrium Dialysis
Insulin Protocol used in Dogs with Diabetes Mellitus
Insulin Type: Lente (Vetsulin)
Administer BID (Twice Daily) Subcutenously
In Treating Patients with Hyperthyroidism we may unmask ________
Chronic Kidney Disease
*The Treatment does not Create Chronic Kidney Disease, but it may “unmask” it
*Cats with Renal Disease and Hyperthyroidism have a worse Outcome regradless of Treatment
Four Non-Core (Not Essential) Vaccines in Dogs
True/False: Insulinoma is a Disease of Geriatric Patients
Abnormalities that Characterize which Endocrine Disease?
Reduced Exercise Tolerance
Hind Limb Ataxia- Neurologic Deficits
Persistant Hypoglycemia
Seizure and Collapse
Behavoir Changes
*The Brain Needs Glucose to Function
Home Management of Hypoglycemia where the Dog looses Conciousness or is having Seizures
Karo Syrup Injection
Clinical Signs of which Infectious Disease:
Respiratory Signs
Fever and Weight Loss
Lameness and Periosteal Reaction of Radiographs
Valley Fever (Coccidioides Immitis)
Diagnostic Test for Cryptococcus
Serum ANTIGEN Test
True/False: A Screening test is one that has a High Specificity
*A Screening test is one that has the Highest Sensitivity
Infectious Disease that causes Anorexia, Weight Loss, and Small Bowel Diarrhea that is Diagnosed with an Acid-Fast Stain on Fecal Smears to Identify Oocysts
Diagnosis for Giardia
Direct Fecal Smear
Test for Hyperadrenocorticism where ACTH Stimulates adrenal Cortex to maximally secrete Cortisol. Take a Post Stimulation Sample 1 hour later and compare how many levels above baseline the Cortisol Concentration has been Stimulated
ACTH Stimulation Test
When _____ Increases then PTH should Decrease, thus in a patient with Hypercalcemia if PTH is within normal limits = Not Appropriate
Total Calcium
Can you find Giardia intestinalis in a dog without any Clinical Signs?
*Some dogs just carry Giardia and are Asymptomatic
True/False: In the United States, most Dogs infected with Babesia Canis are Subclinical Carriers
*Blood Donor dogs have to be checked for Babesia
We established need for core vaccines, but does the puppy need any non-core vaccines?
*If Lyme and Lepto are deemed Appropriate, Give First 2 vaccines after 12 weeks of age when maternal antibodies are likely to be low
*If Bordetella is deemed Appropriate- the IN or IO vaccine is less effected by maternal antibodies and can be administered earlier than 12 weeks and only need 1 vaccine
*Most Important Prognosticator is whether or not this Patient is Azotemic or not- Influences the type of Treatment we choose and we would Titrate Methimazole Accordingly
Always report Vaccine Reactions to what two Agencies?
Manufacture of Vaccine
Center for Veterinary Biologics
Treatment for Hepatozoonosis
*DO NOT use Corticosteroids
*No treatment eliminates tissue Stage
*Test with the best accuracy and overal specificity- Combination of T4/TSH
Treatment for Valley Fever (Coccidioides Immitis)
*Beware of Relapses….Life Long Treatment may be needed!
*Fluconazole crosses the BBB, so if the patient has CNS Signs then you would use Fluconazole
Endocrine Disease with these Effects:
Increases Metabolic Rate
Deficiency during Development- Dwarfism and Cretinism
Activates Anagen Phase- Alopecia
*Cretinism- Stunted Physical and Mental Growth
Protocol for Prescribing a Diet in a Diabetic Cat
Eliminate Carbohydrates
Canned High Protein Diet
Between Actinomyces and Nocardia, which has a Positive Acid Fast Stain?
Mycoplasma Causes _____ Parasitemia, where within 1 Hour, Bacteremia can go from > 90% infected RBCs to None
*Organisms on RBC’s can be difficult to Find because of the Cyclic Bacteremia
When should an ACTH Stimulation Test be Performed on a Patient with Cushings being treated with Trilostane
3-5 Hours Post Pilling (Treatment)
*then should be monitered every 10-14 days, 1 month, and then every 3-4 months
Four Core (Essential) Vaccines for Dogs
*The first three come together often in one vial
Most Common Cause of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Renal Disease, Nutritional
History associated with which Endocrine Disease?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Summary Slide
Number One Countercurrent Etiology that leads to Ketoacidosis in Diabetic Patients
How to Confirm Diagnosis in a Pet that has Clinical Signs of a Disease
4 Fold Increase in Titer over 2 Weeks
Serum Biochemistry for which Endocrine Disease
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings)
*For any Endocrine Disease you do NOT rely on Laboratory Test for Diagnosis- Need to base Diagnosis on Clinical Signs, History, and Laboratory tests
*In 84% of Cases to have an Elevated ALKP (Alkaline Phosphatate)
Treatment for Acute ______ Crisis:
*Give HUGE amont of Fluids- Hypovolemic Shock
*Treat Hyperkalemia- Saline Diuresis then Calcium Gluconate
Give Glucocorticoids- Dexamethasone
True/False: Giardia may become part of the Normal Flora following treatment. Disease or Cyst Shedding may recur with Immunosuppresion
Long Term Treatment for Hypoadrenocorticism that is Given as a Monthly Injection and is a Pure Mineralcorticoid
Desoxycortisone Pivilate (DOCP)
True/False: Free T3 is 3-4x’s MORE POTENT than Free T4
*Most effective Thyroid Hormone causing Critical Illness- Total and Free T3
Once FIV Antibodies are Present, the Cat is Likely Infected for ______
*If the Western Blot shows a Positive FIV after the Cat is > 6 Months of Age. Cat most likely has FIV. With FIV, Positive ANTIBODIES = INFECTION, not just exposure. KNOW THIS!!!!!
Laboratory Results concurrent with which Endocrine Disease:
Low Blood Glucose
High Insulin
Low Fructosamine
Cytauxzoon Protozoal Organism has a Blood Parasite Stage called a Prioplasm that is not Particularly Harmful. It is the Tissue Stage, called a ______ that is Harmful
*The Parasite goes through a Tissue Phase known as a Schizont, because the Body doesn’t recognize this as “self” and a Massive Number of Macrophages eat up the Schizonts leading to Plugged Up Blood Vessels and Death
Myxedema, which is a Tragic Expression caused by Facial Edema and Peripheral Neuropathies, is common in which Endocrine Disorder?
Sensitive Test to can be done rapidly to Rule Out Hypoadrenocorticism
Basal Cortisol
*If > 2 ug/dL then Rules OUT Addisons
Treatment for Neosporosis
Sulfadiazine + Pyrimethamine
Ketone that is Not Detected by Ketone Urine Sticks
Beta Hydroxybutyrate
*With Treatment Beta Hydroxybutryate is converted to Acetoacetate. It will look like the Ketones are Increasing, but its not, your just starting to metabolize Beta Hydroxybutyrate (Not Detectable) to Acetoacetate (Detectable)
In Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), 23% of these Dogs had a Positive Fecal Culture for _____
*Campylobacter is a normal part of the Gut Flora but when something else happens wrong within the gut, it allows the organism to overgrow and cause Clinical Signs
Physical Exam Findings in which Endocrine Disease:
Goiter (Palpable Mass in Neck)
It is Possible that Kitten 3 may hold onto Maternal Antibodies longer than Kitten 2. Positive Result at 6 Months of Age is Unlikely to be Related to a FIV infected Queen transferring Antibodies to Offspring
You could Perform a Western Blot- Will not tell us the difference between Maternal Antibodies, Vaccine Antibodies or True Antibodies
The Kitten should not be Killed- Keep in a seperate Household until accurate diagnosis can be made
Managing this Kitten- Re-check in 1 Month
Post Operative Hypoglycemia
What are the signs of Systemic Distemper?
Gastrointestinal (Vomiting/Diarrhea)
Upper and Lower Respiratory Infection (Coughing, Runny Nose, Runny Eyes)
Diagnostic Test used to Diagnose Toxoplasmosis
Titers (IgM)
*PCR Doesn’t work well for Diagnosing Toxoplasmosis in a Dog- Toxoplasmosis is found in the muscles of dogs, so testing the Blood with PCR is not a good Diagnostic Test
Giardia Intestinalis has different Assemblages (Genotypes). U.S. Infected dogs have only Assemblage _____, which is not Infective to Humans
C or D
Least likely of the Thyroid Hormones to be affected by Euthyroid Sick Syndrome
Free T4
Five Core (Essential) Vaccines for Cats
True/False: Leptospirosis Vaccine is 100% Effective
*Vaccination is NOT 100% Protective- The Vaccine doesn’t protect against all the Serovars of Leptospirosis
*Common Vaccine Complication with Leptospirosis Vaccine- Anaphylaxis (Facial Edema)
What are the Neurological Signs of Distemper?
Cerebellar Signs
Vestibular Signs
*Any Uppermotor Neuron CNS Signs can occur with Distemper
Treatment for Cryptosporidiosis
No Treatment (Scary)
Treatment for Seizuring Patient with Insulinoma
Dextrose CRI
How to Diagnose Salmonellosis
Signs and Positive (+) Fecal Culture
Most common Type of Diabetes in Cats, characterized by functioning Beta Islet cells that are producing Insulin but there is something in the body that is preventing the Insulin from working
Type 2 (Cats)
*Glucose Toxicity is responsible for Islet Cell Destruction- if there is persistant hyperglycemia that will lead to destruction ot Beta Islet cells, eventually leading to Diabetes
True/False: Rare to have specific hematological abnormalities with Hyperparathyroidism
*USG will be
Diagnostic Test used for Mycoplasma
*PCR May be Negative because the Bacteremia is Cyclic and may not be there
Largest Problem with Salmonella is that you get _____, that Spread the Bacteria throughout the Population
Asymptomatic Carriers
*Antibiotics NOT recommended in Asymptomatic Carriers because it can Prolong Shedding and Stimulate Resistance
Gold Standard for Diagnosing Addisons Disease
ACTH Stimulation Test
*No change in Cortisol Concentration = Hypoadrenocorticism
Lente like Vetsulin Insulin Bid
Core- Distemper, Parvovirus, and Hepatitis
*Give Vaccine every for 4 until 16 weeks of age
Gold Standard for Diagnoses of Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings)
Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test
*Take Samples 3, 4 and 8 hours later
*There should be a decreased ACTH and Decreased Cortisol Secretion at the 3 hour as well as the 8 hour time point.
Bacterial Infectious Disease where Humans become Infected when Flea Feces from a Bacteremic Cat are i_noculated into a Cat Scratch_
Bartonella Henselae
*AKA Cat Scratch Fever
*Organism is in the Cats Blood. The Fleas take a Blood Meal and the Organism is then found within the Poop of the Flea. Transmitted from One cat to another via Fleas
*fT4 is the most specific test on its own. Less effected by Euthyroid Sick Syndrome and no interference by Antithyroid Hormone Antibodies
*The best in terms of accuracy is TT4 and TSH. fT4 Alone performs almost as well as the combination of these two
*The best Screening test with the most Sensitivity is TT4
_____ Nephropathy, is associated with an Accumulation of Immune Complexes in the Glomeruli and Nephrons where Patients Present with:
Weight Loss
Peripheral Edema
*Predisposition in Labs, Golden Retrievers, and Shelties
Serological Test for Leptospirosis, where A Titer > 1 : 3200 is Indicative of Disease (If the Dog has not Recently been Vaccinated)
Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT)
*If Peracute Disease, titer may not be elevated, take Titer 2 weeks later to look for 4 x Increase
Large Form of Mycoplasma that is More Likely to Cause Anemia/Signs in Felines
Mycoplasma Hemofelis
Urine Cortisol: Creatine
*Screeing test is the test with the highest SENSITIVITY
True/False: ALL Owners with Addisonian Dogs should have Glucocorticoids to give under Conditions of Stress
Go To Medication for Treatment of Hypothyroidism
*Hair coat can take up to 3 months to Improve
Canine Parvo Virus (Most Likely)
*The Lab Results are all within Normal Limits
*ALL OF THESE ARE POSSIBLY CORRECT- All Cause Bloody Diarrhea. Least Likely to cause Blood Diarrhea is Canine Distemper
*If we changed the question to say: Owners lived on the Coast of Northern California and went fishing the weekend before- Then Salmon Poisoning would be Most Likely
*If we changed the question to say: Three Days ago the Dog got into the Garbage and there was Left Over Chicken that was Recalled- Then Salmonella would be most Likely
How is Leptospirosis Spread?
*Gloves must be worn when cleaning the animals cage
*Contaminated URINE is very Infectious for People and Dogs- Avoid Mucous Membrane Contact with it
Test with Excellent Specificity for Hyperadrenocorticism
ACTH Stimulation Test
* This test CANNOT diagnose an adrenal dependant tumor in the majority of cases
*The Probability of a Large Breed Dog having a functional adrenal tumor are very high- This SHOULD NOT be the test of choice for these Patients
Treatment for Cytauxzoon
No Proven Effective Therapy
*Supportive Care is Critical
Infectious Disease that on X-Ray shows:
Periosteal Reaction near Muscle Attachment
Salmonella causes ____ Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (Vomiting/Diarrhea) and Septic Shock
*NOT Chronic
*Since Salmonella lives within the GI Tract, this organism can get into the Blood Stream and cause Septic Shock
*Diarrhea is often Hemorrhagic
Gold Standard for Diagnosing Addisons Disease
ACTH Stimulation Test
*No Change in Cortisol level between the Pre and Post Stimulation
Serum Findings of which Endocrine Disease:
Increased Liver Enzymes
Increased Cholesterol
Increased Glycolated Blood Proteins
Diabetes Mellitus
*ALKP andl ALT will likely be elevated in this Dogs at the time of Diagnosis due to Glucose Accumulation within Hepatocytes
Three Types of Immunological Vaccine Reactions
Type 1- (Most Common) Anaphylaxis- Facial Edema, Pruritus, Hives, Vomiting, Diarrhea ect.
Type 2- Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Thrombocytopenia. Antibody Production against a self antigen
Type 3- immune Complex Deposition (Ex. Blue Eyes after Canine Adenovirus Vaccine)
Virus that is associated with Neonatal Pup Deaths and may cause Cerebellar Hypoplasia if the Neonate Survives
*Virus that causes Nursing Pups to get sick and Die
Complications of which Endocrine Disease:
Diabetes Mellitus
*Hypoglycemia is the most Likely Complication and if Neglected can be Fatal- Insulin Overdose
*80% of Dogs with Diabetes will develop Cataracts regardless of how well the Diabetes is controlled
A state of Chronic Hyperglycemic caused by Abnormalities of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolism which may be due to either an absolute lack of insulin or to factors that oppose its action
Diabetes Mellitus
Infectious Disease with these Characteristics:
Young Dogs
Virus Attacks Rapidly Dividing Cells of Gut and Bone Marrow
Gastrointestinal Signs- Acute Vomiting/Diarrhea often Hemorrhagic
*Clinial Signs are most likely due to Sepsis
If a Dog with Distemper is showing only Neurological Signs, it is Shedding the Virus?
*Distemper is only Spreading if the Dog has GI Signs, is Sneezing, Coughing ect.
Treatment for Cryptococcus Neoformans
Itraconazole- If no CNS Signs
Fluconazole- if CNS Signs
True/False: Adjucted Rabies Vaccine is recommended for Cats
Intracellular Bacterial Disease transmitted by Sex, Aborted Fetal Material, Semen, Urine, and Milk
True/False: A High Percentage of “Normal” Cats have Antibodies to Bartonella Henselae, which indicates Disease
*Indicates Exposure by not Disease
What if T4 Levels are Normal and you still Suspect Hyperthyroidism?
*fT4 is not as Sensitive for Screening hyperthyroidism- Often High in Euthyroid Sick Patients
Urine Sample:
Glucose ++
Ketones +++
pH 6.0
What Endocrine Disease commonly has these Lab Finding?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
If a Diabetic Patient is not Eating, but is otherwise Bright and Happy, Decrease Insulin by ____% and if the patient eats in the next 2 hours then give the Remainder of the Insulin
Same Case where One Kitten was FeLV Positive and the Other Two Kittens were Negative
More than Likely this is a case of False Positive Results in the one Kitten
In the Meantime, the Kittens should not be allowed to eat out of the Same Food Bowl or Groom eachother, because if it is a true positive that will run the risk of spreading FeLV to the other Kittens. Separate them in terms of Feeding and Playing until we can determine if the Positive Result is true or not
There is a Vaccine that we can begin using if we want to protect the Other 2 Negative Kittens. FeLV Vaccine is Considered Core for Kittens
Treatment of Hyperkalemia seen in Addisonian Patients
0.9% Saline
*If No Response to Saline, then start with Calcium Gluconate
With Which Endocrine Disease can patients present with these Neurological Abnormalities
Peripheral Vestibular Syndrome
Laryngeal Paralysis
During Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, A Separate Intravenous Cannula is usually Necessary for _____ Infusion
*Insulin CRI
Mycoplasma Hemocanis is Commonly of Minimal Significance in Dogs. However, Acute Severe Hemolytic Anemia may occur following _____
Screeing Test (100% Sensitive) used to Diagnose Hypoadrenocorticism
Resting/Basal Cortisol
*Basal Cortisol
Not all Dogs with a Basal Cortisol
Best Screening Test (Most Sensitive) for Hyperadrenocorticism
Urinary Cortisol:Creatinine
*100% Sensitive, but now very Specific
*Best way to Improve Specificity- Be Measured on a morning urine that is NOT IN HOSPITAL nor has ben to the hospital within 2 weeks
Infectious Disease found in Uncooked Meats and Cat Feces that causes these Clinical Signs in Canines:
CNS Signs
GI Signs
*Mainly found in cats, but can be found in Canines as well
*Side Note: When you are exposed to an infectious organism, which Immunoglobulin come on scene first? IgM. If IgM is Increased, you can say that the Animal has been exposed to the Disease. The IgG will then Increase. If there is a 4 fold increase in the IgG over a 2 week period then you have a diagnosis- This is the case for all Infectious Diseases
Most Common Cause of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid Hyperplasia (Adenoma)
*20% of the time- Both Glands
*Parathyroid Masses are rarely Palpable
Treatment for Nocardia
TMS (Trimethoprim Sulfa)
*Sulfa Drugs work best for Treating Nocardia- Over 6 Weeks of Treatment
In PCR Diagnosis of Leptospirosis, the Organisms Numbers are Higher in _____ in week 1 of Infection. Then Found in Urine. Time of Infection is often unknown so its best to Submit Both Samples to Decrease False Negative Results
Tetanus can Only grow in an ______ Environment
*Ex. Wounds
Clinical Signs of which Endocrine Disorder in the Canine:
Cervical Mass on Palpation
Canine Thyroid Tumors
*Canine Hyperthyroidism is very rare
Be Supspicious of Leptospirosis if Hepatic/Renal Enzymes are Increased, especially ____
Pros and Cons of which type of Vaccine
Alive- Recombinant
Treatment for Actinomyces
*Treat 4 weeks beyond Clinical Resolution
Brucellosis Serology is usually Negative for the first 2-4 Weeks Post Infection, then Titers can stay Positive for up to ___ Years
We consider the combination of a ___ and a ___ the most Sensitive and most Specific Test Combination that we can use in Practice for Hypothyroidism
TT4 and TSH
*TSH is highly Specific and TT4 is Highly Sensitive
*Most Reliable test to Diagnose Hypothyroidism- Combination of TT4, TSH, and FT4
Lyme Prevention = ______ Prevention
True/False: Many Authorities on Lyme Disease do not Recommend Vaccinating Dogs in Non-Endemic Areas
Treatment for Botulism
Supportive Care
*Toxin wears off in 3-4 Weeks
Corona was positive at 1:400 and 1:1600
FIP is a Coronavirus- Coronavirus Mutates into FIP occurs in the Gut of the Cat. Coronavirus on its own is a benign virus, but in susceptible cats it mutates into FIP (wet and dry form). The majority of Cats diagnosed with FIP are going to be under 2 Years of Age
Interpret the Corona Virus Titer- 1:600 is Considered a High Coronavirus Titer. In a Cat that has clinical Signs of FIP, you feel Confident saying the Titer is in line with the disease and the cat has FIP. We can say the cat has been exposed to Coronavirus. Weight Loss and Fever are consistent with FIP
Doxycycline- Doxycycline is used to treat Ricketssial Disease in the cat. Clinicial may have perscribed Doxycycline in case the Cat had Bartonella
Next Diagnostic Step- Set up another physical exam for a week from now because physical exam findings may change
Test we Run to Confirm Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism
*Extremely Sensitive Test for Hyperthyroidism- Very Reliable for Diagnosis
Total T4 Level that Corresponds to Hypothyroid or Sick Euthyroid Syndrome
0-14 nmol/l
*Normal TT4 Levels > 35 nmol/l
Most common Cause of Vaccine Failure in Young Pets
Persistant Maternal Antibodies
*Maternal Antibodies last about 16 weeks in puppies!
Impression smear of Ulcer or Lymph Node Aspirate or Both
Three main Pathologies caused by Leptospirosis
Acute Renal Failure- Moderate or Severe (Anuric)
Liver Failure
Vasculitis- DIC, Shock, Death
*Leptospirosis can cause these thing individually or all together
Two Types of “Alive” Vaccines
1. Attenuated (Modified Live)- Alive but not as Virulent
2. Recombinant Vector Vaccines- DNA from Infectious Agent is incorportated into a Vector (Virus). Theoretically not suppose to revert to the Infectious Form
*Alive Vaccines- Infectious Agent is Alive but Altered
What Bacterial Organism is Causing the Clinical Signs below?
*Lips Drawn back as if the Animal is Smiling and the Jaw is locked (Trismus)
*Only way Diagnose Tetanus- Clinical Signs
- Does the FIV ELISA Snap test check for Antibodies of Antigen?
- Does the FIV Western Blot check for Antibodies or Antigen?
- Could Antibodies to FIV from the Mother be detected in Kittens?
- How is FIV Transmitted?
1. Antibodies (Antibodies = Exposure)
2. Western Blot (Gold Standard for Diagnosis FIV)- Antibodies
3. If kitten is
4. FIV is a disease of Unfriendly Cats- Transmitted via Bites
Best Diagnostic Technique for Babesia
Infectious Disease that is Reportable to the CDC
Small Form of Mycoplasma and the common form in Cats that Rarely causes Clinical Signs unless concurrent Infection or Immunosuppression
Candidatus Mycoplasma Hemominutum
True/False: Avoid Stress in a Cat with Hyperthyroidism
*These cats can die due to stress and Arrhythmia- Never attempt to Restrain these Cats (Thyroid Storm)
Best way to Differentiate Sick Euthyroid Syndrome from Hypothyroid?
TSH Assay
Two Types of “Dead” Vaccines
1. Inactivated/Killed Whole Organism Vaccine
2. Subunit or Recombinant Subunit Vaccine
Protozoal Organism that is Transmitted by Ticks and the Reservoir are Bobcats
*Transmitted throughout Bobcat Population via Ticks
Clinical Signs of which Endocrine Disease in Cats?
Anxious and Susceptible to Stress (Don’t Handle too much)
Weight Loss
Unkempt “Scraggly” Coat
Vomiting/Diarrhea (Hypermotility of Intestines)
Any Lyme Positive Dog should be Tested for _____. If UPC is Elevated, treat for Lyme
Clinical Signs of which Endocrine Disease:
Insulinoma (Hypoglycemia)
Triple Therapy that is used to Treat Helicobacter
Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, and H2 Blocker (Famotidine)
In Which Infectious Disease may we treat with Passive Immunization where the Patient is given Plasma with Immunoglobulins?
Parvovirus in a Puppy
Which of the Following Choices should be Treated for Lyme Disease?
A. The Dog that Tests Positive on the C6 Snap Test and has Clinical Signs of Lyme
B. The Dog that tests Positive but has no Clinical Signs of Lyme
Breed of Dog that most Commonly has Hypoadrenocorticism (Addisons)
Standard Poodles
Common Lab Findings for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and Anaplasmosis
Anemia- Regenerative or Non Regenerative
Infectious Disease seen in Young or Immunocompromised Dogs that leads to Waxing and Waning Clinical Signs of:
Cachexia- Muscle Wasting
Patients with Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings) commonly develop ______
Blood Clots
*Put these Patients on Thromboprophylaxis- Aspirin