Exam 1 Flashcards
Treatment In Bulldogs with Pulmonic Stenosis and a Single Right Coronary Artery Type R2A
Right Ventricle to Pulmonary Trunk Conduit
*Used for severe stenosis when aberrant left coronary artery precludes use of other techniques
On this EKG, What does the P Wave Indicate?
Right Atrial Enlargement
*The P Wave it too High- Greater than 4mm
_____ -Degree AV Block where there is Intermittent Failure of the AV Node to Conduct Impulses between the Atria and Ventricles, characterized by P Waves Intermitently followed by no QRS Complex
*P Wave, followed by no QRS Complex because the AV Node didn’t Conduct the Signal to the Ventricles
Diseases of Heart Muscle
*Ex. Dilated and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Two main Clinical Signs associated with Right Sided Heart Failure
Syncope and Ascites
*When the Right Heart Fails then Less blood will travel through the Lungs to the Left Heart. Therefore, the Left Heart will not be able to supply enough blood to the Brain causing Syncope. Blood will also accumulate in the Great Veins leading to Ascites
Bulldogs with Pulmonic Stenosis commonly have a Single Right Coronary Artery type ___, where the Aberrant Left Coronary Artery comes off the Pulmonary Artery
In 90% of Dobermans with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, you will see ____ on EKG
Ventricular Premature Depolarizations (VPDs)
Respiratory Sound that Occurs when the Airways are Narrowed due to Inflammation that is commonly seen with Bronchitis and Asthmatic Conditions
*Sounds like Whisteling
True/False: When doing Cardiac Ausculations, The Doctor should gently close the dogs mouth and place a finger across the Dogs Nostrils
*Panting can be mistaken for Heart Murmurs
Additive At Home Treatment for Myxomatous Atrioventricular Valvular Degeneration that Decreases the Risk of Death by 18 Months
*Has Become a Standard of Care
*Side Note: Pimobendan is Controversial but has been Used
Cardiomyopathy characterized by a Lack of Contractility within the Heart Muscle leading to a Volume Overload that is common in Large/Giant Breed Dogs
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
*Enlarged Heart with Thin Walls- Volume Overload- Heart is Almost Twice the Normal Weight
*Common in Dobermans, Boxers, Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds!!!
Dobermans and Boxers with Dilated Cardiomyopathy commonly have ____ Type Myofibers
*Fatty Vacuoles within the Myocytes
In Patients with Myxomatous Atrioventricular Valvular Degeneration, with 75% (Large Regurgitation), what Two Clinical things will we see?
Left Sided Congestive Heart Failure
*LCHF is usually Slowely Progressive
The Mean Electrical Axis is the Average Direction of Activation of Ventricular Myocardium During Systole. If the Mean Electrical Axis is Less than 70 Degrees, What is Occuring in the Heart?
Left Heart Enlargement
*Normal Mean Electrical Axis is around 70 Degrees
*More “Meat” on the Left Heart if Hypertrophied, and therefore more Electrical Activity so the Mean Electrical Axis will shift towards the Left Heart (Between 60 and 0 Degrees)
Treatment for ARVC in Boxers if Greater than 1000 Ventricular Premature Depolarizations (VPDs)/ Day
Sotalol and/or Mexilitene
*Monitor Treatment- Holter Monitor- 85% Improvement in # VPD’s/Day
*Omega-3 Also Reduces # of VPDs
Spontaneous Ventricular Depolarizations at 60-180bpm that is Mostly Asymptomatic, but must be monitored because Ventricular Tachycardia may be Coming
Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm
*Not fast enough to be considered Ventricular Tachycardia
*Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm- Around 100 bpm- Still in the Normal Range of a Heart Rate
Patients in Heart Failure should be Given Supplemental Oxygenation. What is the Best Method of Administering Supplemental Oxygenation?
Nasal Catheter
*Use a Soft Feeding Tube and Feed down the Patients Nasal Passage until it Reaches the Carnassial Tooth Area and Connect the Tube to the Oxygen Source_- Run 50-100 ml/kg/min Oxygen into the Tube_
*Masks and Oxygen Hoods/Cages are Not Efficient
All Patients with Aortic Stenosis are Predisposed to _____
Bacterial Endocarditis
*We need to Control Bacterial Infections in these dogs
Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy have Massively Enlarged Left Atriums. Once the Left Atrium Enlarges Greater than ____mm, the Cats Prognosis is Poor
>20 mm = Mod
>25 mm = Severe
*Normal Left Atrium is 15mm
*Prognosis in Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is based on the Size of the Left Atrium- The Larger the Left Atrium, the worse the Prognosis for the Cat
Patients with Sinus Bradycardia have ____ Pulses
*The Ventricles have had a Long time to Fill during Diastole so the Pulse will be VERY Strong
Patients with the Following Conditions commonly have _____:
- Boxers with Cardiomyopathy
- Dobermans with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Aortic Stenosis
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Ventricular Premature Depolarizations (VPD’s)
*30% of Dobermans with DCM will Die Suddenly from VPDs
Depolarization of the _____ Produces the P Wave on the EKG, while Depolarization of the ____ Produce the QRS Complex on the EKG
Atria- P Wave
Ventricle- QRS Complex
*T Wave represents Ventricular Repolarization (End of Systole)
The Mean Electrical Axis is the Average Direction of Activation of Ventricular Myocardium During Systole. If the Mean Electrical Axis is Greater than 90 Degrees, What is Occuring in the Heart?
Right Heart Enlargment
*More Electrical Activity on the Right side of the Heart so the Electrical Axis will Shift to greater than 90 Degrees
True/False: If a Patient has Atrial Fibrillation but the Heart Rate is Normal you Monitor the Patient but do not Treat
*Moniter- May Develop Dilated Cardiomyopathy in the Future
*Holter Monitor- Measures EKG over 24 hour period
True/False: Congenital Heart Diseases make up 5% of our Patients, and are commonly caused by Inherited Defects, Genetic Mutations or Developmental Accidents
*Not Many Heart Conditions are going to be Congenital Heart Diseases
*Dogs > Cats, Dogs more commonly have Congenital Heart Disease
Valves Between the Left Atrium and Left Ventricle of the Heart that Close during Systole
Left Atrio-Ventricular Valve
*Mitral Valve (Humans)
Normal Heart Sound that occurs at the End of Systole due to the Pulmonary Valves and Aortic Valves Snapping Closed
S2 (Dub)
*S1 and S2 sounds are all that we should hear in a normal Heart
Which Cardiomyopathy Has These Signs:
Sudden Death (30%)
Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure (Predominant)
Right-Sided Congestive Heart Failure (Rare)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
*Dobermans in Particular, Die Suddenly
True/False: Sudden Death is Always Possible in Boxers with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
*Even on Treatment, can still Die from VPD’s
Side Note: Animals with Few VPD’s and Animals with Many VPD’s all can Drop Dead Suddenly! No Correlation between # VPD’s and Sudden Death
Cardiac Output that is Insufficient to meet Body Needs
Heart Failure
*Occurs when Heart Disease is Severe- Enormous Reserve Capacity of the Heart
True/False: Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy exhibit these Signs:
Decreased Cardiac Output
Increased Cardiac Oxygen Demand
Ventricular Arrhythmias
Massive Left Atrium
Left Sided Congestive Heart Failure
*15% of Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy can Die Suddenly because of VPDs
*Enlarged Left Atrium- Left Ventricle isn’t able to fill Properly
*Dyspnea- Difficult/Labored Breathing. Most Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy present with Dyspnea due to Pulmonary Edema
Respiratory Sound that Occurs when there is Fluid Build up in the Lungs leading to Alveolar Collapse
*Alveoli are popping open
Surgical Treatment for Tetralogy of Fallot. How Successful is Treatment?
By-Pass Surgery Connecting the Subclavian Artery to the Pulmonary Artery
*Only Works for a Couple of Months- Surgery isn’t very Successful
Phase where the Heart is Not Contracting
*Heart is Resting
True/False: In Patients with Congenital Heart Disease, the Ultrasound will provide the Definitive Diagnosis
*Ultrasound is how Congenital Heart Diseases are Diagnosed
On This EKG, the S Wave in the QRS Complex has Increased. What does this Indicate?
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
*Right Ventricle Gives Rise to the S Wave (Negative Deflection). With Right Ventricular hypertrophy, the Duration of the QRS Complex stays the same, only the S Wave becomes Deeper
*Normal S Wave is only 3.5 mm (shown in Picture)
True/False: The Prognosis for Endocarditis if Poor/Grave with Congestive Heart Failure
Which Cardiomyopathy has these Clinical Signs:
Thin Patient (Cachexia)
Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation/ VPDs
Soft Systolic Murmur
S3 Gallop
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Failure of the SA Node that can occur for 1 or more Beats
Sinus Arrest
Two Ways we Monitor if Heart Failure Treatment is Working
Decreased Heart Rate
Decreased Respiratory Rate
*If Heart Failure Treatment is working the animals Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate will both be Decreasing. Animals with Heart Failure have Increased Heart Rate and Respiratory Rates
Most Important EKG lead
Lead II
*Measures the Electrical Activity between the Right Front Leg and the Left Hind Leg. Negative Pole is the Front Leg and the Positive Pole is the Hind Leg
Common Arrhythmia in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy characterized by Random Firing of Atrial Muscles with Multiple Ectopic Foci. The EKG will show No P Waves with Normal Random QRS Complexes and Jumpy Baselines
Atrial Fibrillation
*Differentiate from Electrical Interferance- Electrical Interferance has P Waves Present on EKG
Which of the Following is NOT a Treatment for Tetralogy of Fallot:
A. By-Pass connecting Subclavian Artery to Pulmonary Artery
B. Beta Blockers
C. Phlebotomies
D. Vasodilators
D. Vasodilators
*Vasodilators will Decrease the Resistance in the Aorta and Increase Right-Left Shunting. Vasodilators are CONTRAINDICATED in Tetralogy of Fallot
*Beta Blockers will reduce Right Heart Stiffness. Phlebotomies will get rid of Excess Red Blood Cells
What Condition is Shown in this Ultrasound that is common in Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM)
*Mitral Valve is Blocking Flow
Which Congential Heart Diseases causes:
Left-Sided Eccentric Hypertrophy
Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure
Right-Sided Systolic Murmur
Ventricular Septal Defect
*Ventricular Septal Defect- The Louder the Murmur the Better the Prognosis (Smaller VSD)
*Blood is Travelling from the Left side of the Heart to the Right- Murmur is Heard on the Right Side of the Patients Heart
Condition in Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, where the Mitral Valve is Pulled into the Way of the Outflow of Blood from the Left Ventrical and Blood Travels back into the Left Atrium rather than the Aorta
Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM)
*Occurs in 65% of Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
*SAM- Cats have Enlarged Left Atrium
Breed of Dog where 13% will Develop Myxomatous Atrioventricular Valvular Degeneration by 3 years of Age
King Charles Cavelier
*Most Small Breed Dogs develop it at 6-9 Years of Age, while King Charles Spaniels develop it earlier at 3 years
_____ Shunted Patent Ductus Arteriosis leads to:
Left Sided Eccentric Hypertrophy
Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure
True/False: Patients with Left-Right shunting PDA will have Weaker Pulse Pressures
*They will have STRONGER (Hyperkinetic) Pulses- Bounding Pulses in patients with Left-Right shunting PDA’s
*Pulse- Difference between Systolic and Diastolic Pressure
Best Specialized Test for Detecting Arrhythmias
*Tells what the Cause of the Arrhythmia in the Heart is
True/False: In Patients with Pulmonic Stenosis that have undergone Valvuloplasty or Surgery, the Prognosis is Usually Good/Excellent
If the Ventricular Septal Defect is Half the Size of the Aorta, it is known as a ____ Ventricular Septal Defect and won’t cause Significant Problems
True/False: In 50% of Heart Failure Patients, ACE Inhibitors cause Hypotension and Azotemia
*Hypotension and Azotemia only occur in 5% of Heart Failure Patients on ACE Inhibitors- Very Rare. Really Only get Hypotension and Azotemia when you start using ACE Inhibitors too Soon
*ACE Inhibitors are Great for Prolonging/Improving the life of Heart Failure Patients
____Cardiomyopathy is a Condition Mainly see in Large/Giant Breed Dogs, while ____ Cardiomyopathy is a Condition mainly seen in Cats
Dilated- Ex. Dobermans, Great Danes
Hypertrophic- Cats
Most common Cause of Pericardial Effusion in Dogs
Neoplasia (70%)
*Congestive Heart Failure (10%) cause of Pericardial Effusion
*Hemangiosarcomas causing Pericardial Effusion are common in Retrievers and German Shephards
True/False: Patients with Pulmonic Stenosis will have Weak Pulses
*Left Heart is Functioning Normally but the Right Heart isn’t pumping enough blood to the Left Heart
What Drug is Given Per Os Once Daily to Control Arrhythmias (VPDs) in Patients with Aortic Stenosis?
*Sotalol stops VPDs in Majority of Dogs
*Can also use Oral Combination of Mexiletine and Atenolol- Must be Given Per os 3 times daily (Sotalol is Prefered)
Emergency Situations- IV Lidocaine
Blood Pressure in the Aorta
*120 During Systole and 80 during Diastole
*Left Side of the Heart has the Higher Blood Pressure because it has to Pump blood out to the Entire Body- Generates Intersitial Fluid in the Capillaries
Clinical Sign Associated with Brain Insufficiency due to Left Sided Heart Failure
*Syncope- Temporary Lack of Consciousness described as “Fainting”. Caused by a lack of Foward Flow from the Left Ventricle and Decreased Blood Flow to the Brain and other Organs
The ____ Heart Sound is generally associated with Hypertrophic Hearts while the ____ Heart Sound is associated with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
S4- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (in cats)
S3- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (in Dogs)
Treatment for Third-Degree AV Blocks
Stage of Myxomatous Atrioventricular Valvular Degeneration that is Refractory to Standard Therapy and is considered End Stage
Stage D
*Refer to Cardiologist
Determine the Heart Rate in Beats Per Minute (BPM)
204 BPM
*On Exam and Final- Determining Heart Rate from EKG
*Every 25mm Represents 1 Second- The Arrows Represent 1 Second Intervals. The Overall Strip is 5 Seconds. Count the Number of QRS Complexes = 17 in 5 Seconds. 17 Beats in 5 Seconds (17/5), therefore the Heart Rate per Minute is ((17/5)x 12) = 204/60
*Heart Rate of 204 BPM is too High- Animal has a Tachyarrhythmia
Which Congenital Heart Disease is Characterized by:
Right-Sided Eccentric Hypertrophy
Pulmonic Murmur
Tricuspid Murmur
Atrial Septal Defect
*Left-Right Shunting- Eccentric Hypertrophy of the Right Heart
*Pulmonic Murmur- More blood than usual is Going through the Pulmonary Artery
*Tricuspid Murmur- More blood flowing through the Tricuspid Valve
Two Pacemakers in the Heart that Can Take over when the SA Node Fails to Work (Sinus Arrest)
Juctional (AV Node) Escape
Ventricular Escape
*Junctional Pacemaker works at 40-60 BPM
*Ventricular Pacemaker Works at 20 BPM
On EKG, if the P Wave is too Wide, What does that Indicate?
Left Atrial Enlargement
*Normal P Wave is around 0.04 Seconds ( 2 Boxes Wide)
Phase where the Heart is Contracting
Heart Rhythm that Sounds like DUB LUB DUB due to Audible forced filling of Blood into the Already Filled Ventricle due to Atrial Contraction
S4 Gallop Rhythm
*We typically hear the S4 Heart Sound in Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Beat that can be Measured when the Left Side of the Heart Beats against the Inside of the Chest
Apex Beat
*Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy- Increased Apex Beat
*Dilated Cardiomyopathy- Decreased Apex Beat
Diagnosis of EKG
Ventricular Premature Depolarization Initiated in Left Ventricle
*Left Ventricle- Negative at the Beginning
True/False: All of these are Considered Normal QRS Complexes
*Sometimes the Q or S Wave may be Missing, but is still normal and still considered a QRS Complex
Delay or Failure of Transmission at the AV Node that can be caused by factors outside the heart such as Drugs, Hypothyroidism and Increased Vagal Tone as well as Ischemia and Trauma within the Heart
AV Block
Most Widely used Drug used to Treat Ventricular Premature Depolarizations in Non-Emergency Situations
*Sotalol is sometimes combined with Mexiletine
What are the Prognosis for Cats with:
A. Asymtomatic Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
B. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with CHF
C. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Thromboembolism
A- Good/Guarded (Average 5 Years of Age)
B. 3 Months (20% > 3 Years)- Dependant on Left Atrium Size
C. Grave (Normally Euthanized)
Drugs used to Treat Atrial Fibrillation and Other Arrhythmias in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Digoxin + Diltiazem
Heart Sound that is normally Audible in Large Animals but abnormal in Small animals that occurs just after the Atrium Contracts when Blood is Forced into the already Filled Ventricle
We Treat Patients with Aortic Stenosis if they have ____, such as Syncope, Weakness, and Ventricular Premature Depolarizations (VPDs) or if the Stenosis is Severe at Greater than 4 meters/second
Clinical Signs
*Even with Treatment the Patient can still Die Suddenly from Arrhythmias
Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy have ____ Failure
*The Heart cannot Fill during Diastole because there is Decreased Space
True/False: Capillary Refill time is a Good Indicator of Cardiac Output and is a good indicator of Heart Failure Treatment
*Best Place to Check Capillary Refill Time- Lip
_____ Commonly have these Congenital Heart Diseases:
Patent Ductus Arteriosis
Aortic/Pulmonic Stenosis
Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
Mitral Dysplasia
Pacemaker Escape Beat that is Characterized by an Abnormal QRS Complex and Absent P Wave
*Shown in Picture by Arrow Head
Ventricular Escape
Drugs used to Treat Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathies in Cats, while treating the Ventricular Premature Depolarizations simultaneously
Atenolol / Propanolol
In 75-100% of Wolf hounds and 30% of Dobermans with Dilated Cardiomyopathy you will see _____ on EKG
Atrial Fibrillation
*Atrial Fibrillation- Mainly in Giant Breed (Wolf hounds)
*No P-Wave, Jumpy Baseline and Random R-R Intervals
Patients with Left-Right Shunted Patent Ductus Arteriosis will have Characteristic Continuous Murmurs during Diastole and Systole (Machinery Murmur). Where will the Murmur be Loudest?
Heart Base
*These Murmurs are often so Loud that they produce a Thrill- Can feel Murmur with Hand on the side of the Patients Chest
An EKG with Short QRS Complexes that Change in Height. What is this Indicative of?
Pericardial Effusion
*Heart is Floating in Pericardial Sac
Heart Sound that Occurs at the Beginning of Diastole that is a period of passive Filling of the Ventricle
*Audible in Large animals but you should not be able to hear the S3 sound in small animals. When you do hear the S3 sound in small animals it is an indication that the heart is massively enlarged- Typically in dogs with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Which side of the Heart is Strained and undergoes Eccentric Hypertrophy if you have a Left-Right shunting Patent Ductus Arteriosis (PDA)
Left Heart
*Left Heart is going to have a Volume Overload because blood keeps getting pumped back resulting in Left Heart Enlargment (Eccentric Hypertrophy) and eventually leads to Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure in these dogs
*Blood Shunted from Aorta to Pulmonary Artery (Left-Right Shunt)
Treatment for Endocarditis
Stabilize CHF (If Present) - Furosemide
High Levels of Serum Bactericidal IV Antibiotics- Kill Infection
What is the Treatment for Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy that have Developed Thromboembolism
Analgesia/Fluids/Acepromazine ??
*Most Veterinarians Euthanize- Poor Prognosis- 100% Reoccurance within 6 months of Treatment
String of Ventricular Premature Depolarizations at a Rate Greater than 160-180 bpm that is considered a Serious Condition that may be Prefibrillatory and lead to Sudden Death
Ventricular Tachycardia
Two Most Common causes of Pericardial Effusion in Cats
FIP and Lymphoma
Test that Measures Electrical Activity in the Heart and is Fantastic for Picking up Accurate Heart Rates and Conduction Disturbances such as Arrhythmias
Electrocardiography (EKG or ECG)
What is Recommended as Additional Treatment for Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy that are Obstructed (HOCM)
Atenolol (Beta Blocker)
*Murmurs get Softer if the Patient is put on Beta-Blockers
*Side Note- Beta Blockers also Diminish VPD’s in patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Two Drugs used in Emergency Situations to Treat Superventricular Tachycardia when the Underlying Cause cannot be Treated
Esmolol/ Diltiazem
Summary Slide:
- When Patient is in Heart Failure, initially Furosemide is Given in Larger Doses
- Once the Respiratory Rate Decreases by 25-50%, the Patient is only given Furosemide Per os Three times Daily
- Once Heart Failure begins to get better, the Patient is Switched to ACE Inhibitors for the Long term to Prolong/Improve life
Prognosis for Myxomatous Atrioventricular Valvular Degeneration
Good (70-90%) Die Before CHF
*If Patient Develops LCHF- 1 Year
If Patient Develops RCHF- Poor Prognosis
Clinical Sign associted with the Lungs in Left Sided Heart Failure
Dyspnea/ Cough
*Dyspnea- Increased Effort in Respiration/Shortness of Breath
*In Left Sided Heart Failure if Blood is not Flowing Forward as it should then it will back up into the Lungs through the Pulmonary Veins- Lungs will be full of Blood (Heavy Lungs)
True/False: Tachycardia and Bradycardia can lead to Syncope
*Tachycardia- Not enough Time for the Ventricles to Fill before each beat, therefore not enough blood being pumped to the Brain
Cardiomyopathy that is Common in Cats where the Heart Develops Concentric Hypertrophy characterized by Large, Branching, and Fibrotic Myocytes
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Patients with Large Ventricular Septal Defects or____ Shunting carry a Poor Prognosis
*90% of Ventricular Septal Defects are Left-Right Shunting. If Right-Left Shunting occurs in a Patient with VSD, it carries a very poor Prognosis
*Mild to Moderate Ventricular Septal Defects have Good Prognosis
If the Murmur is loudest over the Apex of the Heart, what is that Characteristic of?
Mitral Valve Insufficiency (usually Endocardiosis)
Patient is in the Arrythmogenic Stage of Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Atrial Fibrillation is Detected with an Increased Heart Rate
( 150 bpm). What two Drugs can be used for Treatment?
Diltiazem or Beta-Blocker
*Usually Diltiazem is Used- Works very Well
*We need to Slow the Heart Down
Heart Condition that Leads to:
Congestive Heart Failure
Septic Emboli
Polyarthritis + Glomerulonephritis
*Cord Rupture could lead to Acute Onset of Heart Failure
*Parts of Vegetation with Bacteria can break off and got the Brain, Kidney ect. Causing Seizures and Renal Problems
What Drugs do we use to Improve Diastolic Function in Patients with Aortic Stenosis
Beta-Blockers (Atenolol)
*Beta-Blockers take away the Sympathetic tone of the heart and allow it to expand more during Diastole
*We want to Relax/Dilate the Heart and take the Tone out of the muscle so that it can dilate and Fill during Diastole
Abnormal, extra Heart Sounds caused by Distrubed Blood Flow, such as narrowing of a vessel, valvular insufficiency, increased rate of blood flow and decreased blood Viscosity
Heart Murmurs
*Narrowing of Vessels and Valvular insufficiency are the Two Main causes of Murmurs
Pericardial Effusions lead to ___-Sided Congestive Heart Failure
On this EKG, What do the P Waves Indicate?
Bi-Atrial Enlargement
*The P Wave is Peaked (Too High) and Too Wide- Left and Right Atrial Enlargement
True/False: In Most cases, Atrial Septal Defects are Asymptomatic and don’t cause Significant Clinical Problems
Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD) lead to a Volume Overload in the ____ Heart and eventually Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure
*VSD causes Eccentric Hypertrophy of the Left Heart
_____-Degree AV Block caused by Delayed Conduction through the AV Node characterized by a Prolongation of the PR Interval
*Delayed Conduction through the AV Node
*Normal PR Interval is around 0.13 Seconds. If the PR Interval is Greater than 0.13 Seconds = First-Degree AV Block
*Usually Caused by Increased Vagal Tone- No Treatment
True/False: 90% of Patent Ductus Arteriosis Cases will be Left-Right Shunted
*Right-Left PDA only makes up 10% of PDA Cases
Patient is in the Classic Failure Stage of Dilated Cardiomyopathy. What is the Treatment?
Furosemide + ACE Inhibitors
*Furosemide Orally 3 Times Daily. Once Respiratory Rate gets to the Normal Zone, then Start Decreasing the Furosemide. ACE Inhibitors used for Long Term Treatment
*Put these Patients on Restricted Sodium Diets
True/False: Patients in Heart Failure with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Mitral Valve Disease have a fairly good Prognosis with a Life Expectancy of 1 year Following Heart Failure
Normal Heart Rate (BPM) for a Dog
70-170 BPM
*120-240 BPM is Normal Heart Rate in Cats