final exam Flashcards
what organisms are asexual?
what organisms are sexual?
thick walled broad based yeast
spherules filled with endospores
thick walled barrel shaped arthrospore
spiny tubercuate macroconidia
brown sclerotic bodies
this walled, spindle shaped macroconidia
colony has a red reverse
trichophytom rubrum
thin walled club shaped macroconidia in clusters
produces germ tube
candida albicans
causes epidemic ringworm
trichopyton tonsurans
broad non septate hypae in tissue
mucor or rhizopus
brown gritty deposits in sputum
multiple buds in tissue
causes phycomycoses
mucor or rhizopus
what causes rocky mountain spotted fever and is transmitted through the tick?
rickettsia rickettsi
how do rickettsia differ from chlamydia?
rickettsia needs an arthropod vector
what diseases are caused by chlamydia and how are they spread?
inhalation from birds
which virus is caused by Bukitts lymphoma?
epstein barr
what virus is caused by IM?
epstein barr
which viruses has large red intranuclear inclusions?
which viruse causes shingles?
varicella zoster
host in which sexual stage of life cycle occures as an adult
definitive host
host in which asexual stage of life cycle occurs in larval stage
intermediate host
animals other than man can be what kind of host?
resivoir host
what protozoan is sluggish with random motility?
entamoeba coli
what protozoan has fine even peripheral chromatin?
entamoeba histolytica
which protozoan is an oval cyst has large blot like karyosome?
endolimax nana
what protozoan has large glycogen vacuoles that stain deeply with iodine?
iodamoeba butschlii
which protozoan lacks the cyst stage?
dientamoeba fragilis, thrichomonas vaginalis, entameoba gingivalis
a protozoan whos troph is bilaterally symmetrical?
giardia lamblia
a pear shaped troph with jerky motility that is found in urine
trichomonas vaginalis
a cyst that is lemon shaped with “nipple” on end
chilomastix mesnili
how are most protozoan diseases trasmitted?
fecal oral
ingest the cyst
what morphological form of the the blood and tissue flagella is intracellular?
Ld body or Leshmanial forms
which LD body or leshmainal forms are found in this form in human cells?
all leishmania and trypanosoma cruzii
what is the vector and disease that trypanasoma gambiense causes?
west african sleeping sickness
tsetse fly
what is the vector and disease of leshmania donovani kala-azar?
LD bodies
sand flies
what is the vector and disease of leshmania braziliensis
sand flies