Final exam Flashcards
Wider and longer crowns with straight incisal edges
Maxillary centrals
Smaller and more rounded edges with straight incisal edges
Maxillary laterals
Rounded facial surfaces with a single pointed cusp
Maxillary canines
-Most commonly extracted
-May have divided root
-Long central groove that extends over mesial marginal ridges
-Possible bifurcation
-Mesial crown concavity
-Mesial root depression
Maxillary 1st premolars
-Short central groove only 1/3 of occlusal surface
-1 root
-No bifurcation
Maxillary 2nd premolars
-3 roots
-Oblique ridge
-Cusp of carabelli
-4 cusps
Maxillary 1st molars
-3 roots
-Oblique ridge
-Can be tricusped
Maxillary 2nd molars
-Most narrow
Mandibular centrals
-Edges more rounded
-Incisal edge slopes distally
-Wider than centrals
Mandibular laterals
-One single cusp tip
-Rare bifurcated root
Mandibular canines
-Most commonly extracted
-Short lingual non-functional cusp
Mandibular 1st premolars
-Functional lingual cusp
-Often has two lingual cusps
-Can be tricusped
Mandibular 2nd premolars
-5 cusps
-2 roots
-Zig-zag central groove
-2 buccal pits & grooves
-Mesial root may have two canals
Mandibular 1st molars
-4 cusps
-2 roots
-Cross central groove
-1 buccal pit
Mandibular 2nd molars
What makes up the occlusal table?
Margin ridge + cusp ridges/slopes
When does primary tooth development begin?
6 weeks in utero
What are the stages of tooth development?
When is the initiation stage?
6-7 weeks
When is the bud stage?
8th week
When is the cap stage?
9-10 weeks
When is the bell stage?
11-12 weeks
What is the primitive mouth?
What is the stomodeum lined by?
What does the stomodeum give rise to?
Oral epithelium
What migrates to areas to influence ectomesenchyme tissue?
Neural crest cells
What is oral epithelium and ectomesenchyme separated by?
Basement membrane
Extensive growth of the dental lamina into tooth germ penetrating into ectomesenchyme
Bud stage
Oral epithelium consists of two horseshoe- shaped bands of tissue which will become the two arches/jaw
Initiation stage
Abnormally large teeth
Abnormally small teeth
- Proliferation of growth of cells continues
- Tooth bud of the dental lamina does not grow
into a large sphere surrounded by
ectomesenchyme instead there is unequal
growth in different parts of the tooth bud
Cap stage
What three structures are now considered to be tooth germ at the end of the cap stage?
Enamel organ
Dental papilla
Dental sac
What future dental tissue is produced from the enamel organ?
What future dental tissue is produced by dental papills?
Dentin and pulp
What future dental tissue is produced by the dental sac?
Alveolar bone
Enamel organ forms into dental papilla
- Tooth within a tooth
Dens in dente
Tooth germ tries to divide, tooth count is normal
Union of two adjacent tooth germs, one less tooth count
- Continuation of proliferation, differentiation
and morphogenesis - Differentiation on all levels occur resulting in
four types of cells within the enamel organ
and two types in the dental papilla
Bell stage
What are the four developing tissues of the enamel organ?
Outer enamel epithelium
Stellate reticulum
Stratum intermedium
Inner enamel epithelium
- More outer star-shaped cells in many layers
forming a network - Supports production of enamel matrix
Stellate reticulum
- Compressed layer of flat to cubodial cells
- Supports production of enamel matrix
Stratum intermedium
- Innermost layer
- Tall columnar cells
- Will differentiate into enamel secreting cells
Inner enamel epithelium
Enamel secreting cells
What gives rise to enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp?
Tooth germ
What makes up the bulk of a tooth?
What tooth relationship can be changed?
Clinical crown & root
What makes up a transverse ridge?
2 triangular ridges
What is the tooth eruption pattern?
What teeth do we look at for occlusion?
Maxillary first molars
What do primary maxillary 2nd molars resemble?
Permanent maxillary 1st molars
What primary teeth don’t resemble any permanent teeth?
Primary mandibular 1st molars
What do primary mandibular 2nd molars resemble?
Permanent mandibular 1st molars
Imperfect enamel formation
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Imperfect formation of dentin
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Absence of teeth
What are the most commonly missing teeth in order?
Maxillary 3rd molars
Maxillary laterals
Mand. 2nd premolars
Extra teeth
Supernumerary teeth
Small supernumerary tooth forms between central incisors
Incisors screwdriver shaped, broader cervically, notched incisal edge
Hutchinson’s incisors
-Bull or prism teeth
-Long pulp chambers
-American indians and artic populations
Severe bend or angular distortion of a tooth root
Dilaceration - flexion
Disturbance in ameloblasts during early enamel formation
Enamel dysplasia
Incomplete development of enamel localized discolored spot
Focal hypoplasia
Space between teeth
-Typically centrals
Small round nodules of enamel with a tiny core of dentin
Enamel pearls
An extra cusp or protuberance on surface
Dens evaginatus
- loss of the PDL space so the
tooth root is fused to the. alveolar bone - fail to continue to erupt so
they appear shorter
Loss of tooth structure by chemical means
Wearing away of enamel due to movement
Cervical loss of tooth structure thought to occur from tooth bending under heavy occlusal forces
Wearing away of tooth structure by mechanical force
Dental condition that causes the outside of teeth to be lost
External resorption
Condition that occurs when the body’s own cells break down the dentin and pulpal walls of a tooth
Internal resportion
Mesial buccal cusp on the maxillary first
molar is aligned with the mesiobuccal groove
of the mandibular first molar
class I occlusion
Mesiobuccal groove of mandibular molar is
distal to the mesialbuccal cusp of max molar by at least the width of a premolar
Class II occlusion
mandible is retruded and
ALL maxillary incisors are protruded
Class II division I occlusion
mandible is retruded and
ONE OR MORE maxillary incisors are retruded
Class II division II occlusion
Mesiobuccal groove of mandibular molar is
mesial to the mesialbuccal cusp of max molar by at least the width of a premolar
Class III occlusion
Anterior tooth out of alignment to the labial
Posterior tooth out of alignment to the labial
Tooth out of alignment to lingual
Twisted tooth
maxillary and mandibular cusp tips line up directly over each other
Incisal edges of maxillary and
mandibular incisors meet
Edge-to-edge bite
Posterior teeth occlude but
space between anterior
incisal edges
Open bite
Overerupted tooth that is abnormally long relative
to the remaining occlusal surfaces
Supraeruption - extrusion
Tooth is abnormally short relative to the occlusal plane
Infraocclusion - infraversion