Final Exam Flashcards
How many paragraphs should an essay have?
as many as it takes to fulfill the prompt
What are scientifically supported study strategies?
testing yourself, interleaving, teach someone else.
they can be proven wrong with enough evidence.
Why is replication important?
validates the findings.
What type of study can demonstrate a casual relationship?
an experiment.
Representative Sample
focused on picking people that represent the overall demographics.
Random Sample
everyone has the same chance to be picked.
Correlation Coefficients
chemical messengers in the brain.
Monozygotic Twins
comes from 1 egg that split, share 100% of DNA.
Dizygotic Twins
comes from 2 eggs.
If there are differences between monozygotic twins, what must it be due to?
environmental influence.
relay center of the brain.
3 Divisions of the Brain
hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain.
4 Lobes of the Brain:
Frontal = higher order thinking.
Occipital = sight.
Parietal = senses.
Temporal = hearing, speach.
controls fear and aggression.
Evolutionary Psychology
evolved from natural selection.
Absolute Threshold
the minimum stimulus needed to detect something.
Difference Threshold
the amount of change needed for you to sense change.
chemical messengers in the blood, slower.
natural pain killers.
Sex Assigned at Birth
determined at genes.
detect color.
detects gray/black/white.