Final Exam Flashcards
Iron Man world record Jan Frodeno
1-18 is VO2MAX LAB
Has a high VO two max and so do cross country runners
02 is utilized in….
In heart problems….
02 is utilized in mitochondria
In higher elevation, it is harder to uptake
Heart problems, cause transportation hindered 
Volume of O2, that can be uptake in transported and utilized by the body in tissues and cells 
O2 max
The point at which there is no further increase in oxygen, uptake, in spite of an increase in Work rate, is known as the maximum oxygen uptake
V02 rises
Almost literally with increase in Work right and is closely related to aerobic energy expenditure
Factors that affect VO2
Age 15 through 18
Training status
Mode of exercise
Central circulation 
Hemoglobin and red blood cell concentration
Transport protein
Arterial blood pressure
Peripheral circulation
Muscle blood flow vasoconstriction, verse bags of dilation
Oxygen extraction 
Metabolic factors
Muscle metabolism has a huge effect on 02 utilization
Myoglobin concentration
Muscle mass
Energy stores
Mitochondrial efficiency
How do we measure 02
VO2MAX test
It is considered a gold standard of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic fitness
Metabolic cart what is measured
Three types of Max tests
Submaximal - testing is performed at a low enough to intensity that the subject does not reach failure during the assessment
Peak test - the highest VO two obtained during the test, but failed to meet the desired requirements for a true Max test
- highest VO two obtained and obtainable by the subject during the assessment that meets the true Max test selection criteria
Criteria for true Max test
Two of the following must be met
Plateau in O2, despite an increase in work, right
Heart rate is within 10 BPM of age predicted heart rate Max
RER > 1.10
RPE > 8.5 or > 17
RER respiratory exchange ratio 
Ratio between amount of CO2 produced in O2, consumed in one breath
METS metabolic equivalent
1 MET = 3.5 ml/mm/kg
RPE is
Rate of perceived exertion
V02max test procedure and Bruce protocol 
Assessment should last 8 to 15 minutes
Bruce protocol :
Warm up 3 to 5 minutes. Test is three minutes stages. Speed in grade will increase with each stage.
19- 28 is LAB 7
The heart receives blood from
Coronary circulation during diastole
Blood supply decreases during systole
Any reduction in blood flow will result in myocardial ischemia