exam 1 Flashcards
Muscular Fitness (muscular strength, endurance, power) Aanerobic Fitness, Aerobic Fitness, Body Composition
Muscular Strength - max force generated at a given velocity
Muscular endurance - Force production over a multiple consecutive contraction
Anaerobic Fitness - Produces ATP at high rates but in small amounts (lasting 1-2 minutes)
◦ not utilizing oxygen as a final electron acceptor
Aerobic Fitness - Sustained ATP production for long duration activities
Flexibility - how much you can stretch
Body Comp. - comp of human body two primary components
fat tissue and fat free or lean tissue or fat mass vs lean body mass
Muscular strength - how much you can lift in that given time
Energy system and assessment tests
Energy systems -
Anaerobic Glycolysis
Assessment Tests:
Hand Grip
1 - RM
Muscular Endurance
Energy system and assessment tests
Energy systems -
BETA - oxidation
Aerobic Glycolysis
Assessment Tests:
sit ups
push ups
VO2 max test
Anaerobic Fitness
Energy system and assessment tests
Energy systems -
End product Anaerobic Glycolysis
Assessment Tests:
Aerobic Fitness
Energy system and assessment tests
Energy systems -
Lactate converts to pyuvate
Aerobic Glycolysis
Beta - oxidation
Assessment Tests:
VO2 max test
assessment tests
sit and reach
FMS testing
Body Composition
assessment tests
Assessment tests - skin folds, BODPOD, Hydrostatic weighing
ATP- PC System
High intensity 3-7 sec
as long as free floating ATP and PC in muscle to provide energy
Example: 1RM sqaut
Lactic Acid/ Anarobic Glycolysis
High intensity 85-95% for 7-12 sec
Repeated high intensity when there is insufficient time to recover PC store and glucose and or lactate are now used for energy
Example: 100m sprinting
Aerobic Glycolysis
Low effort 60-75%
breathing and heart rate are sufficent for oxegen delivery
Example: 200-400m sprints
Systolic Blood Pressure
pressure during systole of the heart (90 to
140 mmHg)
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Diastolic Blood Pressure= a pressure
during diastole of the heart (60 to 90
Pulse Pressure
SBP - DBP = Pulse Pressure
Mean Blood Pressure
Mean Blood Pressure = DBP + 1/3 pulse pressure
Resting Blood Pressure Assessment
Patient sits for ~2 mins w/ feet flat, legs uncrossed, & arms at heart level
2. Wrap cuff on upper arm, 1 inch above antecubital space
3. Place bell of stethoscope over the brachial artery
4. Inflate cuff to around 180-200 mmHg, depending on population
5. Slowly release pressure at 2-4 mmHg per second
6. SBP = point at which the first of two or more Korotkoff sounds is heard
(phase 1)
7. DBP = point before disappearance of Korotkoff Sounds (phase 5)
BP Guidelines
High BP Hypertension Stage 1
High BP Hypertension Stage 2
High BP Hypertension Crisis
Normal - Systolic less than 120
Diastolic - less than 80
Elevated - systolic 120-129
Diastolic - less than 80
High blood pressure stage 1 - systolic 130 or 139
Diastolic - 80-89
High blood pressure state 2 - systolic 140 or higher
Diastolic - 90 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis - systolic higher than 180
Diastolic - higher than 120
Classifications of Resting Heart Rate
less than 60 = bradycardia
60 to 100 bpm = normal
more than 100 bpm = tachycardia
Mannual heart rate procedures
Locate radial artery.
2. Place the tips of the index and middle
fingers over the radial artery and press
Do not use the thumb (why not?).
3. Count for 60s for resting, or 15s for
exercise (then x4)
Start the count on a beat, which is counted
as “zero.”
Essential vs. Nonessential Fat
Essential Fat -
Males 2-5%;
females 10-13%
* Cellular membranes, vitam ins and hormones
Non-Essential fat
- Commonly thought of for removal
(dense fuel source) - Health reasons
- Athletic performance
- Vanity
Fat Mass and distribution
Men - upper body ANDROID (apple shape) Visceral fat
Obesity women - Lower Body GYNOID (Pear Shape) subaceatous fat
Fat Free Mass
Water, Protein. Minerals