Final Exam Flashcards
What is a racial group?
A group set apart based on physical differences that have social significance
What is an ethnic group?
A group set apart based on national origin or distinctive cultural patterns
What is a minority group?
A subordinate group who has significantly less control and power over lives than the dominant group has over theirs
What are the 5 properties of the minority group?
Unequal treatmet
* Ex: denying rent to certain groups of people
Physical or cultural traits
* Ex: society defines what features are most important
Ascribed status
* People born into this group
* In- vs. out-group / us vs. them
In-group marriage
* Unwillingness to marry outside race; fits in with solidarity
How is race a social construct?
- Process to define groups as a race based in part of physical characteristics but also historical, cultural, and economic factors
- Powerful and privileged benefit
What is racial formation?
- How racial definitions are cemented
- The way in which racial categories are created and transformed
- Those in power define the groups
What is prejudice?
A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, usually racial or ethnic minority
(Perpetuates false narratives and based in ethnocentrism)
What forms does prejudice come in?
- Open expression
- Stereotyping - unreliable generalizations about all members of a goup that don’t recognize individual differences (created by dominant majority)
- Hate crimes
What is racism?
- The belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior
- Class and citizenship become proxies for race
What is color-blind racism?
- Principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo
- Claim everyone is treated equally
What is discrimination?
The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice
What was Devah Pager’s experiment?
- Studied racial discrimination in hiring
- 2 black and 2 white students applied, one of each with a prior record
- White with criminal background got more callbacks than Black without criminal record
What is white privilege?
Rights or immunities granted to people as a particular benefit or favor because they’re white
Who is Peggy McIntosh?
A sociologist who studies white privilege
What is institutional discrimination?
Denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from the normal operations of a society
What is redlining?
Pattern of discrimination against people who try to buy homes in minority and racially changing neighborhoods
What is affirmative action?
Positive efforts to recruit minority groups or women to jobs, education, and promotions
What is the functionalist view on race/ethnicity?
- Dominant majority benefits from the subordination of racial minorities
- Moral justification for unequal society and discourage questioning status quo
- Dysfunction - aggravates problems, undercuts diplomatic relationships
What is the conflict view on race/ethnicity?
- Vested interests perpetuate racial inequality through economic exploitation
- Racism keeps minorities in low paying jobs and rich then have low wages for all
What is the labeling view on race/ethnicity?
- People are profiled and stereotyped based on their racial and ethnic identity
- Racial profiling by police, airport security, and customs
What is the interactionist view on race/ethnicity?
- Cooperative interracial contacts can reduce hostility
- Contact hypothesis - in cooperative circumstances interracial contact will reduce prejudice
What is genocide?
The deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation
Ex: the Holocaust; Native Americans in the US
What is expulsion?
An effort to push individuals out of the nation
Ex: Myanmar killing the Muslim minority in effort to remove them from the country
What is succession?
Drawing formal boundaries of land between groups
Ex: succession of Pakistan from India (Muslims and Hindus)
What is segregation?
The physical separation of two groups of people
Ex: Apartheid - South African policy designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and Non-Whites from Whites from 1948 to 1990
* Nelson Mandela - 1st Black President of South Africa in 1994 after 28 years in prison for activism
What is segregation in the suburbs?
A concept from the book American Apartheid by Massey and Denton that talks about segregation in US based on concentration of US neighborhoods
Ex: Ferguson, MO - over 20 years went from 25% black to 65%
What is amalgamation?
When a majority group and minority combine to form a new group
A + B = C
Ex: intergroup marriage over generations creates this
What is assimilation?
The process through which a person forsakes his or her cultural traditions to become part of a new one (follow dominant culture)
A + B + C = A
Ex: Italians, Polish, and Germans changed last names in US
What is pluralism?
Mutual respect for one another’s culture among the various groups in society
Also called multiculturalism
A + B + C = A + B + C
Problem is it is an ideal, not a reality
* Ex: need to learn English and mus have a consensus on ideals, values, and beliefs for a society
Why is there a massive racial disparity in the Criminal Justice System?
Black individuals are overrepresented in system - spike since the 1980s because of an era of mass incarceration
* Has been referred to as the New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander wrote a book on it
War on Drugs started by Nixon heightened policies which target certain groups of people
What is the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986?
Created mandatory minimum sentences
Created 100-to-1 rule
* 10 years minimum for 5,000g of coke is the same as 50g of crack
* Disparity from who uses each drug (white-coke, black-crack)
What are gender roles?
- Expectations of proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females
- People judged by masculine and feminine qualities
Why do gender roles start early in life?
Rooted in homophobia
* Fear and prejudice of homosexuality
* Stray from gender norms then presumed lesbian or gay
* Stigma attached pushes men to be masculine and females to be feminine
What is gender identity?
How people see themselves as male or female or something else
* Can differ from biological sex at birth
What is sexual identity?
Self-awareness of being romantically or sexually attracted to a defined group of people
What is the functionalist view on gender?
Say that gender contributes to stability in society by creating a division of labor in families
Talcott Parsons - big name in this
Women display expressiveness
* Concerns the maintenance of harmony and internal emotional affairs of the family
Males display instrumentality
* Emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distinct goals, and a concern for the external relationship between family and institutions
What is the conflict view on gender?
Focus on the power relationship of men and women
Roles of men and women are not equal
Instrumental skills are more valued than expressive skills in terms of money and presitge
Cultural beliefs perpetuate this as beliefs ingrained
* Support social structure with men at top
Subjugation of women by men
* Men’s work valued and women’s work devalued
What is intersectionality?
The overlapping and interdependent system of advantage and disadvantage that positions people in society
Race + Gender + Class = compound disadvantage
What is a matrix of domination?
Cumulative impact of oppression because of race, ethnicity, genders, and class + sexual orientation, age, and disability
Created by intersectionality
What is sexism?
The ideology that one sex is superior to the other
What is the main idea of institutional sexism?
All major institutions are run by men and perpetuate sexism
Women face both sexism and institutional discrimination
What does the glass ceiling do?
Prevents upward vertical mobility
Prevents horizontal mobility by limiting fast track jobs that lead to leadership roles
What is the gender pay gap?
Women make 83 cents for every $1 that a man makes
Hard to break glass ceiling
However, when men enter female dominated fields, they rise quickly up ranks (glass elevator)
Who is Lilly Ledbetter?
An american activist for equal pay
Worked for Goodyear Tires as a supervisor
* Found out she was paid thousands less than men in the same position
* Filed a sex discrimination lawsuit and won but lost on appeal so she went to SCOTUS where she lost on a timeline technicality
What is the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009?
Lessen the timeline restrictions on filing discrimination suits - now unrestricted
President Obama’s 1st piece of legistlation signed
What is the second shift?
The double burden of work that many women face and few men
* Work outside home + childcare and housework
* Women are twice as likely to oversee running household and 8x more likely to take time off for sick child than men
Coined by Arlie Hochschild
What is feminism?
The ideology that favors equal rights for women
What was the first wave of feminism?
- Started in 1848 in NY
- Fought for equal legal and political rights (voting)
- Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting in election
What was the second wave of feminism?
- Started in 1960s and 70s
- Feminine Mystique written by Betty Friedan
- Civil rights movement allowed women to examine their powerlessness
- Started to form a consciousness like class consciousness