Final Exam Flashcards
What is a loaded question?
the question form of an innuendo
What is the RT ridicule/sarcasm?
persuading using by using vigorous/undermining humor instead of arguments to seem to be winning a debate or argument
what is this an example of: “it’s amazing you can formulate sentences with your head so far up your ass”
ridicule/ sarcasm
what is this an example of: “exactly when were you driving across the bridge did you fall asleep”
loaded question
what is hyperbole?
attempting to persuade using excessive exaggeration
T/f language that sounds hyperbolic maybe factually accurate
T/f misusing the term literally is a common hyperbole word
what is this an example of: “ I attended Mr.Jone’s lecture and I don’t think anyone in the history of the world has ever had that much time wasted”
what is this an example of: “Kanye west is literally as bad as Hitler”
what is a proof surrogate?
attempting to persuade by noticing that there is proof of/evidence/data/support for a claim out there but not actually supplying it
what is this an example of: “studies show that 9 out 10 dentists approve of this toothpaste”
proof surrogate
what is this an example of: “evidence suggests that Colgate is the #1 toothpaste brand in America”
proof surrogate
what is the rt of repetition?
attempting to persuade by repeating a claim over and over to get people to believe it is true
what is this an example of: Obama promoting Obama care and saying “you can keep your doctor” multiple times
t/f repetition is one of the most cheapest and bankrupt RT
what is the always-taught-it fallacy
arguing that a conclusion is true based only on the fact that be was taught it growing up
what is this an example of: “i was always taught that Santa Claus was real growing up therefore he is”
always taught it fallacy
what is this an example of: Christianity is the only true religion because it was taught it was
always taught it fallacy