Final Exam Flashcards
What is ageism?
a negative perception of older adults within society.
what are the three domains of ageism?
- reinforcing stereotypes
- portraying negative attitudes towards older adults
- implementing unfair treatment as a result of age
what is sarcopenia?
age related loss of skeletal muscle mass
what is dynapenia?
age related loss of muscular power, force, or strength
What is osteoporosis?
age-related decrease in bone mineral density increasing chance of fracture
what is obesity?
abnormal or excessive fat accumulation
what is sedentary behaviour?
any waking behaviour in a seated or reclining posture that requires an energy expenditure of less than 1.5 METs
What is frailty?
state of high vulnerability and worsens risk of adverse outcomes, including dependence, immobility, proneness to falling, and delirium
what is muscle strength?
the ability to exert maximal force in one contraction
what is muscular endurance?
the ability to continue to perform exercises without exhausting
what is muscular power?
the ability to produce force over a short period of time
what is adrenopause?
changes in adrenal gland function in both sexes. Due to alterations of hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Decline in DHEA/DHEA-S.
What is Somatopause?
endocrine changes the involve alterations of growth hormone and IGF-1
what is menopause?
decrease in production of sex hormones estrogens
what is andropause?
gradual decline in sex steroid hormone testosterone in men.
What is DHEA/DHEA-S? What does it do?
dehydroepiandrosterone/ sulfate conjugate form, influences risk of certain diseases and conditions associated with aging
What are cutaneous receptors?
receptors responsible for sensing different levels of touch and pressure.
what are the 4 dimensions of balance?
- sensory reception and integration
- steady-state balance
- proactive balance
- reactive balance
What sensory systems are important for achieving good postural alignment, balance, and gait?
sensory, motor, cognitive systems
how does aging affect vision? What does it result in?
decline in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and depth perception.
slower processing of visual information less efficient integration and prioritizing of inputs among the sensory systems, possible altered perception of body’s vertical orientation
what are age related diseases of the visual system?
cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration.
how does vision serve as an exteroceptive and proprioceptive role?
exteroceptive: informs about layout of environment and position and movement of objects in space.
proprioceptive: provides with information about position and movement of body
how does aging affect the somatosensory system?
sensitivity declines in cutaneous receptors regarding touch and pressure
number of sensory pathways innervating these receptors decline
what age-related decline affects stride length and gait speed?
hamstring flexibility
how would you define the “maximum limit of stability”?
the maximum distance a person can lean without moving the feet in any direction
what is the relationship between cognitive impairment and balance/fall risks?
it is an intrinsic risk factor; when attention, memory, and intelligence are declining it makes concentration on tasks difficult and affects OA ability to anticipate and adapt to changes in environment.
what are extrinsic risk factors for falls? What are some examples?
risk factors that are environmental or outside of the body:
medication, environmental, aka tripping hazards, poor lighting, slippery surfaces, footwear, clothing etc.
what are intrinsic risk factors? What are some examples?
personal factors such as age, gender, race, changes to physiological systems: impairment to balance/gait, muscle weakness, impaired vision, hearing, cognition, symptoms from diseases
How is resting HR in the supine position affected by aging?
it is not affected, however age-related declines show up when moving from laying to seated position due to inability to rapidly increase HR. attributed to reduced responsiveness to sympathetic stimulation
what is the equation for predicting men’s maximum HR?
predicted HRmax = 209.6-(.72-age)
what is the equation for predicting womens maximum HR?
predicted HRmax = 207.2-(.65-age)