Final :D Flashcards
Centrifuging an uncapped tube of urin is most likely to produce what?
Average daily amount of urine produced by a normal adult is?
1200 mL
Decrease in urine
Absence of urine
Increase in night time urine
Increase in day time urine
True or False : Urine specimens should be tested within 2 hours of collection if left at room temp.
True or False: Kidneys form urine as an ultrafiltrate of plasma.
Four routine screening and bacteria cultures, the best type of specimen collection is?
Midstream clean-catch
The most sterile specimen collection method is
Suprapubic aspiration
The approximate number of nephrons contained in each kidney is
Order of blood flow through a nephron is?
Afferent arteriole, efferent article, peritubular capillaries, vasa recta
Total renal blood flow
1200 mL/min
Total renal plasma flow
600 mL/min
Increased production of aldosterone causes
Increased plasma sodium levels
For active transport to occur a substance must..
Combine with a carrier protein to create electrochemical energy
Results for glomerular filtration tests are reported in…
milliliters per minute
True or False. Juxtamedullary nephrons primary function is the concentration of urine.
True or False. Nephron is the non-functional unit of the kidney.
True or False. 65% of nephrons are in the kidneys cortex.
The pigment causing the yellow color of urine that can provide an estimate of body hydration is?
The reason a urine is amber and produces a yellow foam when shaken is due to the presence of?
What is the most common cause of a red urine?
Red blood cells
A reason for blue/green urine is?
Pseudomonas infection
No visible particles
Few particulates
Many particulates
Cannot see through
Normal range for specific gravity
1.003 - 1.035
A refractometer can be used to determine a urines specific gravity by?
Measuring the velocity of light in air versus velocity of light in a solution
What is used as the calibration liquid on a refractometer?
Distilled water
Specific gravity depends on the number of particles present in a solution and the density of these particles, where osmolality is affected by?
Only the number of particles present
Osmolality of a solution can be determined by measuring a property that is mathematically related to the number of particles in the solution, this is known as the?
Colligative property
Ammonia-like urine smell
Bacterial composition, UTI
Fruity, sweet urine smell
Maple syrup smell in urine
Maple syrup disease
Mousy urine smell
Bleach urine smell
Bence jones protein are seen in urines of patients with?
Multiple myeloma
Prerenal proteinuria
Conditions affecting the plasma, not the kidney
Renal proteinuria
Glomerular or tubular damage
Orthostatic proteinuria
Increased pressure on the renal vein when in the vertical position
Tubular proteinuria
Tubular damage affecting reabsorptive ability
Postrenal proteinuria
Protein added in lower urinary and genitourinary tract
What test is for pH on reagent strip
Double-indicator system reaction (methyl red; bromthymol blue)
Glucose test on reagent strip
Glucose oxidase reaction
Ketone test on reagent strip
Sodium nitroprusside
Blood test on reagent strip
Pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin
Bilirubin test on reagent strip
Diazo reaction
Nitrite test on reagent strip
Greiss reaction
What reagent strip reaction requires the longest reaction time prior to interpreting the results?
Leukocyte esterase
Urine protein additional/confirmatory test
Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) precipitation
Urine glucose additional/confirmation test
Copper reduction test (clinitest)
Ketone additional/confirmation test
Bilirubin additional/confirmation test
Bilirubin results in bile duct obstruction
Increased bilirubin with normal urobilinogen
Bilirubin result in liver damage
Negative or low bilirubin; increased urobilinogen
Bilirubin result in hemolytic disease
Negative bilirubin; increased urobilinogen
The recommended centrifugation setting for preparation of urine sediment is?
400 RCF for 5 minutes
A lipid droplet that doesn’t stain with Sudan III may be composed of?
A urine specimen is referred to cytodiagnostic urine testing to detect the presence of?
Malignant cells
To standardize the sediment concentration for microscopic analysis one must:
Use only the urine tubes and pipettes for a single commercial system
The purpose of scanning the perimeter of urine sediment placed under a conventional glass slide is to:
Detect the presence of casts
Using polarized microscopy, which of the following is/are birefringent?
ID of oval fat bodies can be verified using?
Polarized light
To detect the presence of casts, the sediment is examined using
Reduced light under low power
Glitter cell is a term used to describe a specific type of?
An increase in urinary WBCs is called?
Urine sediments containing increased WBCs should be observed closely for the presence of?
Eosinophils are found in urine in cases of?
Acute interstitial nephritis
Oval fat bodies are
Renal tubular epithelial cells that contain lipids
Clue cells are derived from
squamous epithelial cells
The organisms attached to a clue cell are
Gardnerella vaginalis
Transitional cells routinely occur in what three shapes
Spherical, polyhedral, and caudate
Which of the following cells found in increased numbers in the urine sediment is only indicative of renal tubular necrosis?
Renal tubular cells
Collection of a midstream clean-catch specimen will alleviate contamination by
Squamous epithelial cells
Spherical transitional epithelial cells can be differentiated from renal tubular epithelial cells by observing the:
Centrally located nucleus in transitional cells
The primary factor that favors the formation of urinary casts is
Urinary stasis
The major constituent of urinary casts is
uromodulin protein
Sediment constituents that are used to differentiate between upper and lower urinary tract infections are
WBC casts
The type of cast most closely associated with tubular damage is the
RTE cell cast
The only type of cast capable of polarization is the
Fatty cast
The finding of increased hyaline and granular casts in the urine of an otherwise healthy person may be the result of?
Recent strenuous exercise
Waxy casts can be found in the urine sediment
In patients with renal failure
To distinguish a cellular cast from a clump of cells, the clinical lab scientist should
Look carefully for a cast matrix
ID of urinary crystals is based on shape, solubility, and ?
Urine pH
Nonpathogenic or “normal” crystals found in acidic urine include:
Calcium oxalate, uric acid, amorphous urates
What crystals occur in two very distinct forms?
Calcium oxalate
Nonpathogenic or “normal” crystals found in alkaline urine include:
Triple phosphate, calcium carbonate, and ammonium biurate
Crystals found in the urine that are associated with pathogenic disease include?
Leucine or tyrosine
What crystal is associated with ethylene glycol ingestion?
Calcium oxalate monohydrate
The significance of seeing bacteria in the urine sediment is increased when
WBCs are present
Motility by what is the most noticeable during the urine sediment examination
Trichomonas vaginalis
Stains oval fat bodies?
Sudan III
What does ammonia biurate look like
Thorny apple
What does calcium carbonate look like
What does triple phosphate look like
Coffin lid
What does cystine look like
What does cholesterol look like
Notched corners
Most glomerular disorders are caused by
immunologic disorders
Occasional episodes of macroscopic hematuria over periods of 20 or more years are seen with
IgA nephropathy
An inherited disorder producing a generalized defect in tubular reabsorption is
Fanconi syndrome
A teenage boy who develops gout in his big toe and has a high serum uric acid should be monitored for
Uromodulin-assoicated kidney disease
The only protein produced by the kidney is
Differentiation between cystitis and pyelonephritis is aided by the presence of
WBC casts
End-stage renal disease is characterized by all of the following except
The most common composition of renal calculi is
calcium oxalate
All states require newborn testing for PKU for early
modifications of diet
The best specimen for early newborn screening is a
Blood specimen
An overflow disorder that could produce a false-positive reaction with clinitest procedure is
Hartnup disease is a disorder associated with the metabolism of
Blue diaper syndrome is associated with
Hartnup disease
The classic urine color associated with porphyria is
Port wine
Hurler, Hunter, and Sanfilippo syndromes are hereditary disorders affecting the metabolism of
Many uric acid crystals in a pediatric urine specimen may indicate
Lesch-Nyhan disease
CSF is formed in the _______ and reabsorbed by the?
Choroid plexus and arachnoid granulations
CSF flows through the ________ space.
Order of CSF tubes are collected
Chemistry, Microbiology, Hematology
What type of centrifuge process is used on CSF specimens for differential counts and gram stains
What can be added in the well of the cytocentrifuge device with the CSF to increase the cell yield and decrease cellular distortion
What is normal adult ratio for lymphs and monos in CSF fluid
Increased amounts of normal cells in CSF is termed
What type of cells are seen in CSF that have a major clinical significance of Multiple Sclerosis
Plasma cells
What is the most common chemistry test ran on CSF
What type of protein is measured to monitor the course and effectiveness of treatment of multiple sclerosis
Myelin Basic
Reference values for CSF glucose are approximately what percentage of plasma glucose
60-70 %
CSF glucose values are of most significance when
They are decreased relative to plasma values
The needle aspiration of synovial fluid is called
CLear/pale yellow synovial fluid is
Deep/dark yellow synovial fluid is
Noninflammatory and flammatory
Green tinged synovial fluid
Red synovial fluids
Hemorrhagic or traumatic tap
Milk synovial fluid is
Crystal induced
Turbid synovial fluid is
WBCS or cellular debris
Most frequent chemistry test ran on synovial fluid is
The pathologic accumulation of fluid in a body cavity is termed a/an
What is most often associated with the formation of a transudate
Congestive heart failure
The function of serous fluid is to
Provide lubrication for serous membranes
Peritoneal lavage is performed to
Detect intra-abdominal bleeding
A pleural fluid is received in the lab, its appearance is milky. The milky appearance could be due to which of the following conditions
Thoracic duct leakage
A pericardial fluid is received in the lab, its appearance is blood streaked, This is likely due to?
Infection, malignancy
Semen analysis on post vasectomy patients should be performed
Until two consecutive monthly specimens show no sperm
Absence of normal sperm acrosome can
Affect ovum penetration
Yellow color in a semen specimen may be caused by
Urine, medications, and prolonged abstinence
Development of male antiserum antibodies can be caused by
Vasevasostomy, infection, trauma
Abnormal sperm tail morphology includes
double tails, bent tails, coiled tails
Fluid levels >1200 mL
Fluid level <800 mL
The sloughed fetal cells present in the amniotic fluid is used for
Cytogenetic analysis
Zone I
Miley affected fetus
Zone II
Requires careful monitoring
Zone III
Severely affected fetus
Stools from persons with steatorrhea contain excess amounts of
A black, tarry looking stool is indicative of
Upper GI bleeding
The purpose of Lactoferrin Latex Agglutination test is to detect the presence of
Hemoglobin from RBCs
The purpose of the Occult Blood test is to detect the presence of
RBCs not visible in specimen
A flintiest may be performed on an infants fecal sample to determine
Carbohydrates cause and bacterial/viral caused diarrhea