FINAL CMB Flashcards
These are the organelles that convert energy to forms that
cells can use for work.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
are semiautonomous organelles
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
Catabolic pathways and redox reaction end and by product:
End product: ATP
By product: CO2 and H2O
Loss of electron; Reducing agent
Gain of electron; Oxidizing agent
Glycolysis literally means
sugar splitting
The process by which, six-carbon sugar glucose is broken down into two three-carbon sugars called pyruvate (an ionized form of pyruvic acid).
Glycolysis occurs in
ATP is formed by
substrate-level phosphorylatio
The net energy production from glycolysis is
2 ATP + 2 NADH, and 2 pyruvate per glucose molecule
is the end-product of glycolysis, is
derived from additional sources in the cellular
cytoplasm, and is ultimately destined for transport into mitochondria as a master fuel input undergirding citric acid cycle carbon flux
also known as the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle, is an important cell’s metabolic hub.
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle,
in 1937 was able to present a complete
picture of an important part of metabolism—the citric acid cycle
Hans Krebs
citric acid occurs in the
mitochondrial matrix
A dense solution that surrounds
the mitochondria crests: in addition to water, the matrix contains all the enzymes necessary for the biochemical
reactions of the cycle, coenzymes, and phosphates
mitochondrial matrix
The electron transport chain is in the … of the mitochondrion
Electrons are passed through a number of proteins including
is the process by which energy stored in the form of a hydrogen ion (H+) gradient across a membrane is utilized to drive
cellular activities such as ATP production (from the Greek osmos, push).
The resulting H+ gradient is referred to as a?
proton-motive force,
1 glucose yields about? (depending on which e- carriers used)
26-28 net ATP
The three main department of this metabolic enterprise:
Pyruvate oxidation
Citric Acid cycle
A very ancient process
Small molecules are assembled into large ones. Energy is required.
Large molecules are broken down into small ones. Energy is released.
are thought to have become a part
of certain eukaryotic cells in much the same way as mitochondria were incorporated into all eukaryotic cells