Final - Clinical Assessment and Prediction (Dawes et al.) Flashcards
What are the 2 phases in decision making?
- data collection (mechanical and judgmental scores)
- data integration and prediction (clinical or statistical)
What are 3 myths about determinants of good decision making?
- myth of experience
- myth of more info (in reality, primacy/recency effects mean adding more info in between doesn’t make a difference)
- myth of configurality/patterns (idea that “only humans can see patterns”; untrue, can model using a formula)
Generally, statistical prediction improves accuracy (beyond clinician prediction) by about __%
What did Meehl’s 1965 meta-analysis find about statistical vs clinical predictions?
- statistical better than clinical in 33/51 studies
- statistical equal w clinical in 17/51
- statistical worse than clinical in 0/51
What have more recent studies found about statistical vs clinical predictions?
- statistical better vs clinical in 33-46% of studies
- clinical better vs statistical in 6-16% of studies
What are 3 reasons why clinicians aren’t better at prediction?
- overweigh successful predictions & forget incorrect predictions
- do not think ab base rates
- do not use all available info consistently or appropriately
What are the 2 errors clinicians make in prediction?
- error 1: overweigh positive instances (fail to consider false positives and base rates)
- error 2: similarity heuristic (ignores base rates and validity of test info)
When can predictions still be correct despite overweight of positive instances (error 1)?
- if guess is consistent a base rate and base rate is high
When can predictions still be correct despite the similarity heuristic (error 2)?
- if base rate is high and test info is valid
What are 3 ways to improve clinical judgement?
- systematically consider alternatives
- collect feedback ab decisions/predictions
- think ab statistical prediction issues
What CAN clinicians do well in terms of prediction (3)?
- provide input into statistical model (pick what variables are valid and should be included in model)
- generate hypotheses
- provide prediction when no formula exists