Final- Buddhism Flashcards
When was Siddhartha born
563 BC
When did Siddhartha die
483 BC
When did Siddhartha die
483 BC
What was Siddhartha’s caste
When did Siddhartha say “i was born to reach enlightenment and solve the problem of suffering”
Right after he was born, he got up, walked and said it
What was predicted of him at birth by a wandering ascetic
That he would either be a great king or religious leader
Three forms of suffering
Old age, sickened, death
What was the fourth passing sight
A wandering ascetic
At age 29 he left his palace, wife and child and lived the life of a Sannyasin/ Samana for six years. This is known as
The great going forth
What is the middle way
Between the extreme of excessive asceticism and excessive wealth and pleasure
What was Siddhartha seeking
The solution to suffering and four noble truths
What does Buddha mean
The awakened one
What was Siddhartha seeking
The four noble truths
Food: Wandering ascetic
A grain or two of rice
Food: Led to enlightenment
A bowl of rice gruel/ porridge
Food: led to nirvana
Poisoned stew
Occupation forbidden to Buddhists according to the Eight- fold path
Who were the first listeners
The five ascetics who abandoned him
When asked about whether there is a god/s or the nature of gods what was his response
Noble silence
What is a boddhisattva
A Buddhist who qualifies for nirvana but willingly reincarnates out of compassion to help others
What ceases to exist at death
Ego, body, soul
What gets reincarnated
Karmic record
Ultimate goal in Buddhism
Impermanence of life
No soul
A river demonstrated this
A sand mandala demonstrates this
Means “larger raft” and is the largest branch with 80%
Boddhisattva is the holy one, willingly reincarnates to help others. The Buddha is seen also as a god
Arhat is the holy one, nirvana achieved when criteria is met. The Buddha is a human only and points the way to nirvana. Anyone can become a Buddha
Otherwise known as Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama comes from this one. Mantra, mudra and mandala are main expressions
Ritualized hand movements
Repeated sounds, chanting
Colorful art made of sand, destroyed once made