FINAL BS Flashcards
What does VC measure?
Vital Capacity refers to how well the pt can tap into their reserve volumes under stress. (Ability for pt to perform ADLs off the vent)
mild hypoxemia
moderate hypoxemia
If the pH is within 735-745 it will always be what?
Compensated/in homeostasis
What is a combined ABG
all values will be outside the normal range and all be either acidic or alkalotic.
***pH must be outside normal limits as well
Super imposed ABG usually appears as what?
compensated or partially comp metabolic alkalosis
ABG of someone on IPPV
PaO2 increases, PaCO2 decreases, pH normal or increased
How does the Bird Mark 7 cycle from insp to exp?
Once the set pressure is met, the inspiration cycles to expiration
How do you assess what size OPA you will need?
Measure from the corner of the mouth to the jaw
what are the two ways to confirm placement of an ETT tube?
- Assessing chest rise and auscultation
2. Chest x-ray
What frequency will orders for oral suctioning be?
Suction orders are always PRN
Indications to perform oral suctioning on a pt
slowly increasing PiPs
If someone needs to be suctioned will there be increased or decreased fremitus?
vacuum ranges for infants/children/adults
infant -80 -100 children -100 -120 adults -120 -150
What is the time frame to start and end suctioning
15 seconds
What do you do after inserting the suction catheter to resistance?
pull back 1-2cm and then apply suction while twisting the catheter as you withdraw
What do you always do first before suctioning someone?
Always hyperoxygenate for two minutes
You hear expiratory wheezing post-suction, what probabbly caused this?
Where is the location for a tracheostomy
below the larynx, 1 finger below cricoid cartilage, through the 2nd-3rd cart ring
What does the decannulation plug/cap
Keeps the stoma opening patent
What is the purpose of the obturator?
Helps place the outter canula into the stoma, and also decreases damage to the tissue.
**Is then removed and inner cannula is placed
Which cannula has a hole located in the curve of it?
Fenestrated, the hole is designed to allow for faster weaning and ability to pass air through the upper airway
How does someone with a fenestrated trach attempt to vocalize?
remove the inner cannula and then DEFLATE the cuff. place plug/cap in stoma so that air will pass into upper airway
Partial vs total laryngectomy
Partial allows for access to the upper airway while the total has no upper airway access
Pressure support ventilation is when
Which dz do you want to use the Ramp flow pattern on the vent?
Asthma and CF