ARTP 09 Flashcards
What are the two types of resp failure
Hypoxemic resp failure (type 1)
Hypercapnic resp failure (Type 2)
What is the primary problem of type 1?
inadequate oxygen
What is the primary problem of type 2?
ventilatory failure of the lungs resulting in elevated CO2 levels
Initial FiO2 setting
PEEP initial setting
Typically starts at +5cmH2O
Initial TV settting
6-8mL/kg IBW
Alveolar Ventilation formula
Normal/limit values for PF ratio
350-450 <200
Normal/limit values for VD/VT
25-40% >60%
Normal/limit values for A-a gradient
25-65 >350
Normal/limit values for minute ventilation
5-6 >10
Which two diseases can handle the unwanted cardio side effects of PPV?
staticus asthmaticus because of increased RAW and ARDS because of decreased lung compliance
How does PPV cause barotrauma/pneumo?
Caused from PIP >50cmH20 or PEEP >20cmH2O
How does PPV cause fluid retention?
PPV will increase the MIP which will effect the heart, releasing ADH. Leading to pulmonary edema
Prevent by restricting fluids
What is the most common Human error ?
Rt main stem intubation
Prolonged vent support will result in what?
atrophy of the muscles.
Prevent by minimizing sedatives and switch to a mode that encourages spontaneous breathing
Failure to provide adequate vent support will do what?
results in muscle fatigue due to increase of WOB
Normal ICP range
How do you treat an increased ICP?
deliberate hyperventilation to keep the PaCO2 between 30-35mmHg***
PaCO2 acts as a what naturally in the body?
CO2 will vasodilate
Hypovolemia/hypotension is caused by what?
VT over 8ml/kg
Treat by increasing expiratory time/fluid, correct VT range of 6-8ml/kg/vasoconstrictors
three clinical goals of CMV***
provide mechanical power to maintain physiologic ventilation
improve ventilation/oxygenation
decrease WOB
Assessment of what two things allows you to find out if problem is acute or chronic?
HCO3 and pH
In acute, every +10 of PCO2 will do what to the pH?
pH will drop 0.08. Drops 0.03 in chronic
4 indications for CMV
Acute Vent failure (<7.2/>55 CO2
Impending failure
O2 failure (PaO2 <60mmHg)
Impending failure criteria
Multiple ABGs with RR >35 and not slowing, and max minute vent is 10Lpm for a long time
4 S/S of O2 toxicity
nausea,cough,irritation of trachea,substernal chest pain
Preventing O2 toxicity
FiO2 of 50% or less to achieve PaO2 of 60 or more