Final Flashcards
What is azotemia?
an accumulation of nitrogenous waste products (urea, nitrogen, creatinine) in the blood
What is urea? How is it measured? What is the normal value?
By product of protein
What is creatinine? How is it measured? What is the normal value?
By product of muscle
What are waste products?
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) stage 1
Prerenal = decreased blood flow, decreased blood volume
Prerenal causes of AKI
Decreased cardiac output
Decreased vascular resistance
Decreased renovascular blood flow
Hypovolemia (prerenal) causes
- dehydration
- hemorrhage
- GI losses (diarrhea, vomiting)
- excessive diuresis
- hypoalbuminemia
- burns
Decreased CO (prerenal) causes
- dysrhythmias
- cardiogenic shock
- heart failure
- MI
Decreased vascular resistance (prerenal) causes
- anaphylaxis
- neuro injury
- septic shock
Decreased renovascular blood flow (prerenal) causes
- bilateral renal vein thrombosis
- embolism
- hepatorenal syndrome
- renal artery thrombosis
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) stage 2
Intrarenal = inside the kidney
Intrarenal causes
Nephrotoxic injury
Interstitial nephritis
Other causes
Nephrotoxic injury (intrarenal) causes
- drugs: aminoglycosides (gentamicin), amphotericin B
- contrast media
- hemolytic blood transfusion reaction
- severe crush injury
- chemical exposure: ethylene glycol, lead, arsenic, carbon tetrachloride
Interstitial nephritis (intrarenal) causes
- allergies: antibiotics (sulfonamides, rifampin), NSAIDS, ACE inhibitors
- infections: bacterial (acute pyelonephritis), viral (CMV), funal (candidiasis)
Other causes of intrarenal
- prolonged prerenal ischemia
- acute glomerulonephritis
- thrombotic disorders
- toxemia of pregnancy
- malignant hypertension
- systemic lupus erythematosus
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) stage 3
Postrenal = blockage in kidney! (back up of urine)
Postrenal causes
- bladder or prostate cancer
- calculi formation
- neuromuscular disorders
- spinal cord disease
- strictures
- trauma (back, pelvis, perineum)
AKI phases
Oliguric or nonoliguric
Oliguric phase of AKI
*holding onto waste
- decreased urine output <400 mL/day
- hypervolemia
- edema in extremities
- hypertension
- pulmonary edema, crackles, short of breath
- metabolic acidosis
- increased BUN, creatinine, K
- decreased Na
*asterixis-flapping hand motion
Nonoliguric phase of AKI
urine output >400 mL/day
What should be restricted during oliguric phase?
If protein is low, give _______.
Diuretic phase of AKI
(hypo everything!)
- urine output 5L/day
- hypovolemia
- hyponatremia
- hypotension
- hypokalemia
- dehydration
Recovery phase of AKI
- GFR increases
- BUN and creatinine decrease
- casts-tubules sloughing
- dark, concentrated urine
*high protein and calorie diet
Normal GFR
125 mL/min
GFR ________ with injury
GFR ________ when recovery phase begins in AKI
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is…
progressive and irreversible
CKD manifestations
- anxiety
- depression
CKD manifestations
- HF
- pericarditis
CKD manifestations
- anorexia
- N/V
- GI bleeding
- gastritis
CKD manifestations
- hyperparathyroidism
- amenorrhea
- erectile dysfunction
- thyroid abnormalities
CKD manifestations
- carb intolerance
- hyperlipidemia
CKD manifestations
- anemia
- bleeding
- infection
CKD manifestations
- fatigue
- headache
- sleep disturbances
- encephalopathy
CKD manifestations
-hypertensive retinopathy
CKD manifestations
- pulmonary edema
- uremic pleuritis
- pneumonia
CKD manifestations
- pruritis
- ecchymosis
- dry, scaly skin
CKD manifestations
- vascular and soft tissue calcifications
- osteomalacia
- osteitis fibrosa
CKD manifestations
Peripheral neuropathy
- parathesias
Stage 1 of CKD
GFR >90
manage with diet
control B/P
Stage 2 of CKD
GFR 60-89
manage with diet
control B/P
Stage 3 of CKD
GFR 30-59
Stage 4 of CKD
GFR 15-29
Stage 5 of CKD
GFR <15
Kidney failure
Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)
-diminished renal reserve
(stages 1 and 2 of CKD)
-renal insufficiency
(stages 3 and 4 of CKD)
-end stage renal disease (ESRD)
(stage 5 of CKD)
Diminished renal reserve
stages 1 and 2 of CKD
- GFR >90 mL/min
- control B/P
- kidney damage with normal or increased GFR
- decreased urinary concentration (nocturia)
- treatment of diabetes, hypertension, renal artery stenosis
- 24 hour urine (creatinine)
Renal insufficiency
stages 3 and 4 of CKD
- GFR 30-89 mL/min
- headaches
- decreased ability to concentrate urine
- polyuria to oliguria
- increased BUN, creatinine
- edema
- mild anemia
- increased B/P
- weakness/fatigue
End stage renal disease (ESRD)
stage 5 of CKD
- GFR <15 mL/min
- confusion, weakness, fatigue
- increased B/P, pitting edema, increased CVP, pericarditis
- SOB, suppressed cough, thick sputum
- amonia odor to breath, metallic taste, mouth ulcers, anorexia, N/V
- behavior changes
- anemia (decreased RBC, increased HR)
- dry, flaky skin, pruritis, ecchymosis, pupura
- cramps, renal osteodystrophy, bone pain
urea, creatinine, uric acid and electrolytes move from the blood to the dialysate to lower the concentration in the blood
glucose is added to the dialysate and creates an osmotic gradient across the membrane, pulling excess fluid from the blood
Advantages of peritoneal dialysis (PD)
- immediate initation in most hospitals
- less complicated
- portable system with CAPD
- fewer dietary restrictions
- pts with vascular access problems
- decreased cardio stress
- home dialysis possible
- preferable for diabetes pt
Advantages of hemodialysis (HD)
- rapid fluid removal
- rapid urea and creatinine removal
- potassium removal
- less protein loss
- decreased triglycerides
- temporary access can be placed at bedside
Process for PD
3 phases
Phase 1 of PD
-2L solution infuses-10 minutes
Phase 2 of PD
- diffusion and osmosis between pt’s blood and peritoneal cavity
- 20 or 30 min-8 hours, depending on method
Phase 3 of PD
- 15-30 minutes
- can be facilitated by gently massaging abdomen or changing position
Process for HD
1 needle pulls blood
1 needle puts blood back into pt
Potential complications of PD
- infections
- pain
- peritonitis
- heart problems
- pulmonary problems (pneumonia, atelectasis, bronchitis)
- protein loss
- carb abnormalities
Potential complications of HD
- hypotension
- muscle cramps
- hepatitis
- infection
- heart disease
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)
- antigens responsible for rejection of genetically unlike tissue
- histocompatibility antigens
- matching organs and tissues for transplants
The more HLA matches =
less likely for rejection
HLA matching for corneas
None needed (avascular)
HLA matching for liver, heart, lungs
some needed
HLA matching for kidneys and bone marrow
EXACT match needed
Positive crossmatch
bad reaction with donor/recipient blood
Negative crossmatch
NO reaction
-organ safe for transplantation
What tests are needed for transplants?
HLA matching
Types of rejection
- hyperacute
- acute
- chronic
Hyperacute rejection
- within 24 hours
- blood vessels destroyed rapidly from pre-existing antibodies (positive crossmatch)
- No treatment
- transplant organ needs to be removed
Acute rejection
- within 6 months
- recipients lymphocytes activated against donated tissue or antibodies develop after transplant
- common with deceased organs
- REVERSIBLE-treat with immunosuppressants and corticosteroids
Chronic rejection
- over months or years
- repeated acute rejections
- fibrosis and scarring occurs
- IRREVERSIBLE-pt placed on transplant list
- difficult to manage, support therapy needed
Graft vs host disease
occurs when immuno-incompetent pt transfused or transplanted with immuno-competent cells
*donor T cells attack recipient
Graft vs host disease manifestations
Skin-maculopapular rash to desquamation
Liver-mild jaundice to hepatic coma
GI-diarrhea, GI bleeding, malabsorption, abdominal pain
PCs for organ transplantation
- rejection
- susceptibility to infection
- heart disease
- malignancies
- recurrence of kidney disease
- corticosteroid-related complications
Determines how well pt is oxygenated
Determines how well pt is ventilating
3 mechanisms that control acid/base
Kidney-bicarb (HCO3)
Lungs-carbon dioxide (CO2)
Normal pH range
Normal range for PaCO2
Normal range for HCO3
ABG sites
- radial artery (most common)
- brachial artery (avoid in obese pts)
- femoral artery (only used as last resort)
When doing the Allen’s test, which artery do you release pressure?
Blood will _______ into the syringe
Blood gas syringes fill by themselves, stopping at ___
Indications for arterial lines
- Frequent ABG sampling
- Continuous BP monitoring
Indications for continuous BP monitoring
- shock
- infusion of vasoactive drugs
- procedures for coronary interventions
- acute hypo and hypertension
- respiratory failure
- neuro injuries
How often should ABG draws be done if pt is on a vent?
Daily AM
Arterial line complications
- hemorrhage
- infection
- thrombus formation
- neuro impairment
- loss of limb
True or false:
H+, CO2, and K is more acidic
Acidosis indicates an ______ of H+, and a _______ of HCO3
excess; deficit
Alkalosis indicates an ______ of HCO3, and a ______ of H+
excess; deficit
pH <7.35
pH >7.45
What does high PaCO2 indicate?
Respiratory acidosis
What does low PaCO2 indicate?
Respiratory alkalosis
What does high HCO3 indicate?
Metabolic alkalosis
What does low HCO3 indicate?
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis causes
- OD/sedation
- chest trauma
- severe pneumonia
- pulmonary edema
- atelectasis
- respiratory muscle weakness
- mechanical hypoventilation
- phrenic nerve injury (C2)
Respiratory alkalosis causes
- hyperventilation
- stimulated respiratory center
- mechanical hyperventilation
Respiratory alkalosis hyperventilation causes
- hypoxia
- PE
- anxiety
- fear
- pain
- exercise
- fever
- high altitudes
- pregnancy
Respiratory alkalosis stimulated respiratory center causes
- septicemia
- encephalitis
- brain injury
- salicylate poisoning
Metabolic acidosis causes
- diarrhea
- renal failure
- shock
- salicylate OD
- sepsis
Metabolic alkalosis causes
- loss of gastric secretions (NG suction, severe vomiting)
- diuretic therapy (K wasting diuretics)
- overuse of antacids
Normal intracranial pressure (ICP)
5-15 mmHg
Normal compensatory adaptations
- changes in CSF volume
- cerebral vasodilation or vasoconstriction
Cerebrospinal fluid =
Intravascular blood =
Brain tissue =
Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF)
- brain has ability to regulate own blood flow
- ensures adequate blood flow to brain
- influenced by systemic arterial pressure
How much glucose and O2 does brain need?
25% and 20%
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
pressure needed to ensure blood flow to brain
Normal CPP
60-100 mmHg
How to calculate CPP
CPP <50 mmHg
associated with ischemia and neuronal death`
expandibility of the brain
Stage 1 of CBF
- high compliance
- increase of volume in brain does not increase ICP
- autoregulation intact
Stage 2 of CBF
- compliance lessens
- increase of volume in brain increases risk of increasing ICP
Stage 3 of CBF
- decrease compliance
- small addition of volume increases ICP
- loss of autoregulation
- B/P rises to maintain CPP
- decompensation about to happen
- cushing’s triad
Stage 4 of CBF
- ICP at lethal levels with little increase in volume
- herniation of brain
Cushing’s triad
- systolic HTN with widening pulse pressure
- bradycardia with full and bounding pulse
- altered respirations
Types of brain herniation
- tentorial herniation
- uncal herniation
- cingulate herniation
Tentorial herniation
herniation downward through the brainstem opening
Uncal herniation
lateral and downward
Cingulate herniation
lateral, beneath the falx cerebri
High CO2 in the brain =
cerebral vessels to dilate = increases CBF
Low CO2 in the brain =
cerebral vessels to constrict = decreases CBF
Low levels of O2 in brain =
cerebral dilation = increases CBF
Most sensitive indicator for evaluating pt’s neuro status
Level of consciousness (LOC)
Cranial nerve III
oculomotor nerve
What happens if CN III is compressed?
- dilation of pupil on same side (ipsilateral) as lesion
- sluggish or no response to light
- inability to move eye upward
- ptosis of eyelid
Decorticate posturing
internal rotation and adduction of arms with flexion of elbows, wrists and fingers.
Why does decorticate posturing happen?
there’s an interruption of voluntary motor tracts in cerebral cortex
Decerebrate posturing
- arms stiffly extended, abducted, and hyperpronated
- hyperextension of legs with plantar flexion of feet
Why does decerebrate posturing happen?
there’s a disruption of motor fibers in midbrain and brainstem
Is decorticate or decerebrate posturing more serious?
decerebrate posturing
What is the halo sign test?
to determine if drainage from ear or nose is CSF
-drip onto gauze, if yellow ring encircles the blood, CSF is present
Interventions for pt with ICP
- nutritional therapy
- respiratory function
- fluid/electrolyte balance
- monitor ICP
- semi-fowler’s position
- protection from injuries (high risk for seizures)
Drug therapy for pt with ICP
- mannitol-pulls fluid from brain into bloodstream (rises B/P
- hypertonic solution (NS 3%-same outcome as mannitol)
- vasopressors-rise B/P
- corticosteroids (if pt doesn’t have head injury)
- prophylactic seizure meds
3 areas assess for Glascow Coma Scale (GCS)
- open eyes
- best verbal response
- best motor response
Purpose of GCS
to assess LOC of pt
Nutritional therapy for pt with ICP
- increase glucose as needed
- nutrition replacement within 3 days of injury
- malnutrition promotes continued cerebral edema
GCS of __ generally indicates coma
Head injury is any trauma to the…
- skull
- scalp
- brain
GCS-eyes open score
spontaneous response to bedside approach, pain, or verbal command
GCS-eyes open score
opening eyes to name or command
GCS-eyes open score
lack of opening eyes to name or command, but open to pain
GCS-eyes open score
lack of opening of eyes to stimuli
GCS-eyes open score
GCS-best verbal response score
A&O x4
GCS-best verbal response score
confusion, conversant, but disoriented
GCS-best verbal response score
inappropriate or disorganized use of words, lack of sustained conversation
GCS-best verbal response score
incomprehensible words, sounds (moaning)
GCS-best verbal response score
lack of sound, even with painful stimuli
GCS-best verbal response score
GCS-best motor response score
Obedience of verbal command (raise arm, hold up 2 fingers)
GCS-best motor response score
localization of pain, lack of obedience but makes attempts to remove painful stimulus (pressure on nail)
GCS-best motor response score
arm flexion withdrawal
GCS-best motor response score
abnormal flexion-flexion of arm at elbow and pronation, making a fist
GCS-best motor response score
abnormal extension of arm at elbow usually with adduction and internal rotation of arm at shoulder
GCS-best motor response score
lack of response
GCS-best motor response score
Linear skull fracture
Depressed skull fracture
broke down
Comminuted skull fracture
Battle’s sign
bruising on eyes and ears
True or false
Blood has glucose
bruising of brain tissue
Coup-contrecoup injury
bruising on 2 parts of brain due to brain shifting and hitting against skull
Epidural hematoma
- bleeding between dura and inner surface of skull
- venous or arterial origin
- neuro emergency if arterial!
Subdural hematoma
- bleeding between dura mater and arachnoid layer of meninges
- usually venous
- results from injury to brain tissue and its blood vessels
Acute subdural hematoma
24-48 hours after injury
Subacute subdural hematoma
48 hours-2 weeks after injury
Chronic subdural hematoma
weeks to months after injury (usually >20 days)
Intracerebral hematoma
- bleeding within brain tissue
- in approx. 16% of head injuries
- usually occurs within frontal and temporal lobes, possible from rupture of vessels at time of injury
- size and location determines pt outcome
Burr hole
opening into cranium with drill to remove fluid and blood beneath dura
removal of bone flap to remove lesion, repair a damaged area, drain blood or relieve increased ICP
incision into cranium to cut away bone flap
- directly measures pressure within the ventricles
- facilitates removal and/or sampling of CSF
- allows for intraventricular drug administration
Non-modifiable risk factors for stroke
- age
- gender
- ethnicity or race
- family history
- heredity
Modifiable risk factors for stroke
- heart disease
- diabetes mellitus
- smoking
- excessive alcohol consumption
- obesity
- sleep apnea
- metabolic syndrome
- lack of exercise
- poor diet
- drug abuse
When blood flow to the brain is completely interrupted, neuro metabolism is altered in __ seconds.
When blood flow to the brain is completely interrupted, metabolism stops in __ minutes.
When blood flow to the brain is completely interrupted, cell death occurs in __ minutes
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)
- temporary loss of neuro function
- most resolve within 3 hours
- leads up to a stroke
Classification of strokes
- ischemic
- hemorrhagic
Types of ischemic strokes
- thrombotic
- embolic
lack of O2
Thrombotic stroke
- injury to or narrowing of a blood vessel wall
- formation of blood clot
Embolic stroke
- embolus occludes cerebral artery
- infarction and edema of area
Types of hemorrhagic strokes
- intracerebral hemorrhage
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage
- bleeding within the brain caused by rupture of a vessel
- HTN is the most important cause
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- intracerebral bleeding into CSF-filled space between arachnoid and pia mater
- commonly caused by rupture of cerebral aneurysm
Sign of subarachnoid hemorrhage
“worst headache of one’s life”
Receptive dysphasia
doesn’t understand what was said
Expressive aphasia
understood but can’t express feeling
Right-brain damage
Effects left side of body
“I’m right”
Left-brain damage
Effects right side of body
Lack of nutrition leads to edema where?
CT should be obtained within __ minutes and read within __ minutes of ER arrival
25; 45
Purpose of CT with stroke
- indicate size and location of lesion
- determine if ischemic or hemorrhagic
*NO contrast
Stroke pt should be doing what type of ROM daily
First things to do for stroke pt
- CT scan
- NG
- foley
- re-establish blood flow
- must be administered within 3 hours of onset of symptoms
- monitor VS q15min
- ANY hint of bleeding: STOP!
- hang saline
Possible treatment for strokes
- clipping
- coiling
- clotting disorder
- hemorrhagic stroke
- active bleed
- neoplasm=cancer
Number of cervical vertebrae
Number of thoracic vertebrae
Number of thoracic vertebrae
C5 =
phrenic nerve
“C5 keeps the diaphragm alive”
Spinal shock
- decrease reflexes
- loss of sensation
- flaccid paralysis below level of injury
Treatment for spinal shock
supportive care
Neurogenic shock
(cardiac effects)
- loss of vasomotor tone (vasodilation)
- hypotension & bradycardia
- associated with T6 injury of higher
Neurogenic shock treatment
- atropine
- vasopressors
Tetraplegia is the same as
C7-T1 injury =
T1 and below injury =
T5 =
upper GI
T6 =
T10 =
T2 =
lower GI
Neurogenic shock causes a decrease in __ and __
B/P and HR
Complete cord involvement
total loss of sensory and motor function below level of injury
Incomplete (partial) cord involvement
mixed loss of voluntary motor activity and sensation
*some tracts intact
Higher the injury =
more serious
C5 and above injury
total loss of respiratory muscle function
What is required with C5 and above injury?
mechanical ventilation
C5 and below injury
- diaphragmatic breathing
- hypoventilation if phrenic nerve is functioning
Cervical and thoracic injuries cause paralysis of
- abdominal muscles
- intercostal muscles
Pt cannot cough effectively with cervical and thoracic injuries, leading to
atelectasis or pneumonia
first 48-72 hours
Any cord injury above level T6 =
neurogenic shock
T6 and above injury
- bradycardia
- hypotension
- relative hypovolemia exists because of increase in venous capacitance
T10 and below injury
- urinary retention
- bladder-atonic & distended, hyperirritable
What is needed with T10 and below injury?
indwelling catheter
*increases risk for infection
T5 and above injury
- paralytic ileus
- gastric distention
- stress ulcers
- intraabdominal bleeding may occur
T5 and above injury nursing
- NG placement
- monitor for distended abdomen
- increased for aspiration
- give PPIs
Injury of T12 or below
neurogenic bowel
- bowel is areflexic
- decreased sphincter tone
- constipation
Injury of T12 or below nursing
- dig stim, colace, fiber
- bowel training
- mineral oil
adjustment of body temp to room temp
True or False
Surgery is only done when there’s cord compression
NGT suctioning can lead to
metabolic alkalosis
Decreased tissue perfusion (shock) leads to
metabolic acidosis
High risk population for spinal cord injuries
Teens and young males
Bones heal in
6-8 weeks
Cervical traction is used to
- decrease inflammation
- promote healing
Autonomic dysreflexia
Life threatening cardio reaction by SNS
Cause of autonomic dysreflexia
- distended bladder or rectum
- tight clothing
- anything that causes pain
S/S of autonomic dysreflexia
- severe HTN
- blurred vision
- throbbing headache
- diaphoresis (above level of injury)
- bradycardia
- piloerection (hairs on skin)
- skin flushing
- anxiety
Goal for autonomic dysreflexia
Get B/P down!!!
Nursing interventions for autonomic dysreflexia
- elevate HOB 45 degrees, or sit pt upright
- assess cause
- catheterization
- notify physician
Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF)
-results from inadequate gas exchange
insufficient O2 transferred to the blood
hypoxemia (decreased O2)
Inadequate CO2 removal
hypercapnic (increased CO2)
Adequate PaO2
Hypoxemia is what type of failure
Hypercapnic is what type of failure
Causes of hypoxemic respiratory failure
- V/Q mismatch
- shunt
- diffusion limitation
- alveolar hypoventilation
V/Q mismatch causes
- pneumonia
- atelectasis
- pulmonary embolus
Gas exchangeis better in what part of the lungs?
base of lungs
What is shunting?
blood exits the heart without gas exchange
Types of shunts
Anatomic shunt
Intrapulmonary shunt
What is an anatomic shunt?
heart defect-bypass lungs
What is an intrapulmonary shunt?
inside lungs-NO gas exchange
CO2 retention results in…
What percentage of O2 is in room air?
Percentage of O2 in 1L
More CO2 retained, causes pH to…
Ventilation is ….
breathing (lung and heart)
Perfusion is ….
blood flow (gas exchange)
Ratio of inhale and exhale
Diffusion limitation
thickened membranes (scar tissue)
Examples of diffusion limitation
- severe emphysema
- pulmonary fibrosis
Alveolar hypoventilation
decrease in ventilation
-increase PaCO2, decrease in PaO2
alveolar collapse, resulting in NO gas exchange
Primary cause of alveolar hypotension
hypercapnic respiratory failure
Hypercapnic respiratory failure
inability to remove sufficient CO2 to maintain normal PaO2
Causes of hypercapnic respiratory failure
- airway and alveoli (respiratory)
- chest wall
- neuro conditions
The ONLY 3 respiratory issues that are related to hypercapnic
- Asthma
- Cystic Fibrosis
True or False:
CO2 in the brain is a vasoconstricter
CO2 is a vasodilator
Early signs of respiratory failure
- restlessness, confusion
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- mild HTN
Late sign of respiratory failure
Consequences of hypoxemia and hypoxia
- metabolic acidosis and cell death
- decreased CO
- impaired renal function (decreased B/P)
What are ways to prevent of acute respiratory failure?
- early recognition of respiratory distress
- flu or pneumo vax (elderly, diabetics, anyone with low immune system)
O2 toxicity can cause what?
Positive-pressure ventilation (PPV)
Examples non invasive PPV
inhalation and exhalation
continuous positive airway pressure
What physiologic changes in the respiratory system happen in aging?
- decreased ventilatory capacity
- alveolar dilation
- larger air spaces
- loss of surface area
- diminished elastic recoil
- decreased respiratory muscle strength
- decreased chest wall compliance
What is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)?
- increased neutrophils (WBC-line alveoli membrane)
- increased pulmonary capillary permeability
Phases of ARDS
- injury or exudative
- reparative or proliferative
- fibrotic
What does an ARDS chest x ray look like?
Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
Injury or exudative phase of ARDS
- pulmonary edema
- surfactant (keeps alveoli open) doesn’t work anymore or body stops production, causing atelectasis
- scar tissue from damage to alveoli becomes thick
ARDS is what type of respiratory failure
Reparative or proliferative phase ARDS
pt gets better or gets worse
Fibrotic phase ARDS
the alveoli scar tissue becomes worse and stiff = NO gas exchange
*permanent damage, will most likely die
What is mortality rate for pt’s with ARDS?
What is FiO2?
Amount of O2 pt is on
What is PEEP on ventilator?
Positive End Expectory Pressure
-pops alveoli open
What gets O2 directly into lungs?
ET tube