FINAL Flashcards
shoulder girdle joints - sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, glenohumeral, scapulothoracic articulation

shoulder girdle landmarks - scapula

shoulder girdle landmarks - clavicle, sternum

shoulder girdle - plane, axis

shoulder girdle ligaments - costoclavicular, interclavicular, sternoclavicular, coracoclavicular (conoid, trapezoid), acromioclavicular, coracoacromial

shoulder girdle movements

shoulder girdle movements - winging

shoulder girdle prime mover - trapezius upper

upward rotation

shoulder girdle prime mover - trapezius middle


shoulder girdle prime mover - trapezius lower

upward rotation

shoulder girdle prime mover - levator scapula

downward rotation

shoulder girdle prime mover - rhomboids

downward rotation

shoulder girdle prime mover - serratus anterior

lower fibers - upward rotation

shoulder girdle prime mover - pectoralis minor

downward rotation
scapular tilt

shoulder girdle - force couple

shoulder girdle - reverse muscle action

shoulder joint

shoulder joint movements

shoulder joint landmarks - humerus

shoulder joint ligaments - coracohumeral, glenohumeral

shoulder joint - rotator cuff

shoulder joint prime mover - deltoid anterior

horizontal adduction
medial rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - deltoid posterior

horizontal abduction
lateral rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - deltoid middle


shoulder joint prime mover - pectoralis major

clavicular - flexion
sternal - extension
horizontal adduction
medial rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - latissimus dorsi

medial rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - teres major

medial rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - supraspinatus


shoulder joint prime mover - infraspinatus

horizontal abduction
lateral rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - teres minor

lateral rotation

shoulder joint prime mover - subscapularis

medial rotation

shoulder joint accessory muscle - coracobrachialis

shoulder joint - force couple

elbow joint prime mover - brachialis


elbow joint prime mover - brachioradialis


elbow joint prime mover - biceps


elbow joint prime mover - triceps


elbow joint accessory mucle - anconeus

elbow joint prime mover - pronator teres


elbow joint prime mover - pronator quadratus


elbow joint prime mover - supinator


elbow joint

elbow joint movements

elbow joint movements - supination

elbow joint - radioulnar

shoulder joint landmarks - ulna, radius

shoulder / elbow joint ligaments - annular, medial collateral, lateral collateral

upper extremity artery and vein - subclavian, axillary, brachial, radial, ulnar, cephalic, basilic, median cubital

shoulder girdle artery - circumflex humeral

shoulder girdle artery - circumflex scapular

shoulder girdle nerve - accessory

shoulder girdle structure - glenoid labrum

shoulder girdle structure - quadrangular space

shoulder girdle structure - thoracolumbar fascia

brachial plexus

brachial plexus nerve - axillary

Spinal cord segment - C5, C6
Muscle innervation - Deltoid, teres minor
Sensory distribution - Lateral arm over lower portion of deltoid
Clinical motor features of paralysis - Loss of shoulder abduction, Weakened shoulder, lateral rotation

brachial plexus nerve - musculocutaneous

Spinal cord segment - C5, C6, C7
Muscle innervation - Coracobrachialis, biceps, brachialis
Sensory distribution - Anterior lateral surface of forearm
Clinical motor features of paralysis - Loss of elbow flexion, weakened supination

brachial plexus nerve - Radial

Spinal cord segment - C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
Muscle innervation - Triceps; anconeus; brachioradialis; supinator; wrist, finger, and thumb extensors and abductors
Sensory distribution - Posterior arm, posterior forearm, and radial side of posterior hand
Clinical motor features of paralysis - Loss of elbow, wrist, finger, and thumb extension (commonly called “wrist drop”)

elbow joint - humeroulnar, humeroradial

brachial plexus nerve - Median

Spinal cord segment - C6, C7, C8, T1
Muscle innervation - Pronators; Wrist and finger flexors on radial side; Most thumb muscles, 1st and 2nd lumbricals
Sensory distribution - Palmar aspect of thumb, second, third, fourth (radial half) fingers
Clinical motor features of paralysis - Loss of forearm pronation; Loss of thumb opposition, flexion, and abduction (“ape hand”), weakened wrist flexors (radial side), weakened wrist radial deviation; Palmar aspect of thumb, second, third, fourth (radial half) fingers
Loss of forearm pronation
Loss of thumb opposition, flexion, and abduction (“ape hand”), weakened wrist flexors (radial side), weakened wrist radial deviation; Weakened second and third finger flexion (“pope’s blessing” or “hand of benediction”)

brachial plexus nerve - Ulnar

Spinal cord segment - C8, T1
Muscle innervation - Flexor carpi ulnaris; Flexor digitorum profundus; (medial half); Interossei; 3rd and 4th lumbricals, muscles; of 5th finger
Sensory distribution - Fourth finger (medial portion), fifth finger
Clinical motor features of paralysis - Loss of wrist ulnar deviation; Weakened wrist, finger flexion; Loss of thumb adduction; Loss of most intrinsics (“claw hand”)

elbow joint - superior / proximal and inferior / distal radioulnar

elbow landmarks - scapula

elbow landmarks - humerus

elbow landmarks - ulna

elbow landmarks - radius

wrist joint - carpometacarpal, midcarpal, radioulnar

brachial plexus - nerve branches

wrist landmarks -
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

wrist ligaments - radial collateral, palmar radiocarpal, ulnar collateral, palmar ulnocarpal, dorsal radiocarpal

wrist ligaments - palmar aponeurosis

wrist prime mover - flexor carpi radialis

wrist flexion
radial deviation

wrist prime mover - flexor carpi ulnaris

wrist flexion
Ulnar deviation

wrist accessory mover - palmaris longus

wrist prime mover - extensor carpi radialis brevis

wrist extension

wrist prime mover - extensor carpi radialis longus

wrist extension
radial deviation

wrist prime mover - extensor carpi ulnaris

ulnar deviation
wrist extension

hand joints - carpometacarpal / CMC, metacarpophalangeal / MCP, interphalangeal / IP, proximal interphalangeal / PIP, distal interphalangeal / DIP

hand joints - saddle

wrist / hand ligament - flexor retinaculum / transverse carpal / anterior annular

wrist / hand ligament - extensor retinaculum / dorsal carpal / posterior annular

wrist / hand structure - carpal tunnel, transverse carpal ligament

wrist / hand structure - extensor expansion, hood

hand structure - anatomical snuffbox

wrist / hand prime mover - flexor pollicis brevis

thumb flexion - CMC, MCP

wrist / hand prime mover - flexor pollicis longus

thumb flexion - cmc, mcp, ip

wrist / hand prime mover - extensor pollicis brevis

thumb extension - cmc, mcp
thumb reposition - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - extensor pollicis longus

thumb extension - cmc, mcp, ip
thumb reposition - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - abductor pollicis brevis

thumb abduction - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - abductor pollicis longus

thumb abduction - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - adductor pollicis

thumb adduction - cmc
thumb reposition - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - opponens pollicis

thumb opposition - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - lumbricals

finger flexion - mcp
finger extension - dip, pip

wrist / hand prime mover - flexor digitorum superficialis

finger flexion - mcp, pip

wrist / hand prime mover - flexor digitorum profundus

finger flexion - mcp, pip, dip

wrist / hand prime mover - extensor digitorum

finger extension - mcp, dip, pip

wrist / hand prime mover - extensor indicis

index extension - mcp, dip, pip

wrist / hand prime mover - extensor digiti minimi

finger extension - mcp, dip, pip

wrist / hand prime mover - opponens digiti minimi

pinky opposition - cmc

wrist / hand prime mover - abductor digiti minimi

pinky abduction - mcp

wrist / hand prime mover - dorsal interossei

finger abduction - mcp

wrist / hand prime mover - palmar interossei

finger adduction - mcp

wrist / hand prime mover - flexor digiti minimi

pinky flexion

hand function - sensory

hand grip - functional

hand grip - power

hand power grip - cylindrical

hand precision grip - pincer / tip to tip

hand precision grip - pinch

hand power grip - spherical

hand power grip - hook

hand precision grip - tripod / three jaw chuck

hand precision grip - pad to side / lateral prehension

hand precision grip - side to side

hand precision grip - lumbrical

hand precision grip - cylindrical variation

artery - deep brachial/profunda brachii

artery - common, anterior, posterior interosseous; palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery; palmar carpal arch; common palmar digital; deep palmar arch; palmar metacarpal; proper palmar digital; superficial palmar

structure - antebrachial fascia

structure - bicipital aponeurosis

structure - cubital fossa

structure - cubital tunnel

hand muscle - palmaris brevis

hand structure - muscle sheath

hand structure - guyon’s canal

hand structure - proximal and distal palmar crease

hand ligament - annular, cruciate