Final Flashcards
How has the increasing size, diversity, and structural complexity of society changed societal reliance on interpersonal (e.g., face-to-face communication) versus mass communication? How has social structure changed over history/time?
Less reliance on interpersonal, greater reliance on mass communication
What is feedback control?
Feedback control is a story that covers a social issue. Address problem or unstable social situation
What is disribution control?
Distribution control is when the media withholds information. when they don’t want to report internal social issues but want to report against outside interferences (lacking distribution
What is the protest paradigm? Can you provide specific examples of the protest paradigm?
Attention to appearance and behavior of protestors and show how they’re different from social norm
What is convergence?
Integration on mass media, computers, and telecommunications. (different types of media combining together in the information society)
What’s the role of digitization in helping to drive convergence?
Digitalization transfers text into a computer readable format which is changing the way people communicate today
What are affordances?
are the technical features in the communication channels that allow users to have interpersonal communication like tweeting, or liking a post.
What is narrowcasting?
Targeting content to a smaller audience. This enhances the enrichment of the audiences experiences. Narrowcasting targets different lifestyles, needs, sex, age, or race
Net neutrality
Principle that users should not be discriminated against who uses the internet and in what way. Trying to not favor content to their business and charging their competition more
What is convergence?
Experience the same story in different ways and also get audience feedback. Print news doing more things online (trying to compete with competition)
Direct sales
consumers pay money to own products (ex. IPad)
Direct payment for product borrowing
Payment for continuing service
Admission to movies or theater or paper view
Usage fees
But commercial times, or page space
Rental of content to different channels
Compensate the creators of media content
License fees
Desirable/ educational but not profitable
Corporations, foundations,
Voluntary donations
What is technological determinism and how does it relate to the printing press, spread of literacy and democracy?
Society’s technology determines the development of social structure and cultural values. But also social political movements that were happening around that time
Agenda setting
first level: the more the media covers the more people think of it
Second level: more coverage of attributes the more that someone will have an opinion or those attributes
Hypodermic needle theory of media effects:
powerful direct effect in society bc of media (WWII propaganda) power to sway minds and be convincing
The Bobo Doll experiment was used to illustrate which media theory:
Classical Conditioning; Social learning theory (following behaviors) reward, punishment
What are the branches of government and what roles do they play in media regulation?
Legislative: standards of the industry) laws that empower excutive,
Excutive: enforce
Judicial: fairness doctrine
Marketplace of ideas
philosophy where “society works as a market plane” Protects free speech, bad ideas will go away (not to restrict speech)
First amendment
Freedom of speech and press. Privacy, intellectual property, ownership
Prior restraints
Bans restraints even if libelous and harmful. Journalist aren’t licensed
What types of speech receive more or less communication under the First Amendment (political v. commercial), including which types receive no protection?
Political speech has the most protection (anything that expresses viewpoint on issues)
Commercial speech is less protected, law has more function because it’s advertising intentions trying to gain profit
Censored American press?
Yes in pentagon papers
What is libel? What is the difference in what public versus non-public figures have to establish in order to pursue a successful libel claim
libel is written, fixed in broadcasting, tape, paper, or websites.
Non public Figures need to claim wrong and material damage
Public figures have to prove actual malice(known or should have know that the statement was untrue) false and went ahead anyway
1998 copyright term extension act
Protects from life to 70 years
is language that is used to sell or identify brand (slogan/emblems).
Copy rights
Protect ideas that are in a fixed medium (music)