Final Flashcards
No charge
Has mass
In nucleus
- charge
No mass
In the orbital around the nucleus
An atom with the proper number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons.
Ionic bond
Atoms gain or loose electrons, become charged ions, and stick together magnetically.
Covalent bonds
Atoms share electrons
Polar or H-bonds
Molecules have a partial + or - charge and stick together magnetically.
For example, water.
The ability of molecules to stick together due to H-bonds.
For example, water forms drops, and has surface tension due to cohesiveness.
A measure of kinetic energy of molecules. A thermometer is used to measure temperature.
Hydration shell
A cloud of water around a polar molecule, which prevents regrouping of the molecule with the parent crystal.
For example, Na+ does not regroup with the parent salt molecule in water due to the hydration shell.
A way to put fats into a water solution. Hydrophobic tails of a phospholipid orient inward toward the oil, while the hydrophilic heads orient out to the water.
4 major groups of biomolecules
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acid
are produced in plants and fungi, and are the most abundant biomolecule on earth.
+ charge
Has mass
In the nucleus
Used for energy storage, and cellulose and chitin are used as structural polysaccharides.
Is found is crisp leave and woody stems. It can’t be digestives by humans, because we don’t produce cellulase.
Saturated fatty acids
Have all single bonds.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Have some or many double bonds.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Have many double bonds, and are usually a liquid at room temperature.
Are strings of amino acids and are joined by peptide bonds
Are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions, and are not changed in the process.
Genetic information
Is stored in DNA in the cell nucleus, and is read and conveyed to the cytoplasm via RNA.
Is double stranded and contains A T C G
Is single stranded and contains A U C G
Is a metabolic pathway which produces larger molecules.
Is a metabolic pathway which breaks large molecules down.
Cell membrane
Is defined by the fluid mosaic model.
Some molecules can passively diffuse across it, while others need to be pumped across it in active transport.
Smooth ER
Conveys mRNA from the nucleus to the ribosome.
Composed of microtubules and microfilaments, and supports cellular structure and moves organelles.
Produces ATP, may have been a bacterium.
Parts of the organelle are the matrix, cristae, and outer compartments.
Highly coiled DNA seen in cell division.
Nucleoli so
The site of active mRNA production in the nucleus.
Nuclear membrane
This organelle contains pores to allow mRNA to exit.
A segment of DNA which codes for one trait, or protein.
Formula for respiration
C6H12O6 + O2 –> 6 CO2 + H2O + ATP
Formula for photosynthesis
6 CO2 + H2O + sun –> C6H12O6 + O2
Begins with one molecule of glucose.
Purpose is to recycle NADH
Kreb’s cycle
Begins with pyruvate.
Purpose is to produce electron carriers.
Is converted to citrate if NAD+ or FAD are available.
Carry electrons to an inner membrane protein in the mitochondria. These electrons cause H+ to be pumped to the outer compartment.
Is produced when the kinetic energy of the hydrogen is escaping through the pore protein is harnessed.
There are two photosystems in photosynthesis. Photosystem 2 drives the production of ATP while photosystem 1 produces reduced electronic carriers used in the dark reaction.
Plants open their stomata during the night, and keep it closed in the day.
The neural tube
Is formed in neurulation. The 3 germ layers are formed in gastriculation.
Bartholin’s gland
Provides lubricant for the the penetration of the penis.
Prostate gland
Secretes a milky, alkaline fluid
Cowper’s gland
Found at the base of the penis, secretes a lubricating substance.
Seminal vesicle
Produces a nutrient solution and pH buffer
Genital warts
Caused by the papilloma virus, no cure, linked to cervical cancer.
Seminiferous tubule
The site of sperm production
The lining of the uterus
Follicle stimulating hormone.
Causes the follicle to grow.
Corpus luteum
Produces estrogen after the follicle degenerates.
Chromosomes are replicated at this point in the cell cycle.
Chromatids are at the poles of the cell.
The chromatids begin to separate and move to the poles.
The chromosomes are at the equator of the cell.
Kleinfelter’s syndrome
These individuals have an XXY genotype, are sterile males, and have some female characteristics.
Cystic fibrosis
These individuals have a buildup of mucus in their lungs and intestines, and use gene technology as a treatment.
2 of the same alleles.
Ie. RR
2 different alleles.
Ie. Rr
Semi-conservative replication
DNA replication in which one strand is from the parent molecule and one strand is newly created.
Discontinuous synthesis
The formation of Okazaki fragments during DNA replication of the lagging strand.
An enzyme that untwist the double helix and separates the old strands.
Single stranded binding protein
A protein that attaches to unpaired strands of DNA
The process of copying the genetic material in a strand of mRNA
The process of reading the mRNA and producing a protein.
Triplet code
The nearly universal code most organisms use for amino acids.
Reading frame
The order in which the triplet code is read.
A region of DNA dozens of nucleotides upstream from the initiation site, where transcription actually begins.
A nonstrict base pairing of the third nucleotide of the codon and anticodon.
The enzyme which uses ATP and attaches the amino acid to the tRNA.
A plasmid which can incorporate and remove itself from chromosomal DNA.
The transfer of bacterial genes from one host to another via a bacteriophage.
An artificial gene obtained by reverse transcribing mRNA.
DNA fingerprint
A set of restriction fragments obtained from a human specimen. The fragments are unique to each individual.
Bacterial sex. The direct transfer of DNA between 2 bacterium which are temporarily joined by an F pili.
Common descent
The theory stating that all organisms are related to an earlier prototype organism.
A group of interbreeding individuals who share a common geographical area.
A group of interbreeding organisms which produce fertile offspring.
A change in behavior or the gene pool which promotes reproduction and life.
Gene flow
Movement of fertile individuals into or out of the population.
Bottleneck effect
A natural disaster kills a portion of the population. The small surviving population is not representative of the original population.
Genetic drift
Changes in the gene pool of a small population.
The smallest scale of evolution in a small population. The frequency of an allele changes over a few generations.
Stabilizing selection
Selection favoring the intermediate individuals.
Directional selection
Selection favoring the rare individuals.
A or B
Diversifying selection
Selection favoring the extreme individuals.
A and B
Habitat isolation
2 species cannot mate when their environment do not come into contact.
Temporal isolation
Organisms mate at different times of the year.
Mechanical isolation
2 species are anatomically incompatible
Behavioral isolation
Courtship dances, bird songs, and fire fly blinks are examples of signals given to members of the same species to insure same species mating.
Gametic isolation
When the sperm of one species cannot survive in the female of another species.
Postzygotic barrier
When an interspecies embryo is aborted.
Hybrid inviability
Prevents the production of fertile offspring if an egg and sperm of different species do fuse.
Hybrid sterility
If a viable interspecies offspring is produced, it is sterile.
Ie. Mule
Hybrid breakdown
Species A + Species B produces viable, fertile offspring. These offspring produce frail or sterile offspring.