FINAL Flashcards
Regulatory condition in a motor skill performance situation will include?
Speed of a ball during a rally
According to Gentiles variable practice experience for closed skills should focus on varying
The non regulatory conditions related to the skill
For _______ skills, regulatory conditions can change from one performance to another and during the movement execution
Contextual interference can be considered as a continuum ranging from low to high for the amount of interference created by the practice schedule. Which of the following types of schedules describes a low-to-high continuum of practice schedules?
When different leveled of contextual interference during motor skill practice are compared what do the results typically show?
Low contextual interference schedule is better dying practice, but high contextual interference schedule shows better during transfer performance
What does research show why practice consistently leads to poor performance for what kind of skills? Where does blocked practice schedule lead to poor performance where?
Transfer test
Goode and magill article about badminton serves found that what kind of practice schedule facilitated retention and transfer of the servius skills?
Random practice schedule
The hall and colleagues 1994 article demonstrated that the contextual interference effect is applicable or not applicable to what?
Applicable to skilled performers
The Simon and Bork 2001 study found that when participates were asked to judge performances on a retention test, the participates who experienced a blocked schedule typically did what?
They overestimate retention test performance
What do we call the hypothesis that explains the contextual interference effect based on the argument that between-trial-interference causes individuals to forget critical information that’s encoded on the previous trial is called the
Action plan reconstruction view
Which of the following is not involved in practice specificity hypothesis?
Movement characteristics of the skill performed in practice and test situations
The examination of brain activity that is associated with blocked and random practice provides support for what hypothesis
The elaboration and reconstitution hypothesis
Question about especial skills
Especial skills effect can not be accounted for completely by the practice specificity or practice variable hypothesis
Know about the experiments that were designed to demonstrate the benefits of practice variability compared to retention and/or transfer test
Practice variability is associated with a decreased amount of performance error during practice
True or False: the guideline for implementing practice variability for the learning of open skills is to vary both regulatory and no regulatory conditions
If a person experiences a practice condition where the likelihood of making errors early in practice is high, transfer performances generally what?
Better than that of a practice condition that kept error to a minimum
TRUE OR FALSE: a schedule that organizes the practice of several skill variations in a serial order is an example or a practice schedule that involves a low amount of contextual interference
TRUE OR FALSE: research has shown that people who practice in a blocked practice schedule tend to overestimate how well they are learning during practice
TRUE OR FALSE: research evidence has provided support for both the elaboration and the action plan reconstruction hypothesis that have been composed to account for the contextual interference effect
TRUE OR FALSE: homefield advantage can be explained in part what we know about incidental learning as it relates to the environment context
The Schendel and Hagman 1982 experiment, where they looked at machine gun assembly and dissembly skills showed that there was a benefit from overtraining, and that was an example of what kind of skill
A procedural skill
When increasing the amount of practice beyond a certain point leads to results that are not proportionally more beneficial for learning, it can be said that practice has reached a point of
Diminishing returns
Although research evidence supports over learning as an effective practice strategy for learning, it is important to remember that the amount of practice engaged in is
Not the most critical variable for influencing skill learning
Practice schedule A involves two 1 hour practice sessions on each of three days, and schedule B involves one 1-hour practice session on each of six days, in this scenario schedule A would be referred to as
Massed practice
Bradley and Longman in 1978 compared various massed and distributed training schedules for training postal workers and found this worst schedule for learning was
2 hour sessions, 2 times a day for 3 weeks
Which of the following best describes. General rule about practice distribution schedules for the length and distibution of practice sessions?
Distibuted practice schedules are better
Raul practiced a skill for 30 seconds and then had a 5-second test between each trail, and scarlet practiced the same skill for 30 seconds and has a 40-second rest between each trial, which of the following best describes their practice situation?
Raul’s practice is massed and Scarlett’s is distributed
A limitation of research investigating massed vs distributed practice issue is what?
The lack of a retention or transfer test
Which of the following statements are true?
Continuous skills are learned better with distributed schedules, and discrete skills are learned better with massed schedules
When massed practice hinders the learning of continuous skills, the most probably cause is
With reference to motor skills, the term task complexity refers to
Number of components in the task
With reference to motor skills, the term task organization refers to
Spatial temporal relationships among the parts of the task
According to the baylor and Briggs hypothesis, while practice is recommended for skills that are
Low in task complexity and high in task organization
When utilizing the part practice strategy, parts of the skills that are _______ should be practiced separately.
Relatively independent from one another
The term natural unit of parts of a skill describes a guideline for determing
Which components of a skill should be practiced as parts (or what parts should be grouped together)
Which of the following describes a “simplification” strategy for facilitating the acquisition a complex skill
All of these
Important benefit of the progressive part practice method is that it
Restricts the attention demands of the individual during practice
If a skill should not be physically separated for part practice an alternative part practice strategy is for the learners to?
Direct your attention specifically to a part of the skill you are having difficulty with
When learning an asymmetric bimanual skill in which one arm must perform a more difficult task that the other arm, what is the preferred practice approach for learning this skill is to practice
The more difficult task limb first, then the easier task limb
The use of training wheels on a bicycle utilizes which method of part-whole practice?
Elements of all of them
A person visually imagined himself or herself performing a skill from the perspective of an observer, this type of mental practice is referred to as
External imagery
In experiments that compare all mental practice to all physical practice and to no practice conditions, the results typically that participants in all mental practice conditions learn the skill
Not as well as the all physical practice group but generally better than the no practice group or false