Final Flashcards
The study of death, dying and grief is the definition of:
The upward or downward movement of a person or family within the social classes of their society is the definition of:
Social mobility
What are benefits available to every honorably discharged veteran?
- Headstone or marker
- Burial flag
- Presidential memorial certificate
- Burial in a national cemetery
The organization(s) regulating and licensing the broadcast of copyrighted music for public use:
What are characteristics of funeral service in the future:
- More women will be entering the field
- There will be more pre-arranged and funded funerals
- The consumer will be more educated
Of all the Christian religions in the world, which church has the largest membership:
Roman Catholic
The mother, father and their unmarried children would be an example of a:
Nuclear family
In the Japanese Buddhist funeral rite, the makura-gyo is:
A bedside prayer
What are the three areas of socioeconomics:
- Economic position of the family
- Class or social status
- Freedom of choice
Any type of rites where the body is not present is called a:
Memorial rite
A news item which usually contains biographical information about the deceased is the:
An example of an item not included on a death certificate would be:
Date of funeral
Most funerals in the United States are conducted in:
A chapel of the funeral home
Burial at sea is available to dependent family members of active duty personnel only. (T/F)
The greatest increase in the use of and acceptance of embalming came:
Post World War II
High blood pressure, cold, clammy hands, and increased smoking are:
Physical symptoms of stress
If the deceased was receiving Social Security benefits, the benefit received for the month of death is prorated and does not need to be returned. (T/F)
A type of funeral rite that is held devoid of any type of religious connotation would be called:
Humanistic funeral rite
The role of religion in a funeral rite is to:
- Bring theological purpose
- Bring theological value
- Allow for atonement
Cremated remains must be shipped via:
USPS Priority Mail Express
The open area before the altar in an Orthodox Church:
Another name for the Mennonites:
Which type of disposition is most common in the United States?
Ground burial
In the Lutheran Church, sometimes a cover is put over the casket during the service. This cover is called a:
Those who care for the dead in the Jewish faith:
Chevra Kadisha
The rites held at the time of disposition of human remains, with the body present
Funeral service
The Social Security lump-sum death benefit is $255 and is payable only to the surviving spouse or to a child who is eligible for benefits on the deceased’s record in the month of death. (T/F)
A family in which the male is the dominant governing force:
An unsolicited gift to a clergyperson would be:
A Jewish eulogy is called a:
How much is the VA burial allowance of a qualified veteran if the death was non-service related?
Which of the following is not a recommended way to deal with stress:
Realize that you should be perfect
The modern family’s confrontation with death is:
Less than their forefathers
An altar attendant is called a:
Buddhists believe that upon death, everyone will become enlightened and exist in eternal bliss in the pure land known as:
Notification of a death to a funeral home is also called a:
First call
In the past 90 years, life expectancy has:
When burial at sea takes place, 150 lbs. of weight must be added to the foot-end of the casket to ensure “feet first” sinking. (T/F)
Ritual garments of the clergy:
A legal document containing vital statistics of a deceased individual and is filed with a government agency is called a:
Death certificate
Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church does not:
Administer last rites
Offering services, literature, or emotional support to the bereaved after the funeral is over as a means to help them adjust to their loss is:
The definition of aftercare
Package pricing is not permissible under the Funeral Rule. (T/F)
What percentage of funeral homes is estimated to be providing services after the funeral:
The family system that contains the father and mother, all of their unmarried children, and the married sons’ wives and children is called:
Extended family
Which of the following is at the top of Maslow’s pyramid of hierarchy of needs:
The disposition of the body of a deceased individual without any form of funeral rite at that time is called:
Immediate disposition
The majority of people in the United States are living in which type of family unit:
The movement of families from the place where they were born defines:
Which of the following is not a general characteristic of the United States:
Elderly oriented
Most Americans prefer that a clergy person be present at a funeral even though only 35%:
Attend church regularly
Which of the following is not expected to increase in the future of funeral service?
- Life expectancy
- Visitation
- Cremation
- Government regulation
The Catholic Funeral Mass will normally take place at the:
Which type of disposition is considered objectionable in the Orthodox Church?
Any type of rites where the body is present is called a:
Funeral rite
What are reasons for increased cremation rates:
- Increased burial plot cost
- The public’s perception of scarcity of land
- Religious interpretations of Biblical verses
The widow or widower of a veteran who died on or after January 1, 2000 cannot be buried in a National Cemetery if they remarry. (T/F)
Brigham Young is the founder of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints. (T/F)
Anxiety, depression and irritability are:
Emotional symptoms of stress
How much will the VA pay as a plot allowance for a qualified veteran if burial is in a cemetery other than a government cemetery?
The obtaining and filing of a death certificate is the responsibility of the:
Funeral Director
The Bonze is the:
Name of the Buddhist Priest
The prescribed order or form of worship used by some churches, with the Eucharist of Holy Communion as the central element:
Liturgical Worship
Enculturation is also referred to as:
How much will the VA pay towards the burial expenses for a service-related death?
What are important items to discuss with the clergy:
- The place of service
- The honorarium amount
- If the casket can be open in the sanctuary
What is another name for a traineeship?
- Apprenticeship
- Residency
- Internship
The time set aside for friends and relatives to pay respect for the deceased prior to the funeral service:
The Christian Science funeral is never performed in the:
What is an effect of geographic location on the funeral rite:
- Type of service selected (traditional or memorial)
- Type of flowers sent to the service
- Type of merchandise selected
What organization is responsible for the development and administration of the National Board Exam:
International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards
What organization is responsible for accrediting mortuary science colleges?
American Board of Funeral Service Education
The placing of remains in a crypt would be called:
The percentage of initial contacts to the funeral home made by telephone:
Upon the death of a member of the Jewish faith, who must observe the Shivah, Sholoshim, and Yahrzeit?
All blood relatives
The Basic Services of the Funeral Director and Staff is the only item on the General Price List that is non-declinable by a family. (T/F)
The Rosary may be led by a:
- Priest
- Layperson
- Member of the family
- Funeral director
Which type of Judaism allows embalming?
- Conservative
* Reformed
Children often reflect the death attitudes of their:
Family unit
Which of the following is a characteristic of a baby boomer in regard to funeral services?
Like to think in terms of “celebration of life”
When burial at sea is requested, the casket must be made of metal. (T/F)
A Greek Orthodox religious picture is called a(n):
The proper title for an officiant of the Christian Science religion:
- Reader
* Practitioner
When transporting the flag with the deceased, the flag may either be folded and placed in a carton secured inside the shipping container or it may be draped over the casket when placed in the shipping container. (T/F)
A method of pricing that makes a separate charge for each item of service and merchandise is the definition of:
Itemized pricing
A mystical philosophy founded by Lao Tzu teaching conformity to this religion by unasservative action and simplicity
The teaching is related to the path of virtuous conduct, moral and ethical principles which regulate individuals and society
Teaches that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification
Contact person for the Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight
Contact person for the Masons - Free and Accepted
Master of the Lodge
Contact person for the Fraternal Order of Eagles
Worthy President, Worthy Chaplain
Contact person for the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Exalted Ruler
Contact person for Order of the Eastern Star
Officers of the Lodge
First in the Military Funeral Cortege procession
Second in the Military Funeral Cortege procession
- Colors
* Guard
Third in the Military Funeral Cortege procession
Fourth in the Military Funeral Cortege procession
- Caisson
* Casketbearers
Fifth in the Military Funeral Cortege procession
- Family
* Friends
According to the Funeral Rule, a funeral home may charge a special handling fee or surcharge if a family purchases a casket from a third-party supplier. (T/F)
Which one of the items is not required to appear on the General Price List?
- The address of the funeral home
- The effective date
- The name of the funeral home owner or manager
- The telephone number of the funeral home
- The name of the funeral home
The name of the funeral home owner or manager