Final Flashcards
Natural facial markings are:
A fracture that does not pierce the skin:
Phenol is:
- Carbolic acid
- An all-purpose solvent
- Good for bleaching tissues
- Good for swelling reduction
A rounded eminence at the articulating end of a bone is called a:
There are two matching frontal bones. (T/F)
An abscess is a regional infection containing pus. (T/F)
Skin slip can develop after embalming as a result of injecting an inadequate volume of arterial solution, using an arterial solution that was not strong enough, or by an inadequate distribution of arterial solution. (T/F)
The vomer bone is located in the:
Nasal cavity
The length of the face is equal to three times the length of the nose or the ear. (T/F)
The muscle that rotates and depresses the head and is used to measure the widest point of the neck is the:
Known as the “false smile” muscle:
Swelling reduction may be accomplished by the use of heat, channeling, aspirating, gravitation, direct pressure, compresses and excision. (T/F)
Females have thinner red lips than males. (T/F)
Utilizing facial proportions, the basis of measurement for determining the width of the face is the:
What is considered the strongest muscle of mastication?
A yellowish, sickly color of the complexion:
A casket veil may be useful in what situations?
- Viewing when major restoration was performed
- Overcoming problems created by bright daylight
- Protection from flies during summer months
Additions of gray result in a:
The integumentary lip includes the red lip area. (T/F)
Separation of the head from the body is also known as:
Physiognomy is:
The study of the structures and surface markings of the face and facial features
A mechanical device used for closing the mouth is a/an:
Needle injector
Inferior refers to:
- Beneath
- Lower
- Toward the feet
Excision of a tumor should be performed:
After embalming
The philtrum is a natural facial marking. (T/F)
Bleaching a discolored area with a surface compress of cavity fluid or phenol compound is a treatment that is performed:
- During embalming
* After embalming
The basic function of a muscle is:
Production of movement
A diluted substance is one that has been thinned or reduced in concentration. (T/F)
Which of the following is not classified as a depression?
- Fossa
- Groove
- Notch
- Tuberosity
The outermost layer of the skin is the:
Drying compounds used in the absorption of moisture and preservation as part of the embalming process:
- Hardening compounds
* Embalming powders
The proper term for a new abnormal formation of tissue such as a tumor or growth is:
The supercilia are the eyelashes. (T/F)
Orange is the warmest hue and blue is the coolest hue. (T/F)
Additions of white result in a:
A birthmark is also known as a:
Controlling the swelling of facial tissues such as the eyes or lips with the use of cotton and cold water is a treatment commonly performed:
During embalming
Other than a wig or toupee, what is the best option to hair replacement?
Use a head bandage or scarf
The first dimension of color is:
Optic facial sulci are also known as:
Crow’s feet
A small elevation filled with pus is:
The main cheek muscle, also known as the “trumpeter’s” muscle:
The fatty inferior 1/3 of the ear, generally unattached, is the:
A raised surface or part extending beyond the level of its surroundings:
- Elevation
- Projection
- Tuberosity
Which degree of a burn merely causes redness of the skin?
The line of color change at the junction of wet and dry areas on the mucous membrane is the:
Weather line
The small eminence that rises from the cheek to protect the ear passage is the:
What can cause swelling during embalming?
- Using a rate of flow that was too fast
- Using a pressure that was too high
- Excessive amount of fluid injected without sufficient drainage
- Excessive massage
The width of the base of the nose is generally:
- The width of the distance between the eyes
- One eye wide
- Half the width of the mouth
Dimples and the nasolabial folds are both natural facial markings. (T/F)
Which is not classified as a surface bone of the face?
- Maxilla
- Zygomatic
- Mandible
- Frontal
- Nasal
The correct term for the breakdown of organic matter is:
The type of nose which is long, narrow and prevails to caucasians
This muscle is known as the “frowning” muscle:
The inner rim of the ear is the:
In color, warm hues:
- Have longer wave lengths
- Make objects appear closer
- Make objects appear larger
Minute depressions on the surface of the skin, such as the openings of the sweat glands are called:
A substance used to dissolve something else is a:
Having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance:
The width of the ear is equal to:
- 2/3 the length of the ear
- 2/3 the length of the nose
- The distance from the base of the nose to the top of the chin
The electric heat spatula may be used for:
Reduction of swollen tissue
The helix is the:
Outer rim of the ear
The top of the ear is on the same horizontal plane as the eyebrows. (T/F)
Separation of the epidermis from the dermis caused by decomposition is:
When should scabs be removed?
After embalming
A darkened air-dried area on the skin resulting from removal of the epidermis may best describe:
Razor burn
In jaundice cases, the bile pigment in the skin that is the end result of an oxidation-reduction process which yields a green color is known as:
The lateral lobes of the nose that forms the widest part of the nose are the:
Wings of the nose
The four basic shapes of the chin are:
- Triangular
- Round
- Oval
- Square
A horse-shoe shaped bone that forms the lower jaw and chin is the:
Which of the following is considered to be a natural facial marking?
- Nasal sulcus
- Nasolabial sulcus
- Bucco-facial sulcus
- Inferior palpebral sulcus
Nasal sulcus
The property of a color by which it is distinguished from other colors:
For restorative art purposes, the center of expression is the:
An anatomical term of position denoting the front or forward part:
Optic facial sulci are acquired facial markings. (T/F)
Which of the following is not part of the frontal bone?
- Glabella
- Superciliary arch
- Temporal process
- Supraorbital margin
Temporal process
This determines the widest part of the face:
Distance between the zygomatic arches
In color, cool hues have shorter wave lengths and make objects appear to recede. (T/F)
Hypodermic tissue building is performed during embalming. (T/F)
Interciliary sulci and labial sulci are acquired facial markings. (T/F)
The distance from the top of the chin to the base of the nose is equal to the distance from the base of the nose to the line of the eyebrows. (T/F)
Swelling reduction measures of the neck should be performed:
After embalming
Which of the following is not a pre-embalming restorative treatment?
- Gluing of disconnected tissues
- Removal of tubes or devices that may mark the face
- Open and drain blisters, pustules, boils
- Shaving of facial hair
- Mouth and lip closure
Gluing of disconnected tissues
Temporarily suturing loose flaps of skin is a treatment that should be performed:
Which of the following is not part of the temporal bone?
- Squama
- Zygomatic arch
- Mastoid process
- Coronoid process
Coronoid process
The width of the mouth is equal to two times the distance between the inner canthus of each eye. (T/F)
Which of the following is not a true statement?
- Tissue must be firm and dry prior to wax restoration
- Wax may be softened by adding massage cream or a cream cosmetic
- Mixing talcum powder will firm the wax
- Wax may be firmed by adding and mixing with corn starch
- Tissue builder is the only option available to build up dehydrated tissues
Tissue builder is the only option available to build up dehydrated tissues
An invasive examination of a human body after death to determine the cause of death is referred to as a(n):
- Autopsy
* Post-mortem examination
A substance used to elevate sunken or emaciated tissues to a normal level, usually by means of a hypodermic needle is:
Tissue builder
This muscle is also known as the “laughing” muscle
Zygomaticus major
The visible red surface of the lip is the:
Mucous membrane
From age 7 to puberty the skull:
Growth slows considerably
An instrument used to reduce swelling through heat:
Electric spatula
Natural repose means to lay at rest. (T/F)
Which is the most common facial profile from a side view?
Additions of black result in a:
Who were the first people to document the use of restorative art?
Another name for a basket-weave suture is:
Excessive leanness is defined as:
The correct term for projection of the jaw: