FINAL 3 Flashcards
Acute bacterial infection involving lingular surface of epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, and aretynoids.
Another name for Epiglottitis is
Acute Supraglottis
Is Epiglottis life threatening?
4 Ds of Epiglottis
Epiglottitis starts as
sore throat and dysphagia with thick, muffled voice
Classic presentation of epiglottis
child sitting, dyspneic, mouth open, drooling, forward chin thrust, tripod position
Induce Epiglottitis with ____ and _____
Sevo and oxygen
Dose for atropine
Fluid bolus epiglottis pts with
Epiglottitis…ETT should be ________ than usual
1-2x smaller
______ confirms epiglottitis diagnosis
cherry red edpiglottis
Do you want to use muscle relaxants with epiglottitis?
nope- contraindicated, relaxation of pharyngeal muscle could block laryngeal airway
Epiglottitis- maintain _______pressure ( ____ cmH20) to minimize collapse of airways.
positive pressure (10-15cm H2O)
Epiglottitis. After stabilized, child may be sedated for _____hours to prevent extubation.
Epiglottitis. Have emergency _____ kit available during intubation and and ____ doc around.
Abnormality of the POSTERIOR fossa causing cephalad displacement of the cerebellum through the formamen magnum
Chiara malformations
What type of chiari malformation?
Caudal herniation of vermis, brainstem, and 4th ventricle. Associated with myelomeningocele and other anomilies. “ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION”
Type 2
What type of chiari?
Tonsillar herniation >5mm below the plane of the foramen magnum. No associated brainstem herniation or supratentorial anomalies. Low frequency of hydrocephalus.
Type 1
What type of chiari?
Most severe.
Occipital encaphalocele containing dysmorphic cerebellar and brainstem tissue
Type 3
What type of chiari?
Hypoplasia or aplasia of the cerebellum
“absent cerebellum”
Type 4