final Flashcards
flexion of head towards affected side
depression of shoulder
scapula retracted
IR & adduction of GH
elbow flexed
forearm pronated
wrist and fingers flexed
thumb adduction
flexor patter of upper body
adduction, ER, flexion of hip
knee flexed
dorsiflexion and inversion of ankle
toes flexed
flexor pattern of lower extremity
teeth clenched together w extreme force
bite reflex
ROM is interrupted by tremors stopping and starting through the movement
= what type of rigidity
what condition is “shoulder hand syndrome” associated w
decreased ROM of the shoulder and hand followed w throbbing P and edema
elbow is symptom free
shoulder hand syndrome
poor coordination (damage to cerebellum) =
A client with Multiple Sclerosis describes increasing symptoms following attacks, periods of
remission becoming less frequent =
chronic progressive attack remitting MS
anterior cord syndrome will present
bilateral motor pain and temperature losses
Pt w ms describes: between attacks symptoms either completely resolve or only mild disability remains
benign / mild attack remitting MS
When assessing a client w hemiplegia what might the pt present w around their shoulder
hemiplegic shoulder
pain in adduction and IR w retraction of scapula resulting in anterior sublux of GH
triggered by stimulation or pressure to the back of the head or trunk, person vigorously extends limbs/arches back
extensor thrust pattern
slight ext of pt’s neck and head w trunk bent away from the affected side, scapula retraction, IR of GH, elbow ext forearm pronation, hand/fingers in flexion
extensor pattern of upper body
adduction, IR and ext of hip, ext of knee, PF and inversion of ankle
extensor pattern of lower body
What type of rigidity - a uniform resistance through the ROM (palpated)
lead pipe
Seizure presents- blank stare, change in postural tone, short in time
petit mal
A central cord spinal injury involves what pattern of injury
mostly motor and sensory affected in the UPEXT w less effect to LEXT
Describe the onset of resting tremors in parkinsons
starts in one hand then in the foot/limb of same side
after time, the tremor presents on other side
pin rolling tremor
uncontrolled movement (injury to basal ganglia)
athetoid or dyskineisia
acute phase of hemiplegia after a stroke
mm on affected side will be flaccid, last for a few days → weeks, no spasticity or reflex patterns present
gait present with hemiplegia or MS
occurs when loss of inhibition of alpha motor neuron firing
resistance of limb to passive movement
stiffening of legs in ext or tight flexion
can occur in response to pressure on ball of foot or stretching of plantar surface by dorsiflexing toes
positive supporting reaction
ratchet-like movement of an affected limb, limb can be moved a short distance through ROM but movement is interrupted by a tremor, movement stops for a moment & then resumed again – cycle repeated throughout ROM
coghweel rigidity
decreased ROM of SH & hand, followed by throbbing P & edema – elbow remains symptom free – syndrome usually occurs with a lesion of the premotor cortex
shoulder hand syndrome
mild form, few exacerbations followed by complete recovery & client remains asymptomatic
benign MS
repeated cycles of exacerbation & remission, symptoms such as double vision, slurred speech, numbness & tingling anywhere in body can occur during these attacks
attack - remitting MS
results in increased symptoms following attacks, in some cases, remission periods become less & less frequent, disability increases continuously
chronic progressive attack remitting MS
rapid progression of symptoms & disability, can be fatal within a few years, more severe form of MS, least common
acute progressive MS