FINAL Flashcards
In 2013, the FNHA began a new era in BC First Nations health governance and health care delivery, how so?
by taking responsibility for the programs and services formerly delivered by Health Canada.
The FNHA is the health and wellness partner to over ______ diverse First Nations communities and citizens across BC.
FNHA healh premotion strategies include primary health care through more than _______ medical health centres and nursing stations
What is the operating principles philosophy off of which the FNHA acts?
E mphasis on personal best
Living it
Listen learn and act
Never leaving anyone behind
Service delivery and system transformation
Sustainabillity, integrity, efficiency, and innovation
What is the unique health governance structure that the FNHA is a part of?
political representation and advocacy through the First Nations Health Council, and technical support and capacity development through the First Nations Health Directors Associatio
Who do the FNHA work in partnership with?
BC First Nations
Describe nixons coin model
a coin with two sides: one side represents advantages and the other represents disadvantages. It emphasizes that privilege is complex and multidimensional, intersecting with various aspects of identity such as race, gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status.
How does nixons coin model suggest people can be allies?
individuals can be allies by recognizing their own privilege, listening to and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, and actively working to dismantle systems of oppression.
Continuum of cultural safety and humility includes
cultural competence
cultural awareness
cultural sensitivity
Main points of Jancey article
Approaching problems at their root instead of treating the symptoms
Holistic perspective
Comprehensive appraoch
Multisector collaboration
Preventative measures
Evidence based strategies
COmmunity empowerment
Health inequalities
Difference bw health education and health promotion
Health education
Consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills, which are conducive to individual and community health
Health promotion
Encompasses “not just individual action abut also social, political, and environmental action to change the determinants of health and thereby improve health; it is the process of enabling people to increase their control over, and improve, their health
First peoples principals of learning was developed by who?
collaboratively by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and BC Ministry of Education
Principals of learning
Learning supports WELLBEING of self +
Learning is HOLISTIC, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational
Learning involves recognizing CONSEQUENCES for actions
invovles GENERATIONAL roles and responsibilities
involves role of Indigenous KNOWLEDGE
Learning is EMBEDDED in memory, history, and story
Involves PATIENCE and time
REQUIRES exploration of one’s identity
involves recognizing that some knowledge is SACRED and needs permission for sharing
Which principal of learning has implications for nurses roles?
Learning is EMBEDDED in memory, history, and story
Using story and narrative in health education.
Providing learners with opportunities to share their own stories and voice.
2 approaches to using the principle of learning through embedded memory and story into healthcare?
Provide learners with opportunities to share their own stories
Addresses power imbalances
4 Rs for respectful storytelling
Relevance (recognize importance of Indigenous culture in todays world)
What does reciprocity mean for storysharing with Indigenous people
recognizing that relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples must be based on mutual respect, understanding, and benefit
Define privelage
Unearned advantage that others dont have
Opposite of privelaged
You have an unearned disadvanatage that others don’t have
Is it easier to notice when you are facing oppression or privelage?