Final 150 Flashcards
Whiskey Rebellion
A civil uprising against the taxing power of the federal government
Alexander Hamilton
Favored a strong federal government
McCulloch v Maryland
Chief Justice Marshall ruled that Maryland had no right to tax the bank…..
Election of 1800
John Adams vs Thomas Jefferson….
Louisiana Purchase
1803 France sells the territory for 15 million….. double the size of US
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Inspired people to go west and settle by sparking a sense of adventure
Impressment and the attack of the Chesapeake
The Chesapeake was intercepted by a British vessel demanding to search for dissenters
War Hawks from the War of 1812
Henry clay and John C.Calhoun
War of 1812 – DC burned, Fort McHenry, Battle of New Orleans
D.C burned…. British forces were able to march into Washington and burn the capital and the presidents mansion
The Star Spangled Banne
Written by Francis Scott key after fort Mchenry battle
Monroe Doctrine
Put in place due to many Latin American nations gaining independence from Spain at the time
Irish Potato Famine’s relationship to Immigration
Helped the growth of industry in America
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s convention
The Seneca falls convention… first woman’s rights convention… focused on woman’s suffrage
Individuals put their capital into a business in hopes of making a profit
Capital- money used for the investment
Free Enterprise System
People are free to buy/sell and produce what they want and can work as they wish
Supply and Demand
Sets prices/cost is set by supply and demand….. a way of making money
Number One Crop in the South in the 1800’s
Industrial Revolution
The change from an agrarian society to one based on industry
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin – what it did and why that was important
It made it easier to separate the cotton and its seeds, it took less time to separate the cotton than by hand, so more cotton could be sold
Urban vs Rural
Urban- city
Rural- county
Wilderness Road
Created by Daniel Boone, route to Kentucky from Atlantic coast, aided early exploration of Tennessee.. made passing through the mountains easier
Daniel Boone
American pioneer….. created wilderness road
Cumberland Gap
Path created making it easier to pass through the Appalachian mountains
The Corrupt Bargain
Speaker of the house, Henry clay, meets with Adams and agrees to use the his power to influence and help Adams get to vote in the House of Representatives
Andrew Jackson – spoils system, fight with the bank
Spoils system- the practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidates supports
Indian Removal Act
Act passed by congress in order to relocate Native Americans
Trail of Tears
Relocation and movement of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma.
Called trail of tears because the Cherokee won the court case but were still forced to move
Created the Cherokee language
William Henry Harrison’s Presidency
Shortest presidency/32 days
Manifest Destiny
Belief that America should extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific Ocean
Texas Rebellion
The battle of the Alamo, and the battle of San jacinto line star Republic is formed
The Alamo – battle significance
The defenders of the Alamo bought the Texans much needed time
Davy Crockett
Backwoods man from Tennessee who volunteered to fight at the Alamo
Oregon Trail
Used by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest
James K Polk – President that fulfilled what?
Manifest destiny
Mexican War – Border dispute, Mexican Cession
US believes the Texas border is the rio grande river and Mexico believes the border is the Nueces river
John Sutter and the California Gold Rush
John shutter was the first person to discover a gold nugget on his property
Brigham Young
He lead the Mormonism religions group to the great Salt Lake City of Utah
The Missouri Compromise of 1820
Helped preserve the balance between north and south….
John Brown
Violent abolitionist that believed god had had chosen him to come end slavery
Harriet Tubman
Helped on Underground Railroad… she never lost a passenger. Made several trips back to the south to save slaves
Underground Railroad
Network of escape routes out of south for enslaved people
Frederick Douglass
Most well know African American abolitionist, edited anti slavery newspaper called the North Star believed injustice of slavery destroyed Americans ideas of freedom
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Novel that explored the issue of slavery
Fugitive Slave Act
Required all citizens to help catch run away slaves in 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Increased the amount of territory open to slaveholding in the US
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas became the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery
Sumner-Brooks Incident
Senator Charles sumner lashed out against ode for slaver
Raid on Harper’s Ferry
John brown led 18 men on a raid to attack a storage facility. He wanted to arm slaves and start a rebellion….
Dred Scott v Sandford
Divide the nation even more..,
Lincoln-Douglass debates – House Divided Speech
Senate race in Illinois… main topic was slavery
Lincoln- republican Douglas- democratic
Election of 1860
Lincoln became 16th president
Causes of the Civil War
Secession of the south…. formation of the confederate states of America
Fort Sumter
Confederate guns opened fire on fort Sumter in April 12 1861
Ulysses S. Grant
Union general
Became 18th president
Robert E. Lee
Opposed to slavery, but fought for confederate side because he was a proud Virginian that wouldn’t fight against his own state…..
Stonewall Jackson
Considered one of the most gifted tactical commanders in US history
First Battle of Bull Run
The confederate troops let out a loud and strange scream, rebel yell that terrified the union and caused them to drip their weapons and run….
Anaconda Plan
Union war plan to defeat the south by dividing them into two
54th Massachusetts
Most well know African American regiment
The Battle of Gettysburg
Union forces are greatly outnumbered and are forced to retreat
The Battle of Vicksburg
Turing point for union in war including battle of Gettysburg
Sherman’s March to the sea
Led the western army towards Atlanta after burning Atlanta
Lee Surrendering to Grant
On April 9 1865, lee and his troops surrounded to grant
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery in 1865
14th Amendment
Gave full citizenship to anyone born in the US, including African Americans in 1866
15th Amendment
Gave African American men the right to vote in 1870
Lincoln Assassination – theater name, murderer, place of death
Theater-fords theatre
Murderer- john Wilkes booth
Place of death- Petersen house
10 Percent Plan and Radical Republican Plans for Reconstruction
Very forgiving of the south
Freedman’s Bureau
Agency that helped African Americans make the transition to freedom
Isolation of group… race, or class
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that require blacks and whites to be separated in almost every public plan ever in the south
Ku Klux Klan
Largest anti African American Terrorist group in the south