Final 150 Flashcards
Why did Europeans come to America to colonize?
To find gold and riches
Virginia Company
Joint stock company that gained a charter to establish Jamestown
Tobacco saved Jamestown
The site was chosen because it was easy to defend
It didn’t grow enough food
John Smith
Governor of Jamestown for its first 2 years
Force settlers to work and explore
Strong relationship with Chief Powhatan to get corn
When he left, Jamestown suffered. The Powhatan tribe stopped providing food. The winter of 1609-1610was called “the starving time”
Known for saving John Smith’s life and bringing some peace to British/ Native American relations after her marriage to Rolfe.
John Rolfe
He learned to grow this tobacco and sold the first crop in 1614
Married Pocahontas
Saved Jamestown
Bacon’s Rebellion
Led people to Jamestown and set it on fire
Nathaniel Bacon
Plymouth Colony
Colony of the pilgrims
Came to America on the Mayflower on September 1620
About 50% people died in the first winter
Ship pilgrims came to America on
Mayflower Compact
A document that provided laws for the pilgrims
William Bradford
Pilgrims were led by him for over 30 years
Most famous for writing “Of Plymouth Plantation”
Squanto and Samoset
2 Native Americans who befriended some pilgrims and showed them how to grow corn,beans,squash
Also showed them how to hunt and fish
Pilgrims would not have survived without them
Protestants who wanted to reform
Left England because they were persecuted
Massachusetts Bay Colony
1629 puritan group
Based on the Bible
John Winthrop
Massachusetts Bay Colony leader
Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams
Taken to trial over over disagreeing with Puritans
Kicked out of Massachusetts
Formed Rhode Island
Salem Witch Trials
People accused of witchcraft and were murdered
William Penn
A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania
Wrote their constitution
Everyone has a “inner light” to lead them to salvation
Everyone is equal in God’s eyes
Tolerance of others views
People who refused to fight in wars or use force
James Oglethorpe’s debtor and buffer colony
First governor
First Great Awakening
A religious revival that swept through the colonies
The belief grows that to God, all people are equal
Triangular Trade
A system where slaves, crops, and manufactured goods were traded
Africa, the Caribbean, and American colonies
Poor Richard’s Almanack, Albany Plan of Union and Join or Die Cartoon
A plan to help the colonies defend themselves from the French
First political cartoon in America
John Peter Zenger Trial
Freedom of the press
Cause of French and Indian War
Ohio River Valley
Fur trade
Proclamation of 1763
Great Britain signs
Halted western expansion west of the Appalachians
Colonies not happy
The Sugar Act
Lowered taxes on molasses to stop smuggling
Contradicts the British law of innocent until proven guilty
The Stamp Act
Placed taxes on almost all printed material
The Boston Massacre
5 people killed
Fight between townspeople and British soldiers
The Boston Tea Party
Sons of liberty
Response to the tea act of 1773
The Intolerable/Coercive Acts
Result of Boston Tea Party
Closed Harbor until the tea was paid for
Patrick Henry
” I am nay a Virginian, but an American”
Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty
Secret society formed to protect the rights of the colonists and fight taxation
Boycott British goods
John Hancock
First to sign the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
Published pamphlet
Colonies should be a refuge from tyrants and persecution
Declaration of Independence – Year, location, author, significance
July 4, 1776
Thomas Jefferson
Explains why the colonies chose to start a new nation
Cause of American Revolutionary War
The war for independence
Loyal to Great Britain
Colonists who want to break free
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Shot heard ‘round the world
Battle of Saratoga
Turning point of the war
Winter at Valley Forge
1777 winter
A time of terrible suffering without decent food, clothing or shelter for Washington and his troop
Battle of Yorktown
Last major battle of American Revolution
Cornwallis surrendered
Benedict Arnold
Hero of the Battle of Saratoga
Lead commander of the Patriots troops in the war
George Washington
Marquis de La Fayette
Believed that the future of America had a great influence on the future of mankind
Friedrich von Steuben
Drilled Washington’s troops
Prussia born officer
Francis Marion
Swamp Fox
Helped patriots defend the south
Father of guerrilla warfare
guerrilla warfare
A hit and run war technique
Treaty of Paris 1783
Great Britain recognized the US as a independent nation
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Created a territory out of lands North of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi River
Articles of Confederation
November 1777
First Constitution
Government can’t raise taxes
Shays’ Rebellion
Uprising of Massachusetts farmers to fight taxes on poor farmers
Revealed the need for a stronger central government
The Great Compromise
Established the model for congress used to this day
The 3/5 Compromise
Southern states count slaves as 3/5 of one free person for representation
The US Constitution – Father of, year, and purpose
September 17, 1787
James Madison
Supreme law of the land
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments
Created to limit the power of the government and protect the rights of the people
1st Amendment
Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press, and petition
2nd Amendment
Right to own firearms
4th Amendment
Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures
5th Amendment
Natural rights cannot be deprived without a due process of law
6th Amendment
Right to a speedy, public, trial by a impartial jury
Three Branches of Government and their purpose
Legislative: law making branch
Executive: carries out the law
Judicial: interprets the law and declares laws of presidential acts unconstitutional
Whiskey Rebellion
A civil uprising against the taxing power of the federal government
Washington proves that if citizens want to change the law, do it peacefully and lawfully
Alexander Hamilton
Washington’s secretary of treasury
Attempts to strengthen the nation’s economy
Alien and Sedition Acts
Alien acts- allowed president to deport aliens
Sedition acts- a crime to speak or write false criticism to try and weaken the government
John Sevier
First governor of Tennessee
Natchez Trace
Important route for trade between Mississippi and Nashville
Marbury v Madison
Landmark court case that established judicial review
First time something was declared unconstitutional
Judicial review
Court can nullify actions of other branches
McCulloch v Maryland
Supreme Court case over states rights
Maryland had no right to tax the bank
Election of 1800
John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson won by one
12th amendment
Louisiana Purchase
France sells territory for $15 million
830,000 square miles
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Followed the Missouri River on their trip to the Pacific Ocean
Inspired people to move west and settle by sparkling a sense of adventure
Impressment and the attack of the Chesapeake
Cause of the war of 1812
Ended as war began
War Hawks from the War of 1812
Pushed for war with Great Britain
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
War of 1812 – DC burned, Fort McHenry, Battle of New Orleans
British burns down the capitol and the president mansion
Attack Fort McHenry, the fort at the entrance to Baltimore harbor
Took place after the treaty was signed
January 8, 1815
The Star Spangled Banner
Inspired by Fort McHenry
Monroe Doctrine
Western Hemisphere was no longer open to colonization
Important part of American foreign policy
Irish Potato Famine’s relationship to Immigration
Brought people to the US
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s convention
The Seneca falls convention
Women’s rights
Most controversial issue at this time
Industrial Revolution
Change from an agrarian society to one based on industry
Individuals put their capital into a business in hope of making a profit
Free Enterprise System
People are free to buy, sell, and produce what they want and can work where they wish
Supply and Demand
Amount you have and what the people want
Number One Crop in the South in the 1800’s
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin – what it did and why that was important
The hand crank moved the cotton to the sawtooth wheels, which pulled the fiber through wire slots, separating it from the seeds that fell into the bottom of the gin. Brushes moved the cotton and cleaned it off the sawteeth
Increased the amount of cotton produced
Urban vs Rural
Wilderness Road
Route from Kentucky from Atlantic Coast
Passing through easier and opened the door for more settlement
Daniel Boone
He and 30 skilled foresters blazed the “ wilderness road”
This made him a long hunter
Cumberland Gap
Allowed for a path to be created that made passing through the Appalachians’ easier
The Corrupt Bargain
Jackson vs. Quincy Adams
Adams wins
Henry Clay agrees to use his influence to help Adams get the vote in the House of Representatives
Andrew Jackson – spoils system, fight with the bank
Old Hickory
The practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidate supporters
Killed the bank
Indian Removal Act
Act passed by congress in order to relocate Native Americans
Trail of Tears
Relocation and movement of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma
General Winfield Scott and an army of 7,000 federal troops came to remove the Cherokee from their homes
Known for creating the written Cherokee language
William Henry Harrison’s Presidency
Tippecanoe and Tyler too
9th president
Shortest presidency (32 days)
Manifest Destiny
The belief that America should extend its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean
Texas Rebellion
Stephen F. Austin recruited 300 families to help him settle land in Mexico
Santa Anna vs. Travis
The Alamo – battle significance
Bought the Texans some much needed time
Davy Crockett
Backwoods man from Tennessee who volunteered to fight at the Alamo
Oregon Trail
Used by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest
James K Polk – President that fulfilled what?
11th president
Unexpected winner
” young hickory “
Firm believer in Manifest Destiny
Mexican War – Border dispute, Mexican Cession
Polk was determined to get New Mexico and California
US- Rio Grande River
Mexico- Nueces River
John Sutter and the California Gold Rush
Obtained land in California
First to discover a gold nugget on his property
Gold seekers destroyed his property
Doubled the worlds gold supply
California becomes a state
Brigham Young
Led the mormons to Utah
12,000 made this trip
The Missouri Compromise of 1820
Helped preserve balance between the North and South
Maine was free
Missouri was slave
John Brown
Violent abolitionist that believed God had chosen him to end slavery
Harriet Tubman
Most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad
Underground Railroad
A network of escape routes out of the south for enslaved people
Frederick Douglass
Most well known African American abolitionist
Edited the “North Star”
1847, friends helped him buy his freedom
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Novel that explored the issue of slavery
Fugitive Slave Act
Required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves in 1850
Caused more anger in the north
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Increased the amount of territory pen to slave holding
Popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas
Became the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery
Sumner-Brooks Incident
Senator Charles Sumner lashed out against those for slavery
Butler’s cousin, Rep. Preston Brooks, came into the senate chamber and hit Sumner with a cane
Raid on Harper’s Ferry
John Brown led 18 men on a raid to attack a weapon storage facility
Hoped to start a rebellion against slave holders
Executed of treason
Became a rallying point
Dred Scott v Sandford
Slave vs. owner
Nation even more divided
Still a slave
Constitution protected slavery
Lincoln-Douglass debates – House Divided Speech
Senate race in Illinois that became the center of national attention
Republican: Lincoln
Democrat: Douglass
“I believe hat this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Election of 1860
Lincoln became 16th President
Promised not to disturb slavery where it already existed
Causes of the Civil War
The south seceded
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter
Confederate guns opened fire on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861
Start of the Civil War
Ulysses S. Grant
Union side
Led to Shiloh, where a battle took place
Became 18th president
Robert E. Lee
Opposed slavery, but fought on the confederate side because he wouldn’t fight against his own state
Stonewall Jackson
Considered the most gifted tactical commanders in US History
First Battle of Bull Run
First major battle
Union: Irvin McDowell
Confederate: P.G.T. Beauregard
Anaconda Plan
Union would choke out the south
54th Massachusetts
Most well known African American regiment
The Battle of Gettysburg
Union forces are outnumbered and are forced to retreat
Pickett’s charge
Union Won
The Battle of Vicksburg
Vicksburg and Gettysburg were considered the turning point of the war
Sherman’s March to the Sea
General William Tecumseh Sherman led the western army towards Atlanta
After burning Atlanta they head to Savannah, Georgia
Lee Surrendering to Grant
On April 9, 1865, Lee and his troops surrendered to Grant in a small Virginia Village called Appomattox Court House
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery in 1865
14th Amendment
Gave full citizenship to anyone born in the United States
15th Amendment
Gave African American men the right to vote
Lincoln Assassination – theater name, murderer, place of death
Ford’s Theater
John Wilkes Booth
The Petersen House
10 Percent Plan and Radical Republican Plans for Reconstruction
10 Percent Plan: forgiven
Radical Republican Plans : harsh
Freedman’s Bureau
An agency that helped African Americans transition into freedom
Separation of the races
Jim Crow Laws
Required whites and African Americans to be separate in all most every public place
Legal as long as it is separate and equal
Ku Klux Klan
Largest anti African American terrorist organization in the south