Final Flashcards
George Kennan
1947 American diplomat who developed the containment policy. He wrote the long telegram and the anonymous Mr. X article. Goal: contain the Soviet Union and not allow expansion. Idea that Russian goal was expansion self righteousness. Idea that diplomacy not be effective. ESCALATES COLD WAR.
Truman Doctrine
March, 1947. Wherever people are, threatened by totalitarian leadership, the U.S is willing to help (if there’s Soviet influence). Puts the U.S in a position to involve itself in other countries.
National Security Act 1947
Previously the War Department with no standing army.
1. Creates the Department of Defense and a standing army/permeant military mobilization.
2.Forms CIA. New focus on spying and intelligence operations.
3. National Security Council: works secretly on security with the CIA and Department of Defense.
Lavender Scare
- 1947 Truman Loyalty Program removes homosexuals from govt. as “security risks.”
- Kinsley Report 1948: 4-8% of men were gay. 37% of men reported some homosexual relationship/act in their lives. People began to wonder who was gay (same as wondering who was communist). Fear that homosexuality = world decay.
3.1950 Panic on the Potomac, 600 federal workers fired /resigned because they were considered security risks. Communists could use their homosexuality to blackmail them into spying (no evidence of this occurring).
Korean War
Following WWII Korea is split between U.S and Soviets. Supposed to be united by an election. U.S postpones election indefinitely.
-June 1950, North Korean troops cross 38th parallel to unite Korea under communism.
U.S sends troops through U.N police action. U.S pushes back to 38th and then keeps going. China then sends troops to push U.S back below 38th parallel.
-General MacArthur begins to criticize the war publicly. Truman fires him.
-War enters stalemate.
1953: Peace treaty of status quo ante. 38th parallel remains.
The Affluent Society
1950’s idea pioneered by John Kenneth Galbraith in his 1958 book “The Affluent Society”. IDEA: Although America was rich in consumer goods, it was poor in spirit.
The 1950’s was an era of consensus & a single American way: democracy, liberty, anticommunist, & material prosperity.
HOWEVER: African Americans were exceptions. Women also experienced a new era of traditionalism (new woman of the ’20s was gone).
1947 Abraham & sons Wiliam and Alfred begin mass production of housing. Everything needed for housing was packaged up nicely, crews created for each part of assembly. Mechanized tasks, non-union labor, owned lumber and nail factory. Subdivided land, laid roads, built houses, thus creating a subdivision. Homes were cheaper, uniform in style AND who lived in them. NOT sold to African Americans. Marked a revolution in housing an home building.
G.I Bill of Rights
1944: 1. paid for college for returning vets = COLLEGE EXPANSION.
2. Low interest longterm mortgages so vets could afford homes. CHEAPER THAN CITY.
3. 1st government bill to DENY HOMOSEXUALS (lavender scare).
Interstate Highway Act of 1956
GOAL:Create National interstate highway and defense.
Added defense interest to the bill to make it possible for the government to build roads. Created the ability for suburbanization. Rise of shopping malls.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
By FDR:1934
Federally ensured longterm low interest mortgages that wouldn’t default. New access to credit. Home ownership increased.
WHY: Cities had become crowded with African Americans from the great migration. White people flee to suburbs (white flight).
bias towards single family and new home construction.
“unbiased: professional estimates: rates the security of loans in an area, borrower, property, & neighborhoods. PROTECTION FROM ADVERSE INFLUENCE = RACE.
Brown v. Board of Education
1954: NAACP goes after “separate but equal” established by Plessy. Thurgood Marshall lawyer. TWO CASES under one umbrella (Brown I and Brown II). BROWN I (1954): Ruling that “separate but equal” no longer stands. Plessy was wrong.
BROWN II (1955): Desegregation should take place with “all deliberate speed.” Enables white resistance.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Dec. 1,1955: Following the constructed case of Rosa Parks. She refuses to give up her seat at the front of the bus. She doesn’t and is jailed. Jo Ann Robinson and E.D Nixon (NAACP) organize boycott and carpooling. 381 day boycott cripples the bus system. LEADS TO: 1956 INTRAstate bus segregation unconstitutional. Rise of Southern Christian Leadership Conference and MLK.
Rosa was chosen because of her character. She had been working with the NAACP previously.
The Sit in Movement
Feb 1st 1960: 4 college students sit in at Woolworths lunch counter, NC. They weren’t served, counter closes. More and more people show up and take abuses from white people. Sit in’s spread. 1961: 50k had done sit ins in over 126 cities.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Barred discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, and race in employment and places of public accommodation. Undid de jure segregation. Legislation pushed by LBJ. Splintered the Democratic party.
Voting Rights Act 1965
Outlawed southern strategies of disenfranchisement (ex: literacy tests). Empowered US Attorney General to oversee voter registration in any county where less than 50% of eligible voters were registers.
The Black Power Movement
Turn towards violence to accomplish the failures of peaceful civil rights movements. Embracing Black culture. SELF IDENTITY
-Malcolm X: Nation of Islam and Black Nationalism. He was a culture hero for Black nationalists. Questioned non-violence. Assassinated by a leader of the Nation of Islam in 1965.
-Stokely Carmicheal: (SNCC) Student non-violent Coordinating Committee.
-Floyd Mcckissick (CORE).
-Black Panther Party: oversee Black communities, protect from police brutality, and armed themselves publicly. Eventually merged with SNCC.
-Mohammed Ali:Refused to go to war when drafted, stripped of title and banned from boxing for 5 years (during his prime).
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Oct. 1962, US notices through U2 Recon planes that Soviets placed nukes in Cuba (within 90 miles of U.S territory). Divide between preemptive strike between Cuba or not. KENNEDY: embargoed Cuba and negotiations began. Soviets downed a US spy plane in response to the embargo. RESULTS: Soviets agree to pull missiles if US agrees to never invade Cuba and pull warheads out of Turkey. KENNEDY GAINS REPUTATION AS A COLD WAR WARRIOR. Closest Americans got to war with Soviets (tension at home).
The Great Society
LBJ’s expansion of the welfare state to include those left behind by the New Deal.
-Civil rights legislation (VRA & CRA)
-“War on Poverty”: 1964 Economic Opportunity Act (gives 1 billion to support those in poverty, Members in the community distribute aid directly).
-Creation of Department of housing: improve urban living.
-Immigration Act 1965: Undid the national origins act (quota system). = more asian immigration.
-medicare + medicaid
-Headstart:preschool for low income families.
The Warren Court
1953-‘69: Reign of Chief Justice Earl Warren. Period of the court rethinking constitutional law:
-Brown v Board (1954)
-Free speech rights: 1962 Baker v Carr (1 person 1 vote).
-Engel v Vitale 1962(Prayer before school violates 1st amendment freedom of religion).
-Gideon v Wainwright 1963: Right to lawyer provided
- Miranda v Arizona 1966: Police have to inform people of their rights (established in Escobedo case)
- Griswold v Connecticut 1965: Law preventing use of contraceptives violates right to privacy.
Students For a Democratic Society
Founded 1962 by Tom Holden. Advocated for a more participatory democracy.
Port Huron Statement 1962:
-critical of secrecy (national security state)
-wondered the place of the U.S in the Globe.
-Fear of nukes
-strong generational statement
-All men created equal is a hollow statement
Free Speech movement (1964-65):
-student protest at University of California Berkley.
-Berkley bans use of a plaza. Students protest and are arrested.
-Complaint of the top down system.
The Election of 1968
-Bobby Kennedy assassinated (June 6), democratic nomination up for grabs.
-Eugene McCarthy: runs as antiwar candidate.
-LBJ withdraws from race after almost losing the New Hampshire.
-George Wallace had clear urban support.
-Hubert Humphrey:democrat
Democratic convention in Chicago:
-becomes a police riot due to anti war protestors.
-demonstrates the excess of the 1960’s
-tear gas is used
NIXON: takes advantage of the wreck of the convention. Runs as representation for the “silent majority”. WINS
Ho Chi Minh
-1945 Ho & Viet Minh declare independence and wage war against the french.
-US fears Ho was a communist, so they support French Reclamation of Indochina
-May 1954: Ho & Viet Minh defeat french at Dien Bien Phu.
-Ho controls North
-French leave
-Vietnam divided @ 17th parallel
- there SHOULD be a national election in 1956 to unite Vietnam
Strategic Hamlet Program
1963: Designed to solve the problem of Viet Cong insurgency coming into villages at night
- Fenced in villages and guarded them. Shut them off to the world.
-Relocation of villages.
-not successful because villagers felt trapped. Did not win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
August 1964: Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
- Aug. 2 USS Maddox, in Gulf of Tonkin (north Viet. waters), is attacked. Makes is out fine. A few days later USS Maddox, in north Viet. waters, picks up torpedos. Fires randomly. No actual evidence that they were attacked.
RESOLUTION: gives LBJ blank check to use in Vietnam. Congress does NOT declare war.
Tet Offensive
Jan 30, 1968. Lunar New Year.
-Viet Cong launch coordinated attacks on cities. Most were pushed back.
-Blow to morale: people thought the US was winning. This demonstrated otherwise. Johnson requests 200k more troops but is talked down.
War Powers Act
1973: following loss in Vietnam. Vietnam went on for a decade w/out congress declaring war. The President has to inform congress within 48 hrs of deploying troops. Congress has 60 days to approve (declare war). If denied president has 30 days to withdraw. Nixon vetoed but congress overruled this veto.
Dr. Benjamin Spock
Wrote Baby and Childcare book (1946).
Before: lowkey neglect of children.
Spock: Women need to focus on kids. Neglect could = delinquent kids.
Result: More stress and work for women. Sold over 50 million copies
Betty Friedan
Wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963). Women felt isolated, depressed, and unfulfilled. Called “the problem with no name.” Blamed media images as to why women were stuck in domestic roles.
-Not 2nd wave feminism: didn’t argue for political equality.
-Alt view: media gave a mixed message. Women were recognized discreetly.
2nd Wave Feminism
- Women motivated by the success of the civil rights movement, new left, & personal politics. They also faced discrimination in these movements
- 1966 National Organization of Women (NOW) forms.
-1968 Robin Morgan organizes protest against Miss America. Crown a sheep as their Miss America, picketed, and freedom trashcans (threw bras, playboy, and heels into DID NOT BURN).
-1970 Time + Newsweek feature feminist leaders on covers.
-1973 Roe v Wade: abortion falls under right to privacy.
OVERALL: little more radical & against the objectification of women.
Phyllis Schlafly
-Member of STOP ERA (Stop taking our privileges).
- conservative activist & Soviet expert.
- traditional family values
- grassroots organizing: Concerns: potential military service, no alimony, & sometimes alarmist: end separate bathrooms.
RESULTS: tapped into real fear that women might be weakened by ERA.
RESULT: ERA dies 1982
Identity Politics
-Politics rooted in groups who claimed they were not represented in society and wanted redress. Focus on multiculturalism rather than assimilation.
EXAMPLES: women’s liberation ERA, African Americans busing.
Cesar Chavez
Organizes Mexican-American farm workers. Marched in 1966. Linked Mexican American activism with the labor movement.
Stonewall Riot
- Stonewall Inn: gay bar in Manhattan. Raided by police. The patrons fought back and protests several days. Leads to more outspoken gay activism.
June 1972: Break in at democratic national convention headquarters, 3 men arrested with a bunch of bugging stuff on them.
- Washington Post journalists Woodward and Bernstein trace $ that payed burglars to Nixon’s campaign fund CRP/CREEP(mocking) Committee to Reelect the President.
-Judge Sirica finds involvement higher up.
-Tapes are found that Nixon had recorded in the oval office, he is subpoenaed, but refuses to give tapes due to national security and executive privilege.
-Saturday Night Massacre: Cox (prosecutor) is fired.
-August 8, 1974 Nixon Resigns, Gerald Ford becomes president.
RESULT: 25 Nixon aids serve time, Nixon pardoned by Ford, Americans see the dark underbelly of the national security state.
Iran-Hostage Crisis
1979: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi overthrown and replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini. President Carter allows the Shah to come to the U.S for cancer treatment. The U.S Embassy in Iran is stormed, hostages held.
-Carter attempts to free them with Operation Eagle Claw (1980). FAILS. American planes crash.
July 20th, 1981: hostages released. Minutes later Ronald Reagan is sworn in.
RESULT: Marks a failure of the Carter presidency.
George Wallace
-1946 elected to Alabama House of Rep.
Ran in 1968 election: as a third party.
-condemned counter culture, established class differences in Vietnam war, attacked undeserving poor, and attacked judiciary for giving rights to criminals.
-very racist
-talked in simple terms, that resonated.
RESULT: Gets 13% of the popular vote, and 1/3 of the south (won 5 states). He represents democrats losing core voters, white working class and rural.
Young Americans for Freedom
1960 Student conservative movement.
Sharon Statement: New Generation, Anticommunist, free market, foreign action should only be in U.S interests. Overall federal govt. should not overstep. Very basic statements.
(If I had to guess this would be compared to SDS)
Election of 1980
-Reagan defeats Carter.
-“Great communicator” Use of tv and radio.
-Soviet Union = evil
-“Make America Great Again”
- “Reaganomics” trickle down economics w/ low taxes on rich.
- military expansion
-Hostile to Unions.
19 terrorists hijack flights using boxcutters.
-American Airlines flight 11 hits north tower.
-United Flight 175 hits south tower.
-American Airlines flight 77 hits pentagon
-United flight 93, the passengers fight back and crash the plane.
-2,977 people died.
-Leads to the question: Where did this attack come from?
Oklahoma City bombing
-1995 bombing at Alfred p. Murrah Federal Building.
-168 killed
-Fear it was Islamic terrorist
-Committed by Timothy McVeigh (1st Gulf War vet, white supremacist, anti-govt. extremist. and survivalist).
-He claimed bombing was payback for Ruby Ridge Incident, and the federal siege of the Branch David Compound in Waco TX (cult). He saw it as the govt. violating personal freedoms.
The Clash of Civilizations
-1996 by Samuel Huntington.
-Response to Francis Fukuyama’s “End of History”: claim that liberal democracy is the final ideological development. It, in its truest from, cannot be improved upon, therefore marking the end of history.
-Huntington disagrees, he believes that Islam is a threat to western powers, and conflict will be cultural.
RESULT: Was Huntington right? Some said yes. Those who said no: A few men were able to change the course of history drastically, but they did not represent Islamic nations. They represented a small, very loud minority. They tried to make Huntingtons vision come to life, but they failed since they do not represent all Islamic states. (Prob would be paired with 9/11, unsure how this would fit with another term).
Image 1 (freedmen’s bureau)
Established by fed. govt. in 1865. Worked to protect freed-people from whites:
-redistribute land that had been confiscated to freedpeople (short lived reform, land was given back white owners in 1866).
- created courts where freedpeople could seek redress from employers for abuse or unfair wages
Image 2
-Following the Spanish American War in 1898, U.S received Puerto Rico, The Philippines, and Guam.
-U.S imperialism
-African Americans(cleaning) and Native Americans (reading upside down book) left out .
-Chinese at the door, suggesting they’re next.
Image 3
WWII. Women entering into the work force, experience new freedom that they did not have before. Disappointed post war, went back to domestic life.
-Elaborate with rise of feminine mystique prob and stuff like that.
image 4
White protester attacking Black activist Ted Landsmark. White people were protesting the use of busing to integrate suburbs.
Rise of suburbs: Over 20 years earlier with Levittowns (1947)