Final Flashcards
What is section 7.1 of the Government Organization Act?
Provides a list of all health services and restricted activities in Alberta
What schedule in the Health Professions Act relates to Pharmacy?
Schedule 19
What is the Health Professions Act?
Provides a framework for governance, registration, continuing competence, complaint resolution and other matters colleges of regulated health professionals must comply with
What are the 4 types of pharmacies?
Community, compound, mail order, satellite
What is the Pharmacy and Drug Act?
Provides definitions of the 4 different types of pharmacies and Schedules 1,2,3 drugs in Alberta
What is the Scheduled Drugs Regulations under?
The Pharmacy and Drug Act
What does the New Classes of Practitioners Regulations state?
This extends authority to podiatrists, midwives, and nurse practitioners to prescribe narcotics and controlled substances
What is the mission of the Alberta College of Pharmacy? (3)
- Governs members to protect public interest
- Regulate pharmacy practice with standards
- Participates in health policy debates
What is THE VISION of the ACP?
Healthy Albertans through excellence in pharmacy practice
What is THE MISSION of the ACP?
The ACP governs pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacies in Alberta to serve, support, and protect the publics health and well-being
What does the ACP council consist of?
5 pharmacists, 2 technicians, 7 public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor
How long do pharmacists and technicians sit on the council?
Three years
The activities and organizational structure is outlines in what Act?
The Health Professions Act
How many CEU’s must be completed in each CE cycle?
How long before an individual gets reinstated after proven sexual abuse? What about sexual misconduct?
Abuse = Never
Misconduct = After 5 years
A pharmacy technician may dispense a schedule 1 or 2 drug only when the pharmacist has…
- evaluated the prescription
- assessed the patient and their health
- is available to council
What roles is direct supervision needed with?
Technicians completing SPT1, or SPT 2/3 without jurisprudence exam
What roles is indirect supervision allowed with?
Interns after completing all 3 levels of SPT
Technicians completing SPT1 and Jurisprudence exam
When would it be appropriate to deal with a patients agent?
The express wishes of the patient
The patients health/age/mental state and capacity
To fulfill a request of a public guardian or trustee
To facilitate an authorized research project
What is a custodian?
Individuals or organizations in the health system that have custody of - or control over - health information
What are some examples of custodians?
Alberta Health
Pharmacy managers in a community pharmacy
What are some duties of custodians?
Collect, use or disclose health information with the highest degree of autonymity possible
Protect health information
Ensure accuracy of health information
What is an affiliate?
Individuals employed by a custodian or performs a service for them as a volunteer or under a contract
What are some examples of an affiliate?
Staff pharmacist in a hospital, all staff in community
Are all regulated members of the ACP providing health services custodians?
If an individual requests to see their personal health info, custodians must respond in what amount of time?
30 days
An “authorized representative”, or a person who has been assigned to represent another individual and to exercise the rights of the individual on their behalf can be…?
A parent or guardian of a minor who is not competent enough to understand their rights
A near relative under the Mental Health Act
An individual granted power of attorney
A personal representative of a deceased individual
A guardian or trustee
Without consent, when can health information be shared?
Between custodians
To authorized members of the representative
To courts or subpoenas
To Alberta Health
To researchers with approval from the Research Ethics Board
Notions of disclosure logs must be retained for how long?
At least 10 years
How long do patient records have to be retained for?
10 years past the last date of pharmacy service provided, or for 2 years past the age of majority if the patient is a child, whichever is longer.
What are schedule 1 drugs?
Drugs that require a prescription as a condition of sale
What are schedule 2 drugs?
Drugs that are available only from the pharmacist and without a prescription. No opportunity for self-selection.
What are schedule 3 drugs?
Drugs that are available without a prescription from the self selection area of the pharmacy
What are unscheduled drugs?
Drugs not listed in schedule 1, 2, or 3 that may be sold in any retail outlet
How long are prescriptions valid for to be handed in?
A year
How long are TPPs valid for to be handed in?
72 hours
How long are prescription refills good for after they are first dispensed?
18 months
How long are benzo refills good for after they are first WRITTEN?
12 months
What drugs are included in controlled drugs part 1?
What drugs are included in controlled drugs part 2?
What drugs are included in controlled drugs part 3?
Anabolic steroids
What is a VPN?
Verbal Prescription Narcotic - 3+ ingredients - only by mouth
What medications are never included in VPNs?
Hydrocodone, Methadone, Oxycodone, Pentazocaine
Can controlled drugs be transferred? verbal refills?
No - okay for verbal refills
Can benzos be transferred? refills?
Transferred once - okay for refills with or without intervals
What is the codeine content in a “codeine exempted product”?
8mg or less codeine, or 20mg per 30ml or less plus 2 additional ingredients
What schedule is Tylenol SR?
How long are part fills valid for once brought into a pharmacy?
12 months
Any loss or theft of a controlled substance, narcotic or benzo must be reported to health canada within how much time?`
10 days
What is a VPN
Verbal prescription narcotic - has 1 narcotic + 2 medicinal ingredients, ex T3s
How often do physicians need to apply to CPSA to prescribe methadone?
every 3 years
What is the max number of days methadone can be carried for?
14 days
Can podiatrists prescribe narcotics? controlled drugs? benzos?
Yes to narcotics except methadone and buprenorphine
Yes to controlled except anabolic steroids and amphetamines
Yes to benzos
What medications can Midwives prescribe?
Not narcotics, controlled drugs, targeted substances, or benzos
Mostly only antibiotics and antiemetics
How often must electronic documents be backed up?
At least once daily
What is the retention period for prescriptions?
42 months, or 2 years after the completion of therapy regarding the prescription, whichever one is longer
What is the retention period for patient records and records of care?
10 years past the last date of service provided or 2 years past the age of majority if the patient is a child, whichever is greater
What is the retention period for a drug error?
10 years
What is the retention period for a disclosure of health information without signed consent of the patient?
10 years after the event was discovered
What is the retention period for narcotic receipts?
2 years from the date of the receipt
What is the difference between compounding and manufacturing?
Compounding is patient based and or regulated provincially
Manufacturing is for the general public and is federally regulated
How long must records of destruction be kept?
2 years