Chapter 7 Flashcards
What type of medications can pharmacists not prescribe?
Narcotics, controlled drugs, or targeted substances
Can pharmacists prescribe medications for off label use?
For consent to treatment to be valid, pharmacists must provide patients with adequate explanation about…?
The nature of the treatment
Its anticipated effect
The significant risks involved
Available treatment alternatives
What is the definition of a collaborative relationship?
A relationship between two or more health regulated professionals that is developed to facilitate communication, determine mutual goals of therapy, and share relevant health information
Who must the pharmacist notify when they have prescribed for a patient?
The original prescriber, or the persons regular family doctor
When the pharmacist notifies the doctor of their prescribing, what must the pharmacist tell them?
The prescribing details such as date, patient, drug, and quantity
The rationale behind the prescribing decision
The instructions given to the patient
Can pharmacists without APA alter a prescription (its dosage, formulation, or regimen)
Yes - All pharmacists can adapt a prescription to an extent
Without APA, when can pharmacists alter a prescription?
If the prescription dosage is not commercially available, or if the patients age, weight, or kidney/liver function necessitates a dosage adjustment
Why may a pharmacist substitute one drug with another?
Due to availability, third party payer, or formulary restrictions
Pharmacists Can pharmacists without APA adapt by substitution for a new prescription? What about a refill?
Yes they can for a new prescription, no for a refill because this is considered managing ongoing therapy
What is the most common form of pharmacists prescribing?
Renewing a prescription for continuity of care
Can a pharmacist still renew a prescription if they do not have the original prescription?
Without the original prescription, a pharmacist who renews a prescription must…
Provide the minimum drug required to give the patient time to go back to their regular pharmacy and notify that pharmacy/prescriber
In what situation can a pharmacist without APA prescribe?
In an emergency occurrence
What is the definition of an emergency as stated by the SPPPT
A circumstance where a patient urgently requires a professional service that includes a restricted activity for the purposes of preventing mortality or morbidity
Do pharmacists need to personally see the patient at the time of initial prescribing?
YES, unless the prescriber has a personal relationship with the patient
Who has a memorandum of understanding with ACP?
the Physiology Alberta College
For animal patients, can pharmacists adjust doses like they can for humans?
Can pharmacists recommend a schedule 2 or 3 product for an animal?
Can pharmacists inject to animals?