Final✅ Flashcards
Physician who specializes in anesthesia administration
Certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
Professional with specialized education and skills in the administration of general or regional anesthesia anesthetic agents and in monitoring patients during surgical and other procedures.
Circulating nurse
Nurse who manages patient care in he operating room environment and protects the patient’s safety and health needs.
General anesthetic
Agent used to induce complete loss of sensation and consciousness.
Informed consent
Legal document giving permission for surgical or diagnostic procedure signed by patient or legal guardian; before signing, the physician has explained all aspects of the procedure, including risks
Intraoperative phase
Time that starts when the patient is transferred to the operating room bed and ends with transfer to the postanesthetic area
Local anesthetic
Depresses superficial peripheral nerves and blocks conduction of pain impulses from their site of origin
Malignant hyperthermia
Severe body temp. Elevation after administration of certain anesthetics.
Moderate sedation
Sometimes referred to as procedural sedation or conscious sedation, involve the use of IV sedation administered during a surgical or diagnostic procedure to alter the patient’s conscious state, thereby allaying fear and anxiety.
Multimodal pain management
Multimodal analgesia is a pharmacologic method of pain management which combines various groups of medications for pain relief. The most commonly combined medication groups include local anaesthetics, opioids, NSAIDs, acetaminophen and alpha-2 agonists.
Paralytic ileus
Condition in which the bowel is temporarily paralyzed and distention occurs
Postanesthesia care unit (PACU)
Designated area of the hospital or ambulatory care facility where immediate postoperative is usually given.
Postoperative phase
Phase that begins with transfer to the surgical recovery area and ends with transfer to operating room.
Preoperative phase
Phase that begins with the decision to have surgery and ends with transfer to the operating room bed
Regional anesthetic
Agent used to induce loss of sensation in a selected body area