Final Flashcards
What is a defense mechanism?
Protects humans against anxiety, unpleasant situations, or provide refuge when we can’t cope
Place uncomfortable thoughts into an inaccessible area of mind
Denial of Reality
Ignore or refuse to acknowledge their poor performance
Disguise undesirable quality by emphasizing a more positive one
Relegate the blame for their shortcomings to others
The student cannot accept the real reason for their behavior
Reaction Formation
Individual develops behaviors/attitudes that are the opposite of what is desired
Student engages in daydreaming about how things should be rather than reality
Unconscious shift of emotion, affect or desire from the original object to a more acceptable, less threatening substitute (Aggression)
What are the 8 defense mechanisms
Repression Reaction Formation Rationalization Formation Denial of Reality Displacement Projection Compensation Fantasy
What are the levels of learning?
Define rote learning
ability to repeat back
Define understanding learning
How or why?
Define application learning
Ability to apply what the students understands
Define correlation learning
Ability to apply the learning to new and different situation
What are the laws of learning?
Readiness Exercise Effect Primacy Intensity Recency
Define readiness
students learn best when they are ready to learn
Define exercise
Things most often repeated are best remembered
Define primacy
How something is learned the first time is the strongest
Define intensity
A student will have a stronger learning experience if it is exciting, vivid, or dramatic
Define recency
Things most recently learned are best remembered
Define effect
Learning is strengthened when it is accompanied by a positive feeling
What are the characteristics of learning?
Learning is….
Result from experience
Active process
Weight shift formula
Weight to be moved Distance CG Moves
——————————- = —————————–
Gross weight of aircraft Distance weight moves
Weight addition or deletion formula
Wt. Changed Distance CG Moves
——————– = ——————————–
New gross Wt. Distance from CG where Wt. Changed
What are some tips in the “Instructor’s Toolbox”?
- Do not interrupt
- Do not judge
- Think before answering
- Be close enough to hear
- Watch nonverbal behavior
- Beware of biases
- Look for underlying feelings
- Concentrate
- Avoid rehearsing answers while listening
- Do not insist on the last word
Reactions to Stress
- Normal
- Heart quickens
- respond rapidly and exactly within limits
- Abnormal
- Extreme over cooperation
- Inappropriate laughter or singing
- Very rapid changes in emotions
Definition of Learning
A change in behavior as a result of experience
Theories of forgetting
- Retrieval Failure
- Interference
- Fading
- Repression or Suppression
Retention Aids
- Favorable attitudes
- Repetition
- Using all senses
- Mnemonics
- Praise
- Association
What is in 91.205?
Airspeed indicator Tachometer Oil pressure gauge Manifold pressure gauge Altimeter Temperature gauge Oil temperature gauge Fuel gauge Landing gear position indicator Anti Collison lights Magnetic compass ELT Safety belts
Fuses Landing light (for hire) Anti collision lights Position lights Source of electricity
What are the 4 essential teaching skills?
People Skills
Assessment Skills
Management Skills
Subject Matter Expertise
What are the required inspections?
VOR check (every 30 days, IFR)
100-hour (commercial use)
Altimeter & Static System (24 calendar months)
Transponder (24 calendar months)
ELT (every 12 calendar months or 1 hour or 1/2 battery life)
What are the required documents?
MEL Airworthiness Certificate Registration Radio operators license (international) Operating manual Weight and balance Garmin manual
Procedure for determining airworthiness with MEL
Have to use MEL
O can be deferred by pilots
M needs to be deferred by maintenance
if not in MEL, not airworthy
Procedure for determining airworthiness without MEL
- ) 91.205
- ) VFR Day type cert (TCDS)
- ) AD’s
- ) KOEL’s (Kind of equipment list)
100 vs Annual
100 hour is for rental/hire
Annual must be done by A&P with IA
100 hour can be done by A&P
You hit a bird, how do you handle the situation?
-Slow down to maneuvering speed
-maintain control
-assess the situation
-If the damage is significant land as soon as practicable.
-Don’t hesitate to declare an emergency, and
don’t rule out an off-airport landing
What are the characteristics of a well planned lesson?
C- content R- relation to course of training I - Instructional steps S - Scope P - Practicality F - Flexibility U - Unity
What documents to pilots need?
Pilot Cert
Government Issued ID
Ramp badge
Items for preparation of a lesson?
- Training Objectives & Standards
- Performance based objectives
- Decision based objectives
Lesson Organization Methods
- Past to Present
- Simple to Complex
- Know to Unknown
- Most Frequently Used to Least Used
Training Delivery Methods
Lecture Method
Guided Discussion Method
- Lecture Method
- What are the pros & cons
instructor delivers knowledge to a silent crowd
Pros: convienent, can cover a lot in short amount of time
Cons: hard to know learner understanding, doesn’t support certain types of learning outcomes
- Guided Discussion Method
- What are the pros & cons
the goal is to draw out the knowledge if the learner
Pros: encourages learners to listen and discuss
Cons: can take long
What are the characteristics of an effective question?
Is adapted to the learners ability Presents a challenge Is brief and concise, but clear Centers on one idea Applies to the subject
Demonstration-Performance Method
Explanation Demonstration Learner Performance Instructor Supervision Evaluation
What is the purpose of assessment?
an assessment provides critical information to both the instructor and the learner
Characteristics of an effective assessment?
Objective Flexible Acceptable Comprehensive Constructive Organized Thoughtful Specific
Types of question to avoid
Puzzle Oversize Toss-up Trick Questions Irrelevant Bewilderment
Class A airspace
18000' - FL 600 Must be IFR equipped/rated Must have ATC Clearance 2-way radio Transponder mode c DME is required above FL240 if VOR must be used to fly the route. ADSB out No cloud clearances
Class B airspace
Sfc - 10000' MSL IFR or VFR Need ATC clearance Private/student pilot 2 way radio Mode C Transponder ADSB out 3 sm viz - clear of clouds
Class C airspace
sfc - 4000 AGL IFR/VFR 2-way radio communication mode c transponder ADSB out 3 viz - 152
Class E airspace details
sfc - 18000' MSL, FL 600 - space IFR/VFR ATC clearance for IFR student certificate below 10000' MSL = 3-152 above 10000' MSL = 5-111
Class G airspace details
sfc - to up to 14,499' 1200' AGL or less day = 1 - COC 1200' AGL or less night = 3 - 152 More than 1200' AGL but less than 10000 MSL day =1-152 More than 1200' AGL but less than 10000 MSL night -3-152 10000' above = 5-111 In pattern at night = 1 - COC
Air defense identification zone (pink line, with hashes)
- airspace surrounding borders
- must have 2 way radio communication
- Transponder
- flight plan
Pilot In Command
The person who:
(1) Has final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight
(2) Has been designated as pilot in command before or during the flight
(3) and holds the appropriate category, class, and type rating, if appropriate, for the conduct of the flight
What conditions determine the takeoff and 50 foot speed for a single engine airplane?
Standard Conditions, paved runway, no wind, specified takeoff config, full power
Can your student as a Private Pilot perform preventative maintenance on an airplane?
Yes, 43.3(g)…the holder of a pilot certificate issued under part 61 may perform preventative maintenance on any aircraft owner or operated by that pilot which is not used under part 121, 29, 135.
How would you define an accident vs incident
ACCIDENT = an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage.
INCIDENT = any occurrence besides an accident
NTSB 830.2
When do you need to contact the NTSB immediately after an aircraft incident or accident?
Immediate notification for items listed in 830.5
accident = must be reported within 10 days , 7 days if aircraft is still missing
Incident - must be reported when request by NTSB office
What altitude do pilots need oxygen?
12,500 MSL must use oxygen if at the altitude for more than 30 minutes
14,000 feet (MSL) required crew members must use oxygen
15,000 feet (MSL) each occupant of the aircraft must be provided with supplemental oxygen.
How many different grades of flight instructor certificates are issued by the FAA?
What is the duration of a temporary pilot certificate?
What can be used in lieu of a flight review?
Passed a certificate granting check ride
Passed a FAA sponsored pilot proficiency program (WINGS)
Renewing Flight Instructor certificate
What are the aeronautical experience/time requirements for a private pilot?
61.109 40 hours TT 20 hours dual 10 solo hours 3 hours XC 5 hours solo XC 3 hours instrument 3 hours night
What constitutes a cross-country flight for a student pilot?
50 NM
Can I receive compensation to fly as a private pilot?
Just for search and rescue 61.113
Can a commercial pilot fly for hire under any circumstances?
Yes, as long as its not common carriage 61.133
What records do CFI need to have?
- Sign logbook for all ground and flight training
- Solo Flight Privileges = Name / Date
- Knowledge/Practical Exam = kind of test / date / results
- 3 years, you need to keep it
- 189
What do you need to teach 414?
- CFI > 24 months & 200 dual given
2. 5 applicants with 80 % pass rate & 400 dual given
What are limitations as CFI?
- cant conduct more than 8 hours of flight training in 24 hour period
- must have an appropriate category and class rating
- can’t self endorse
- can’t give instruction in aircraft that requires type rating
How do you renew your CFI?
- Retaking the practical test
- Getting an additional rating
- Having a 80% pass rate
- Serves as check pilot
- Providing graduation of flight instructor refresher course (FIRC)
- pass an official US armed forces military instructor pilot or examiner
61. 197
How to get additional aircraft ratings?
- 63
- Logbook endorsement
- Pass practical
- No/All hour requirements
- No knowledge test
Responsibilities of All Aviation Instructors
Helping learners learn Providing adequate instruction Emphasizing the positive Ensuring aviation safety Demanding appropriate standards of performance
Additional Responsibilities of Flight Instructors
Pilot proficiency
Flight instructor endorsements
Additional training and endorsements Pilot supervision Practical test recommendations Learner’s pre-solo flight thought process Evaluation of learner piloting ability See and avoid responsibility
Minimizing Learner Frustration
Keep learners informed
Criticize constructively
Give credit when due Approach learners as individuals Motivate learners Be consistent Admit errors
5 P Checklist
Plan Plane Pilot Passengers Programming
Aeronautical Decision Making
a systematic approach to the mental process used by airplane pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances
types of risk
Acceptable risk Identified risk Residual risk Total risk Unidentified risk Unacceptable risk
type of learning where you get rewarded for whatever you are doing
Cognitive Theory
changing the way the student thinks, feels, acts
using our senses, majority of learning comes from our visual sense