FINAL 1-22 Flashcards
What is collaboration?
To work jointly with others, especially in an intellectual endeavor.
What is integrity?
Integrity means doing what you know is morally right. Don’t cheat/collaborate with others.
What is revelation?
Gods self disclosure to us. That means God reveals himself and the divine plan of salvation.
Salvation history
A pattern of scientific events in human history that reveals gods presence and saving actions.
What two ways does God reveal himself?
- Words
2. Deeds
In what is revelation complete?
In Jesus Christ
What is a written and non written and non written scripture to that has been handed down to us?
Written: the bible
Non-written: oral tradition
Why are both scripture and tradition needed to understand revelation?
Without one you can’t understand the other. They reveal gods plan
Apostolic succession
The uninterrupted passing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the apostles, directly to all the bishops.
Canon of scripture
The list of the books of the bible, officially recognized as inspired and sacred writing.
Deposit of faith
The heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and tradition. It has been passed on from the time of the apostles.
The movement to restore unity among all Christian churches and ultimately of all people throughout the whole world.
Anyone who actively works to spread the gospel of Jesus. (Matthew, mark
Bible written by human beings with the guidance of the Holy Spirit
The official, authorities teaching voice of the church. (Pope and bishops)
To make holy
The process of passing on the gospel message. Hand down
A calling from God to fulfill a particular purpose or mission in life.
How does revelation give us a choice?
Revelation is a free gift and we have the choice to love God or reject him.
When did public revelation end?
It ended with Jesus, he already revealed everything we need to know.
Difference between public/private revelation:
Public: God reveals to humanity that is meant for all people and believers
Private: when God personally speaks to or moves in an individual person.
St. Thomas’s five proofs of God
- Intelligent being…..
- Contengency
- First mover…..
According to fr. Robert Barron why can’t the truths of faith and science conflict?
There’s one truth, and God is that truth
In exodus 3:14 God says “I am who I am” he is the shear act of _______ itself
Existence / being
According to fr. Barron, science can’t explain why there is something instead of __________.
According to Leon Blua, what is the only real sadness in life?
Not to be a saint
What continually stood in the way of gods plan for salvation in the OT?
Israelites and others not believing, being unfaithful, or sinning
What do we come to know in studying the life of Jesus Christ
Fullness of salvation