87-116 Flashcards
What are three understandings of what the KOG is?
- It has a particular effect on the listener-demands a response in faith.
- if the KOG is at hand, I need to do something about it.
- clearly a key component of the gospel - mentioned 112 times in the NT, 90 times by Jesus.
What is the core content of the Gospel?
The KOG demands faith, we need to do something about the KOG, and it is key because it is mentioned so many times I the NT.
Give at least one reason why didn’t the KOG Jesus preached fit Jewish expectations?
they expected the coming messiah, they were looking for the restoration of a geographical kingdom. This would include prosperity, earthly peace, justice of defeat of enemies.
Jesus’s kingdom has no boundaries, therefore there are no foreign conquerors. Who is the enemy of the KOG then?
One misconception about the KOG is that Jesus was leading a revolution against the Judaism of his time. How does this not agree with what we know about Christ in scripture?
The gospel in no way depicts Jesus as anti-ritual or anti-Jewish religion. At the last supper, Jesus and his disciples are obediently engaging in Jewish faith and Jewish ritual.
Another misconception about the KOG is that Jesus was just a nice and moral teacher. How does that not agree with what we know about Christ in scripture?
His ministry and life revolved around the ritual Jewish activity. He taught in the synagogues and temple, he celebrated great feast, and often clarified the true meaning of rituals. Though he did often come in conflict with Jewish officials.
A final misconception grows out of a desire for “inclusion.” It understands that because Jesus is divisive, the KOG is not about Jesus but God as anyone understands God. But even God is divisive so what Jesus really came to establish was an earthy kingdom of peace. How does this not agree with what we know about Christ in scripture?
Because Jesus is divisive, and because only Christians have Christ, there is a short from thinking about the kingdom brought be Christ, to a kingdom rooted in God.
Why does Jesus always and only do miracles?
Jesus always does miracles so as to hilight his teaching on the KOG, or to lead people to further understand the KOG.
In Jesus’s parables what value does Jesus put above every other value?
Accepting the Kingdom
The third Luminous Mystery reveals that the KOG is where?
The KOG is present in anyone who puts their faith in God.
In Jesus
Who is an example of an OT type of Christ?
Elijah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, etc.
When Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John start talking about baptism, with whom do they always begin the conversation?
John the Baptist
In the Gospel of John, when Jesus heals the blind man it teaches us that if we wash in the waters of baptism, what will happen?1
We can see Him more clearly
At the second Vatican council the church tried to articulate what baptism really is and what it really means. What threefold answer did they come up with?
Initiation, commissioning, dicipleship
Explain how Jesus’s baptism connects to our own.
Jesus' baptism - Points to the cross - Lamb of god - Exodus - Vicarious atonement - Freedom - our baptism
Describe poverty of heart.
It is necessary for us to be truly in communion with God, and people with poverty of heart recognize their need for God.