23-52 Flashcards
What does it mean that God’s love is an elective love?
God loves Israel and wishes to heal the human race. He loves with personal love
What two facts become clear with the Shema?
- There is only one God (monotheism)
2. God loves man and every human desires to be loved.
In what way is Gods call us love also totally agape?
Gods own agape love comes to us and we turn around and share it with others.
it affirms only monotheism: “hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one”
Declaration of jewish faith theater ee is only one God
the official, authoritative teaching of the Church based on the revelation of God.
Nicene Creed
When Catholics profess their beliefs in one God at the Eucharistic Liturgy, the formal statement “we believe in one God”
Something beyond human understanding.
What is the unique and defining trait of the christian faith?
The Trinity
Dr. Hahn - analogy - we have some//God has all// how do those attributes together, how does that label God?
As father
Why did the Muslim scholar say that God does not love as a Father. What is Allah like instead of a father?
An owner or master, we are his property.
From where/who do Arabs trace their culture?
Through Ishmael through Abraham and the Book of Genesis
Why did the Gnostics reject the resurrection?
Because of their dualistic beliefs, and bc they are already perfect they do not need the resurrection.
Didn’t believe in material things, Jesus returns in a body, bad
What is Ignatius’s answer to bringing unity to the church. how does this bring unity?
By insisting on local bishops as a focus of authority. The bishop is the “Sacrament of Unity.” This brings unity because then in some way everyone is united and solely united to the Pope.
What does 1 Peter 3:15-16 tell us we always need to be prepared to do?
to give an account of the hope in U.S.
What were Justin’s primary areas of apologetics against the pagans, Gnostics, and Jews?
- for the divinity of Christ against the Pagans
- Gnostics humanity of Christ
- Jews affirmed that there is one God
According to St. Justin, the Son is not begotten in a literal physical sense, but in what way is the Son begotten?
First of all begetting or bringing forth makes us think that there is a beginning. When something is brought forth, there was not any before. When a human is begotten, he is not taken from some pre-existent thing, but has a beginning.
Begetting of the son is when God says the first words
According to St. Justin, how is the Son also eternal?
Jesus was always in the mind of God, and was begotten and co-eternal with God.
To allow the conviction that Jesus Christ is God which three factors did Tertullian say need to be taken into account?
- God is one not many
- Jesus is the Son of God and may be worshipped
- That the Son of God is, in some sense, not identical with God the Father.
Which of the 3 Tertullian factors, which did Praxeas want to keep or throw out?
Tried to affirm monotheism: number 1
Explain how Tertullian sees God as one using one of his analogies
Tree - branches, trunk, and roots. All three parts of the tree are different yet all one substance like how God has three parts yet all are one substance.
One substance three aspects of the one substance
What unheard of sense did jesus reveal God as Father?
God is Father only because he is the creator but he is an eternal father to an eternal son
When was the council of Nicaea called?
The problem with Arius (who was causing division in the church) was beginning to spread. In 325 AD
What is an ecumenical council?
A world council - this one was attended by 220 Bishops
A religious council to decide things for the church. All the bishops of the world attend.
What is the difference between Arius’s and the Church’s beliefs?
Arius: God is Eternal, the Son and everything else is not
Church: God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is eternal, everything else is not
What song did Arius sing to convey his beliefs?
There once was a once when he wasn’t
The son
What was the most important word of the Nicene council? What does it mean?
homoosis - the son is consubstantial to the father
A promise between God and his people or a person
What unheard of sense did Jesus reveal God as father?
Revealed eternal father to an eternal son
Whatever God is and everything
What does it mean that Christians pray in the “name” of the father, son, and Holy Spirit?
Affirmation of our faith in 1 God and that God is the Trinity.