Filemaker Pro 9 (45) Flashcards
This deck created on 4-24-2014
- p 296. OTHER SUMMARY FIELD TYPES. SUMMARY FIELD dialog box: OPTIONS area: this has several choices, what are they?
a. Total of
b. Average of
c. Count of
d. Minimum
e. Maximum
f. Standard Deviation of
g. Fraction of Total
It sums (adds) NUMBER FIELDS.
- When you choose TOTAL OF, you get the option of RUNNING TOTAL. What does this option do?
Instead of INDIVIDUAL TOTALS for each group, the totals add up from group to group. So on a report of sales by State, you don’t just see the total by State but also the CUMULATIVE TOTAL.
Calculates the AVERAGE of the VAULES in a NUMBER field.
- When you choose AVERAGE OF, you get the option to use WEIGHTED AVERAGE. What does this do?
You choose WEIGHTED AVERAGE when the things you are averaging have an associated quantity.
You sell 3 laptops at 2,500 each
You sell 18 laptops at 2,200 each
You sell 1 laptop at 2,800
The SIMPLE AVERAGE is [((2,500+2,200+2,800))/3]=2,500
The WEIGHTED AVERAGE is [((2500x3)+(2200x18)+(2800x1))/22]= 2,268.18, which is the correct average.
Counts items without TOTALING THEM. Since it does NOT involve math, you can pick ANY field type, not just numbers.
FM counts each record in which that field IS NOT empty, if it is empty, it does NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE COUNT.
- When would you use COUNT OF on a field that may or may not have a value?
If you want to count just the records that are FLAGGED, count the FLAG FIELD.
- COUNT OF gives you a RUNNING COUNT option. What does it do?
It works like a RUNNIG TOTAL but has an additional option: when you turn on RUNNING COUNT, the RESTART SUMMARY FOR EACH SORTED GROUP checkbox becomes available.
- What does the RESTART SUMMARY FOR EACH SORTED GROUP checkbox do?
It keeps a running count by, say, sales totals by State,but can be set to RESTART NUMBERING based on the REGION, such as EAST REGION, WEST REGION, MIDWEST REGION, etc.