File 13-Prasal verbs Flashcards
ask for
phr v
/ɑːsk fɔː/
Did you ask for the bill?
estar fuera
be absent, be on a trip
be away
phr v
/bi əˈweɪ/
The boss will be away until the end of next week. He’s at a conference in Mexico.
have returned
be back phr v /bi bæk/ I’m just going to the shops. I’ll be back in ten minutes. you turn up the volume? I can’t hear it.
poner en TV
echar en TV
durar (una emisión, un programa, una película)
estar emitiéndose
be on
phr v
/bi ɒn/
What time will the movie be on?
No tener más
No quedar mas
be out of
phr v
/bi aʊt ɒv/
I’m sorry, we’re out of light bulbs at the moment, but we should be getting some in soon.
averiarse, romperse (máquinas)
romper a llorar, ponerse a llorar (personas)
echar abajo, derribar (puertas, paredes)
descomponer (una sustancia)
break down
phr v
/breɪk daʊn/
Hello? Is that the AA? I’m afraid I’ve broken down. I’m on the A451…
devolver la llamada
call back
phr v
/kɔːl bæk/
He’s out, I’m afraid. Could you call back in about half an hour?
hacer, realizar llevar a cabo cumplir completar informal: con respesto a comida = take away
carry out
phr v
/ˈkæri aʊt/
I asked my brother to help me carry out the repairs on my roof.
dejar la habitación (hotel)
verificar, comprobar
sacar, tomar prestado (libros de la biblioteca)
check out
phr v
/tʃek aʊt/
Check out this idea from Apartment Therapy.
close down
phr v
/kləʊz daʊn/
A lot of local shops and businesses have been forced to close down because of the recession.
date, event: occur again
come round
phr v
/kʌm raʊnd/
Why don’t you come round after class? We could watch the film together.
(literal: venirse arriba con)
come up with
phr v
/kʌm ʌp wɪð/
I’ve come up with a really good idea.
acabar, acabar en
terminar, terminar en
end up
phr v
/end ʌp/
At the end of the play, all of the audience end up in the same place.
get back
phr v
/ɡet bæk/
I’m sorry, but I’m confiscating your phone. You’ll get it back at the end of term.
escapar fugarse escabullirse hacer una escapada irse por ahí
get away
phr v
/ɡet əˈweɪ/
What time can you get away?
make a gift
give away
phr v
/ɡɪv əˈweɪ/
If you don’t want those clothes, give them away. I’m sure the charity shop would like them.
devolver algo a alguien
return: [sth] to [sb]
give back
phr v
/ɡɪv bæk/
That’s my book. Give it back.
repartir algo
distribuir algo
give out
phr v
/ɡɪv aʊt/
When I’ve finished giving out the exam papers, you can start.
darse por vencido, dejar de
abandonar, dejar
rendirse, desistir
give up
phr v
/ɡɪv ʌp/
I give up. What’s the answer?
seguir, persistir en, insistir dejar puesto (una prenda de ropa)
keep on
phr v
/kiːp ɒn/
If you keep on making such a noise I won’t read you a story.
vigilar, observar
estar pendiente de, estar atento a
cuidar, ocuparse de
look out for
phr v
/lʊk aʊt fɔː/
I’m on the look out for job vacancies but there is no work.
make up
phr v
/meɪk ʌp/
It’s not true. I just made it up.
return to previous location
move back
phr v
/muːv bæk/
Penny has no plans to move back to London. She wants to stay in the countryside.
legar, dejar en herencia
pass on
phr v
/pɑːs ɒn/
My aunt passed on all of the special family recipes to her nieces and nephews.
devolver (dinero)
pay back
phr v
/peɪ bæk/
I can only lend you the money if you promise to pay me back next month.
put away
phr v
/pʊt əˈweɪ/
Please put your toys away. They’re all over the floor.
ponerse (ropa)
put on
phr v
/pʊt ɒn/
They put on activities or meetings every night of the week.
colgar (un cuadro, una estantería)
put up
phr v
/pʊt ʌp/
I need to drill a hole in the wall to put up shelves.
escaparse de casa
run away
phr v
/rʌn əˈweɪ/
Don’t run away! I won’t hurt you.
set up
phr v
/set ʌp/
I need to set up a new Wi-fi system at home.
encender / apagar
switch on / off
phr v
/swɪtʃ ɒn / ɒf/
Can you switch on the TV? A programme I want to watch is just starting.
para llevar
take away
phr v
/teɪk əˈweɪ/
If you take some paracetamol, it’ll take the pain away.
salir con
go on a date with
take out
phr v
/teɪk aʊt/
Sorry, I can’t come tonight. I said I would take my girlfriend out for dinner.
contratar a
take on
phr v
/teɪk ɒn/
They’re going to take on ten new interns at Radio London. Why don’t we apply?
trash, rubbish: put outside
take out
phr v
/teɪk aʊt/
Please could you take out the rubbish? I did it yesterday.
deshacerse de
throw away
phr v
/θrəʊ əˈweɪ/
If that pen doesn’t work, just throw it away. I hate having pens around that don’t work.
probarse (ropa)
try on
phr v
/traɪ ɒn/
Is there somewhere I can try on this sweater?
aparecer, presentarse
turn up
phr v
/tɜːn ʌp/
He wasn’t there, so I waited for another 15 minutes and he still didn’t turn up.
subir (volumen)
turn up
phr v
/tɜːn ʌp /
Can you turn up the volume? I can’t hear it.
bajar (volumen)
turn down
phr v
/tɜːn daʊn /
Can you turn down the volume? I can’t hear it.
encender (aparatos, luces,…)
turn on
phr v
/tɜːn ɒn /
Can you turn up the TV?
apagar (aparatos, luces,…)
turn off
phr v
/tɜːn ɒf/
Can you turn up the TV?