Fieldwork (topic 6) Flashcards
Why did we choose to study Guildford?
Accessible and close (easy access in coach)
Good size (not too big)
Secondary data to refer back to?
IMD (Index of multiple deprivation) > chloropleth maps
7 domains of deprivation
Why do we sample the area?
As wards are too big so sample each area to be quicker but still get accurate representation of area.
Key question
How does quality of life differ within Parkbarn and Merrow?
Geographical theories and concepts role in investigation
Inform our question and link to primary data found
Quality of life
How happy you are (is affected by many factors).
Summary of Merrow IMD data
Ranked 32,453rd most deprived and so is in top decile of least deprived areas.
Summary of Parkbarn IMD data
Ranked 5,726th most deprived area (out of 32,844) and so is in bottom 20% (2nd decile).
Burgess model
Concentric ring model demonstrating less expensive land further from CBD.
Doesn’t consider other factors (eg colonialism and starting points).
Goes against Guildford.
Noise pollution aspect
Decibel ultra app on iPad
Measured average number of decibels heard while standing in area for 10 seconds.
:) scientific and accurate
Simple way to view representation of geographical pattern within area, spoils area atmosphere, decreasing QOL.
:( measured at off-peak times so is inaccurate overall representation,
Can hold human bias as to where measure noise
Measure for longer?
Litter pollution
Litter survey (observation)
Counted no. of litter pieces seen within area w eyes.
:) quick and simple method,
Litter indicates poorer services and QOL
:( human error could affect
Isn’t measured at peak
Windy day?
Traffic count
Traffic survey (observation)
Counting no. of vehicles going past over 5 min time period.
:) 5 min allows for traffic control methods
:( cul de sacs will inevitably have less traffic
Wasn’t at peak time
Human error
Environmental quality
Survey (observation)
Stratified sampling w each area receiving score of 5 for different aspects of environment.
:) stratified reduces human bias and provides accurate representation of whole area
:( scores could easily be biased
Public perception
Open-ended and closed questions asked of members of the public within area.
:) open-ended provides detail of area
Qualitative data
:( locals may be biased as to area
Strangers may not know area
Some may be hard to survey
Alternate methods to research QOL
Footfall count (less busy as move from CBD? Quieter and so higher QOL)
House prices (Indication as to income levels of area)
Educational attainment (shows education factor of deprivation)
Annotated photos of each area (detailed qualitative data)
Photos from areas in past (development?)
Focus groups (provide perception and stigmas )
Stratified sampling (reduction of bias for each person asked)
What does the secondary noise data indicate?
Demonstrates Merrow w higher levels of noise pollution than Parkbarn by 30 units (linking to main road through it).
Goes against other data collected in which Merrow displays better QOL, noise pollution usually indicates poorer atmosphere. However, can also indicate better transport links (main road and in commute zone), services are more accessible to them. Is representative of Merrow’s 42.9% economically active.
Corresponds w traffic count numbers (higher in Merrow).
Measured at off-peak and held bias as to where decided to measure.
What does traffic count data indicate?
Bar chart displays almost 1/3 more traffic (corresponding w noise pollution levels).
Goes against IMD data w Merrow’s better QOL as traffic decreases safety and green spaces in the area. Although, could suggest better transport links as located on main road w more car owners (higher GDP) and support Merrow’s 42.9% economically active.
By contrast, Parkbarn has limited services.
Human error could affect numbers counted. Measured at an off peak time < similarly to all other recordings taking place.