Fiction and Non-Fiction Flashcards
It refers to narrative in prose like novels, short stories and also novellas which are based on author’s imagination, though the stories may resemble reality, but it is purely circumstantial.
Fiction etymology
Latin “Fictus” = “to form”
What are the two branches of literature?
Fiction and Non-Fiction
_________ is based on fabricated stories and characters. Fictitious characters are presented in fictitious setting.
What are the 6 elements of fiction?
Point of View
POV Tess Crunch on Cheese Sandwich and Pizza
FictionElements. The people or animals who do the action in the story.
FictionElements. Where and when the story happened. Or, the main force that the character encounter (ex. flood).
FictionElements. The sequence of events in the story.
FictionElements. Defined as any struggle between two entities.
Charac vs Charac, Charac vs Nature, Charac vs Society, Charac vs Supernatural, Charac vs Self.
FictionElements. The lens that the author provides its readers to see the story in particular view.
Point of View
FictionElements. The central idea or insight about life or human behavior that the story reveals.
E.M Foster, types of characters:
a. One who has only 1 or 2 character traits (ex. bad guy)
b. One with many character traits and play important roles (ex. main character)
c. One that stays the same throughout the story
d. The character that changes as the story progress.
a. Flat Character
b. Round Character
c. Static Character
d. Dynamic Character
A short piece of writing on a particular subject. Or, an account of personal, historical, and academic events.
Creative Nonfiction AKA Essay
A literary genre that presents factual stories well told.
Creative Nonfiction
What are the 7 types of creative nonfiction?
Personal Essay - based on personal exp or single event that has meaning or lesson learned. (1st POV)
Memoir - True story about a period of one’s life, has meaning and universal truth. (1st POV)
Autobiography - Writer’s life story from birth to present.
Literary Journalistic Essay - About an issue or topic using lit devices and fig language.
Travel Writing - article about travel using lit devices.
Food Writing - writing crafts about food and cuisine.
Profiles - constructed biographies of real people.
The PePA, Father, Mother, Jorge
This genre is about a personal story in the past based on memory, it can be short like a short story.