Fiance Flashcards
Introductions What was the income in 1470's? Why was this number low? Why was restoration crucial? What are the points in essay?
Income = 27 million maravedis - Low because of civil war
Without resources to fund admin, patrange, war
= crown under threat from forign invasion + mercy of own subjects
- Ordinary
- Extraordinary
- Expenditure
Ordinary Revenue
What did this consist of?
- Alcabala: Sales tax, levied at 10%
- Servisico de Montazgo
- Customs duties
- Crown Lands
- The Royal Third
Cruzada Tax
Strengths/ Weaknesses of Ordinary Revenue
Alcabala Tax: Accounted for 90% of crowns ordinary income
AFTER 1495: Crown accepted annual fixed sum
- easier to collect + Assess (encabezamiento)
BUT: did not adjust for inflation + Clergy exempt from payments + nobles confirmed in right to collec tax for own purpouses in many regions
Servisco de Montazgo = Origianlly tax on heards of sheep owned by Mesta BUT F/I extended this to all sheep pastures // increase revenues
Crown lands = Act of Resumption 1480 - restored and sized by nobles in anarchy years after 1464
- Granada Conquest + Military Orders
BUT: War Cost - Granada royal army grew from 6,000 to 50,000 // large cost
Funded by Cruzada, sale of war prisoners
Royal Third = 1/3 of all titles collected through Castile Crown = 1494 granted indefinitely
Conclusion Ordinary Revenue
Thanks largely due to restoration of order +exploitation
–> Favourable economic conditions needed - passed 120+ measures affecting virtually every aspect of Castile Economic life
Extaordinary Revenue - where did it come from
- Taxes against the Jews = Moors in Castile
- Servisios
- Cruzada Tax
- Juros
Strengths/ Weaknesses of Extraordinary Revenue
Tax on Jews + Moors in Castile = none Catholics // do not need consent
eg. Jews paid 58 million maravedis in Granada Campaign –> while Mudejars paid less, the sale of Moorish POW to African slavers raised 56 milllion marvedis
BUT = Explusion // could not rely on them
Servicios - Cortes tax = CLERGY EXEMPT + NOBILITY
= Unofficaial tax granted by Santa Hermandad between 1480-98 when Crown didnt summon Cortes
–> So effective that Council also made responsible for the Cruzada + servisico y montazgo
= Some regard as the basis of the reformed treasury of CASTILE 1523
Juros –> After 1488: crown relied increasingly on the Loans from Grandees + local towns = // annual juros payments w. annual interest rated of 10%
Interest payments = 131 million maravedis 1516
EXPENDATURE - what things
- Court
- War
- Marraige Doweries
How much Court expenditure start + end
1480= 8 million maravedis 1504 = 35 million maravedis
How much Marriage Doweries
Catherine of Aragon –> Arthur
60 million maravedis
Patronage - how much
12 million maravedis between 1483 + 1504
Had to bribe the nobility for support in early years
Military Costs within Peninsula after 1492
However what could reduce this?
500 million maravedis 1495 + 1504
Ambassador costs - 1495 + 1504 = 75 million maravedis