Feudalism Flashcards
Upper-class nobility
Feudal aid
Rights benefiting both lord and vassals. Vassals gave money at the marriage of the lord’s eldest daughter
A system of cooperation among peoples which was basically an exchange of land for protection
The land granted to the vassal
A ceremony which bound the vassal’s physical protection for the lord of the manor
The vassal gives his allegiance and is given his rights to control the land but not have ownership of it
Able-bodied men who are hired by the vassal for the protection of the lord
Standing army
A group of soldiers ready to do battle
Breaking down an already-smaller portion of land in exchange for services and protection
A call to appear in court
A man who would give protection to the lord in exchange for land
When did feudalism start?
Around 700 A.D.
The strongest point of feudalism was from?
The tent century through the thirteenth centuries
Feudalism ended in?
The 15th century
Where did feudalism start?
Northern Europe
Feudalism spread throughout Europe but was strongest in?
The Middle Ages brought about?
The rise of a governmental system known as feudalism
Feudalism was a highly _____ system of authority
Feudalism was most successful in meeting the needs of?
Medieval period nobles
Primary political authority rested in?
Dukedoms and baronies and established a political system which has never been conceived before
What set a new course in styles of government?
Discipline, order, and a different type of currency
Feudalism was a type of government in which no?
Coin currency would have to change hands
An ___ would give ____ land in an agreement
Aristocrat, vassals
An ____ ceremony followed the homage
A vassal was given the rights to?
Control the fief but not have ownership of it
Anyone who lived in his fief would?
Pay the vassal taxes and be subject to court held by vassal if they break any rules; this could continue through family lines even after death of vassal
If the lord was captured in battle?
The vassals were bound to provide ransom money for his release
Lord must not ____ his vassals
Knights had a ____ history throughout the feudalism period
They grew to form an association of knighthood called?
Orders; these knights vowed loyalty to king and vassal for whom they fought
Knights formed ____ organizations to defend lord’s land and property
Knights also took ___ vows to live as a ___
Religious, monk
When a boy turned 7 he could become?
A page
As a page, a boy would?
Join the household of a knight or a nobleman in his particular region
A young page would receive training on?
Weaponry, etiquette, and the morals of knighthood
As a squire?
He would personally serve the knight and undergo more intense training, becoming a ounted soldier who assisted knight in battle
A boy becomes a squire in?
Mid teens
The ceremony for knighthood would come from?
Another knight; he would dress squire in armor and dub him with a sword
Squire training would continue for?
5 years until he was eligible for knighthood
Knights were known for?
Intense loyalty for their lords and severe justice for the ungodly
The court system in feudalism is still seen today?
Today we still carry idea of one presiding authority- a judge- and peers- jury
A vassal would answer a summons or?
Lose his fief
If vassals had disputes among one another?
The differences were brought to the lord’s court