Fetal development L5 Flashcards
How long is the first trimester?
Weeks 1-13
What 4 things happens= during week 1-8?
- Fertilization to the end of the 3rd month
- By second week – germ layers form
- Ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
(gastrulation) - At one month – size is only 7mm
- Considered fetus after 8th week
What 6 things happen during weeks 9-13
- Movement occurs around 9th week
- Heart and brain have formed
- Heart beat by 10th week
- Limb buds with fingers and toes present
- Placenta and umbilical cord develop
- Sucking reflex
What is the placenta?
- Temporary organ that connects developing
fetus to uterine wall - nutrient uptake, waste
elimination, and gas exchange via mother’s
blood supply - Connects to fetus via umbilical cord
What blood vessels make up the umbilical cord?
- Contains one vein and two arteries
- Vein carries nutrients and oxygen rich blood to fetus
- two arteries return blood containing waste
from fetus back to placenta - to mom
How long is the second trimester?
Weeks 14-27
What 3 things happen during week 17?
By 17 weeks:
* Sucking and swallowing reflexes
* Sex is identifiable
* Skin is bright pink, transparent and covered with soft, downy hair
What 3 things happen during week 21?
By 21 weeks:
* Mother begins to feel fetal movement
* Internal organs are maturing
* Eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes appear
What 3 things happen during week 25?
By 25 weeks:
* Eyes open occasionally for short periods of time
* Skin is covered with protective coating called vernix
* Fetus is able to hiccup
How long is the third trimester?
Weeks 28-40
What 3 things happen during the third trimester?
- Rapid growth
-fetus is 350 mm – 530 mm long - Body mass increases from 0.68 kg to 3.4 kg
- Organs are maturing
What 4 things happen during week 28?
- If born at this time - considered premature
- Taste buds have developed
- Fat layers are forming
- Skin is still wrinkled and red
What 6 things happen during week 32?
- By end of 8 months:
- Tremendous brain growth
- Most body organs fully developed -
except lungs - Strong movements visible
- Kidneys are mature
- Skin is less wrinkled
- Fingernails now extend beyond fingertips
What 5 things happen during week 36?
- By end of 9 months:
- Respiratory System last to develop
- Digestive System is 2nd last to develop
- Baby now fully developed and can survive
outside the mother’s body - Skin is pink and smooth
- Baby settles down lower in abdomen in
preparation for birth - less active
What 5 things happen during parturition (birth)?
- Uterine contractions signal beginning
of labor - Cervix thins and begins to dilate
(max. 10 cm) - Labor starts when contractions occur every 10-15 min
- Amniotic membrane is forced into birth canal - often bursts during or before delivery (acts as lubrication)
- Contractions start moving baby through birth canal
What are 3 birth hormones?
- Relaxin
- Oxytocin
- Prostaglandins
What does relaxin do during birth and where does it come from?
Produced by placenta causes
* ligaments in pelvis to loosen - dilates cervix
What does oxytocin do during birth and where does it come from?
Hormone from posterior pituitary
* positive feedback loop enhances strength of contractions
* Synthetic oxytocin is sometimes given to start labour
What does prostaglandins do during birth and where does it come from?
Released on-site; trigger more contractions
What does prolactin do?
Stimulates milk production
What does oxytocin do in regards to lactation?
Stimulates milk release from breasts - POSITIVE FEEDBACK